Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


We are coming down to the wire . . . there are three more Sundays left in this Church Year before we step through the threshold of a new year, in which we tell the faith stories of Scripture all over again, from a different perspective. And the mood of our lessons changes with the year's approaching end. For the past few months, our lessons have focused on the importance of following Jesus' lessons as we grow in our discipleship. Now, the lessons point to the end times, looking toward that time when Jesus will usher in the Kingdom of God in its fullness. And this week, our worship theme deals with being prepared, keeping our relationship with God fresh, alive, and "filled".


Tomorrow night (Wednesday, 11/5), we gather again in the chapel for our contemplative worship time Escape the Noise. This 30 minute time in the chapel is set aside for silent prayer and the renewal of our relationship with God. It begins at 6:45 p.m., and includes the reading of Scripture at the beginning, and a spoken prayer at the conclusion. You are welcome to come and go as your schedule permits.


Saturday, November 8, the annual German Fest Dinner will be held at Faith Lutheran Church as a fundraiser for one of our mission partners, Jeremiah's Letter. The meal will be served from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Tickets are available from Ron Iverson and Jack Whitaker, and we also have a few available in the church office. Cost is $8 for adults ($9 at the door), and $4 for children.


Sunday, 11:45 a.m., the Youth will gather at the church for a lunch meeting, and parents are invited. This is a rebuilding and restructuring year for our Youth Ministry Program, and our Youth Ministries Director, Celeste Hoerner, is seeking input from youth and parents for this new year. We are ordering lunch from Milanos. Parents: help us out by making sure your youth can be with us after worship!


It's a nice day for an election. May God bless the poll workers with strength and wisdom! But as our nation moves through the next days, weeks, and months, regardless of who is elected, I ask you to pray for the healing of our nation, and for forgiveness for all those of any party affiliation who used half-truths and lies to spread fear in the American public just to get someone elected. May God silence the merchants of fear today! And may our nation learn to trust and follow God, who is the source of life, and hope, and peace - the one who continually tells us, "FEAR NOT!"


May the God of peace breathe hope and new life in you this week, and may we be led to gather together in worship this weekend to lift our voices in praise to the God who is in charge, and who makes all things new!


In Christ's peace,



Friday, October 17, 2008

A Message from Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


This weekend, our worship theme is very timely, as the Gospel lesson is Christ's discussion with the Pharisees about paying taxes to Caesar and giving to God what belongs to God. In uncertain times such as what we are experiencing, it is vital for us to remember that while presidents come and go, while the stock market rises and falls, it is God who has remained constant and faithful throughout time, and it is God's Church that is called to proclaim God's voice of hope and sensibility when humanity starts grasping at straws for answers. So, remember to cling to God, not Wall Street, for hope and security. And, help one another hold on by gathering together in worship this weekend, for we are here, not for ourselves, but to help one another!


On another practical level, if you think these times are difficult, I encourage you to seek out a family member or church friend who lived through the Great Depression – they are models of "God will see us through this"!


This Sunday, 5:00 p.m., the confirmation cluster will gather at Wittenberg University to study the second table of the Law (commandments 4-10) – how God wants us to relate to one another in community.


Monday, 10/20, 7:00 p.m., the congregation council gathers for its monthly meeting, in the parish house meeting room (aka, the blue room or the Penn State Room).


Tuesday, 10/21, 6:00 p.m., the Lutheran Course will begin at St. Paul Lutheran Church (Wayne Ave.) with dinner. Activities for children and youth, and the class for adults will commence at 6:45 p.m., and will conclude at 7:45 p.m. This 7-session (3rd Tuesday each month) class is designed to help us connect with our Lutheran roots, and to help us claim our identity as God's people (Lutheran Christians) called to a life of service to others. I hope you can be a part of this monthly event.


Wednesday, 10/22, 11:00 a.m., we will gather in our sanctuary for a memorial service for Alan Crandall, with light refreshments afterwards. The family will receive friends on Tuesday, 10/21, 6-8 p.m. at Schlientz and Moore Funeral Home (Centerville).


A special word of thanks and recognition – this past Wednesday, I attended the official "seating" service at Trinity Seminary, Columbus, for the newly created Haman-Pfahler Chair in Christian Communications. The Rev. Henry Langknecht, Ph.D., is the newly-installed professor. Our own Bob and Carolyn (Pfahler) Haman were the people whose generosity established this chair. The Body of Christ, the Church, has been greatly enhanced by the Hamans' generosity and faithfulness to the Gospel, and it was an honor to attend this event with Bob and Carolyn!


May the Holy Spirit breathe excitement and new life into you this day!


In Christ's peace,


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

LCOS News From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


Tonight, we offer a new mid-week worship time designed to provide time for prayer, reflection, and spiritual renewal. "Escape the Noise" is an opportunity to put aside the deafening noise of work, school, home expectations and obligations, and listen to the voice of God. Held in the chapel, this weekly time is offered from 6:45 – 7:15 p.m., and will begin with a reading from Scripture and conclude with a spoken prayer; everything in between is time for you to use in silence for renewal and prayer.


This weekend, the Holy Terrors head out to the Brookville KOA campground for a weekend of camping, hiking, fishing, mini-golf, and a chili dinner/hayride. Those camping can begin arriving at the campground Friday afternoon or join us on Saturday. The chili supper/hayride is open to the congregation, and begins at 5:00 p.m. Cost for non-campers is $5/person. I will lead worship on Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. at the campground, and those not camping are welcome to come up for worship. Visiting pastors will lead worship at LCOS on Saturday evening and Sunday morning.


Our worship theme for this weekend – at church and at the campground – is an invitation from God in a parable that is not part of a typical Sunday School curriculum, as it is anything but politically correct! There is plenty of good news in this story that Jesus tells, but for those who are seeking the easy way, seeking to be a follower of Jesus without participation in Christ's ministry, this story is unsettling at best and is a call to wake up.


The Lutheran Course

On Tuesday, October 21, we will launch a joint 7 session study with St. Paul Lutheran Church, on Wayne Ave. Held on the 3rd Tuesday over the next 8 months (we won't meet in December), these fellowship/study opportunities will begin at 6:00 p.m. with dinner, followed by an hour study for adults and learning activities for children and youth at 6:45 p.m. The first meeting this month will be at St. Paul. I hope you will carve out some time each month for this study, which is designed to help us understand and embrace what it means to be a Lutheran Christian called to a life of service in Jesus Christ.


Make worship of Jesus Christ a priority this weekend. Join your sisters and brothers in the faith in worship!


In Christ's peace,


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Escape the Noise - New Midweek Worship Opportunity

On Wednesday, October 8, we will launch a new midweek contemplative
worship opportunity for those who wish to recharge their faith, taking
time away from all the "noise" we deal with every day for prayer and
reflection. Offered from 6:45 PM - 7:15 PM in the chapel, this
worship time will feature the reading of scripture, silence for
reflection, prayer, and renewal, and a concluding prayer. The chapel
will be lit by candle light, and there will be votive candles for
participants to light. You may come and go as you wish, and may also
remain in the chapel afterward.

Sanctuary Banners

Thanks to our pastor, Gary Eichhorn, and his wife for designing,
creating, and installing the banners that have been hanging in the
sanctuary this fall. They certainly have helped create a festive

Friday, September 05, 2008

Prayer Vigil

The chapel has been decorated for the 24-hour prayer vigil that begins
at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. There are more details posted below.
Everyone is welcome to come to the vigil at any time. (The sign-up
chart was just used to make sure that all time slots are covered.)

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Taize Prayer Service During 24-Hour Prayer Vigil

As mentioned below, we will be holding a Taize Prayer Service during the 24-hour prayer vigil this weekend. The Taize Prayer Service will be held from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 6, in the chapel. The music will be accompanied by guitar, flute, and keyboard. Music will be interspersed with readings, prayers, and times of silence. Everybody is invited, and visitors are welcome. Please come - the more people we have, the more beautiful the music will be.

A New Year Kicks Off--It's Harvest Time!

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

IT’S HERE!! This weekend, we celebrate our Harvest Festival, and I hope you will be able to join in the activities:

9:00 a.m. Prayer Vigil begins in the Chapel
10:00 a.m. Craft Bazaar begins (concludes at 4:00 p.m.)
7:30 p.m. Taize Prayer Service in Chapel (led by Chancel Choir)
9:00 p.m. Campfire and prayers in the Memorial Prayer Labyrinth, and Campout on the church grounds. Those gathering to camp out at the church can help set up tables and chairs in the Fellowship Hall for Sunday’s lunch.

9:00 a.m. Prayer Vigil concludes. Light, continental breakfast in the Fellowship Hall, hosted by Christian Education
9:30 a.m. RALLY DAY activities begin in Fellowship Hall, with special guest Ron Remy, ventriloquist
10:30 a.m. WORSHIP IN SANCTUARY, with collection of “Harvest” (with Chancel Choir)
11:45 a.m. Covered-dish lunch in Fellowship Hall (meat and drinks provided)

A Time to Grow
Our congregation has worked faithfully and with great zeal this summer in growing the $50 blessing we received on June 1. While the amount we collect this Sunday is important, especially for the 4 recipients (Jeremiah’s Letter, Christ Lutheran Church, Nuestos Pequenos Hermanos orphanage in the Domincan Republic, and Emmyline Nizeyimana in South Africa), what I am most excited about is what has happened within our congregation this summer. The Holy Spirit has been very active in your lives, and you have responded with joy and hard work. Thank you for your commitment to God and to this community of faith! See you this weekend.

8:15 Sunday Worship
Our early Sunday worship service will resume on Sunday, September 21, 8:15 a.m. in the sanctuary.

In Christ’s peace,

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Chancel Choir Get-Together

The Chancel Choir will have a preseason get-together on Thursday, August 21 at the Whitakers. Directions are available on the bulletin board in the cloister hallway and in the choir room. We will gather at 6:00 p.m. Please bring a covered dish - meat and beverages will be provided.

New members are always welcome!

Regular rehearsals will begin on thursday, August 28, 7:00 p.m. at church.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Message From Our Pastor: "Time to Grow" Harvest Celebration and Other Matters

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

You can feel the groundswell of excitement growing in this place! We are just three weeks out from our “Time To Grow” Harvest Celebration, and people are talking about how they are growing their $50 blessing, and looking forward to learning how much we will be able to give away! Last Sunday’s Music Missionary Brunch for John Buechele raised over $700, with more donations coming in, and some sent directly to Youth Encounter. Also, Vacation Bible School was a tremendously uplifting experience as people from St. Paul’s and LCOS worked together to creatively proclaim the love of God in Jesus. I am so very proud to serve as your pastor and to tell others of the wonderful people in our congregation!

This weekend, our lessons lift up God’s love of all people, and call us as a community of faith to work diligently to ensure that everyone is welcome in our midst. At the 9:45 a.m. Sunday service, the Youth will present their experiences from their mission trip to the Dominican Republic. And during the celebration of Holy Communion, we will offer prayers and anointing for healing.

John heads to Minneapolis this Sunday morning for his commissioning and training with Youth Encounter before he is sent out into the world for his year-long music missionary work. He learned yesterday that he will be serving on the west coast of the U.S., but will keep us informed of his work and journeys.

HARVEST CELEBRATION – Saturday, September 6 – Sunday, September 7
9:00 a.m. – 24-Hour Prayer Vigil begins in the Parish House Chapel
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Craft Bazaar at the church – the community is invited to help support our “Time To Grow” ministries
7:00 p.m. – Campfire and “Campout” at the church for anyone wishing to participate
7:30-8:30 p.m. - Taize Prayers in the Chapel, as part of the Prayer Vigil, lead by Ginger Minneman. Everybody invited.
9:00 a.m. – 24-Hour Prayer Vigil concludes
9:15 a.m. – Sunday Church School “Rally Day” Activities
10:30 a.m. – Worship
11:45 a.m. – Celebration Luncheon

May the Holy Spirit bless your ministry this week! See you in worship.

In Christ’s peace,

Thursday, August 07, 2008

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

This weekend, our worship theme is centered around silence and trust, as our Old Testament lesson is the account of Elijah experiencing the Lord in the "still, small voice", and the Gospel tells of Peter walking on the water after Jesus calms the storm. Silence seems to be in such short supply in our daily lives, which is why it is so important to carve out times each day to spend with God in prayer and study of Scripture.

After worship this Sunday, we will hold our Music Missionary Brunch, with is a fundraiser for our own John Buechele, as he prepares to embark on his new calling to spend the next year sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ through music with Youth Encounter. John will be on hand with a fellow musician to share some of the music they will be playing throughout the country, and I hope you can be on hand to wish him well. If you cannot attend the brunch, which is also a Thrivent Financial for Lutherans "matching funds event", I invite you to make a donation to his ministry – make the check out to Lutheran Church of Our Savior, and mark it "John Buechele". It will be sent to Youth Encounter and credited to John's missionary account.

Next Sunday, August 17, members of the Youth Group will present the message in multi-media form, as they share their experiences from their Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic. I hope you will be on hand hear/see their "missionary" activities with the children of the Noestros equenos Hermanos orphanage.

Time To Grow Activities
+ "Growing Our Suds" Car Wash – Saturday, August 9, 1 – 4 p.m. in the church parking lot. All donations of any size are welcome. This event is sponsored by Tristin Smith and Alexa Coon, two of our youth.
+ "Piano and Organ Benefit Concert" – Sunday, August 24, Lutheran Church of Our Savior sanctuary. $10.00 suggested donation. This event is presented by Rachel Spry Lammi and Wilma Meckstroth.
+ "Harvest Celebration Weekend" – September 6/7
24-hour prayer vigil
Holy Terrors campout on the church grounds
SCS Rally Day activities, Sunday, 9:00 a.m.
ONE weekend worship service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
Celebration Luncheon after worship, 11:45 a.m.

Please Keep In Prayer
- Family of Caryl Rader, upon his death this past Wednesday
- Kurt Lammi, as he preaches for a call committee in his journey through the ELCA call process
- the congregation of St. John Lutheran Church, Dayton, upon the tragic death of their organist, David Weingartner

I look forward to gathering with you in worship this weekend to lift our praises to the God who makes all things new!

In Christ s peace,

Friday, August 01, 2008

Taize at the Prayer Vigil

As mentioned in a post below, LCOS will be holding a 24-hour prayer vigil as part of the "Harvest Weekend." The prayer vigil will be held from 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 6 through 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 7. Individuals and groups will be encouraged to sign up to cover one-hour time slots, so that we can make sure that all the slots are filled. (Multiple people can come at any time.)

During the hour from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Saturday evening, you are invited to participate in the singing of Taize music, along with readings and prayers. This hour will be lead by our Director of Music, Ginger Minneman. Musicians are currently being lined up, and will include flute, guitar, and piano. Afterward, the group may go out to eat - we'll plan that in a little while when we know better how many people may be attending. Please join us. As always, visitors are welcome!

Bell Choir

Bell Choir rehearsals will resume on Sunday, August 10, after the 10:30 a.m. service.

Chancel Choir

It's only the first of August, but it's time to start thinking about starting back up for the fall. The Chancel Choir will have it's annual kick-off party on Thursday, August 21. I'll post more soon regarding the time and place. Our first regular rehearsal at the church will be on August 28.

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

and scarcity – we live with those images on a daily basis, and they are images that are lifted up in our appointed lessons for worship this weekend. At the communion table, we are fed with the endless abundance of the Bread of Life, and we are called to give away ourselves as bread for the hungry.

That's right – Monday to Friday, August 4-8, 5:30 – 8:15 p.m. Our facility will be transformed into a "rainforest" as children, youth, and adults come together to learn that as God's people, we are called to Share, Give, Grow, Love, and Praise. Stewardship for all of God's creation is an important theme of this year's VBS, and on Wednesday, the children will be planting a tree on the church grounds. Don't forget to sign up for the Adult Class – "What Does It Mean To Be A Lutheran?" – taught by Pastor Bob Miller and myself. Where else could you drop real eggs off the sanctuary balcony?

  • Potted plants and greenery (live or fake)
  • Bean bags (for games – to throw)
  • Be sure to mark your names on the items you loan VBS
Following worship on Sunday, August 10, we will hold a special "missionary brunch" in the fellowship hall to raise money for John Buechele, as he prepares to embark on a year-long music ministry "gig". John has accepted a call to play guitar with "Captive Free", the musical group from Youth Encounter (youth ministry organization) that brings the good news of God in Jesus to youth all across the country. Like most missionaries, John has to raise funds for his living/travel expenses ($10,000), and we are one of many congregations in the Southern Ohio Synod which are raising funds for John. Plan to join us on August 10; John will be on hand, and hopes to have with him so me fellow musicians who will share their gifts with us during the brunch. This event is a Thrivent Financial for Lutherans "matching funds" event.

In just over a month, we will be gathering the harvest of our "Time To Grow" ministry project, and it is fun to experience the excitement among those of you who are participating. Suzanne Bruns reported Sunday that she has baked 34 pecan pies so far – and she's still going! Rising eighth grade student Tristin Smith is hitting the pavement in the community, selling lemonade, icee-pops, and washing cars – and her $50 blessing is growing like Spanish Moss! And on Saturday, August 9, Tristin and Alexa Coon are holding a car wash at the church (1-4 p.m.) to grow their blessing.

And there's news about our Harvest Celebration, which will be held on Saturday and Sunday, September 9-10:
  • 24-hour prayer vigil in the chapel from 9 a.m. Saturday – 9 a.m. Sunday
  • Sign up on the poster in the narthex for a 30 minute slot and pray that God bless our harvest and those who will receive it
  • Holy Terrors overnight camp out at the church
  • Rally Day festivities with guest entertainer, at 9:15 a.m.
  • ONE weekend worship service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 7
  • "Harvest Celebration" luncheon following worship in the fellowship hall
Be bold this week, and share with someone else how God has helped you get to where you are today! See you in worship this weekend.
In Christ's peace,

Friday, June 27, 2008

News From Our Pastor

This Sunday, June 29, is the minor festival of St. Peter and St. Paul, and our lessons lift up the ministries of both of these giants in the Christian Church. While the times have certainly changed over the years, many of the challenges these two apostles faced are those which confront us today. We praise God for their legacies of faith that have left the Church.
VBS Update
This year, our congregation is sharing VB materials and decorations with First Lutheran Church in Xenia. You are invited to help create the VBS backdrop and props – details below:
This Saturday, June 28, 10:00 a.m. at First Lutheran Church, in Xenia.
RSVP to Rachel Spry at the church if you are interested in helping. Carpooling is possible.
Remember, you can still register for VBS by completing a form (at the church), or by going to http://www.oursaviordayton.org/ and clicking on the VBS link.

Keep in Your Prayers
- Youth who attend Confirmation Camp with me next week (Sunday after worship throughout noon on July 4th) at Lutheran Memorial Camp, north of Columbus
- Youth and adults departing for their mission trip to the Dominican Republic, Monday, July 7, and returning on Saturday, July 12
Patterson House Tour
Lutheran Church of Our Savior is participating in Oakwood's summer-long "Centennial Celebration" by opening up the Frederick Patterson House (our parish house) for people to tour on Saturday, July 12, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. If you would like to take a 30 or 60 minute shift to share information about the house with visitors, please respond to this email. The tours will be self-led, and LCOS volunteers will be located throughout the building to answer questions. You will be provided with a history of the house before July 12. The Evangelism Team is also hosting an ice-cream social on the church grounds for our guests that same day.
May God push us all out of our "comfort zones" this week and move us to boldly share the good news of Jesus with someone else!
In Christ's peace,

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Music for Music Sunday

The music that you will hear this Sunday if you come for the 9:45 a.m. service:
  • Prelude - All Glory Be to God on High,  J.S. Bach
  • Entrance Hymn - When in Our Music God is Glorified,  ELW 851
  • Hymn of Praise - Chancel Choir - Great and Glorious, Franz Joseph Hayden
  • Joyful Noise Choir with Chelsie Cooper, Soprano - Harmony
  • Music at the Offering - Chancel Choir - Praise His Holy Name, Keith Hampton
  • Hymn of the Day - Praise and Thanksgiving, ELW 689
  • Music During Communion - Handbell Choir - Righteous Man of Galilee
  • Music During Communion - Chancel Choir - Christus factus est, Anton Bruckner (in Latin); How Blest Are They, Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky
  • Closing Prayer - Chancel Choir - Crossing the Bar, Alfred, Lord Tennyson/Gwyneth Walker
  • Sending Hymn - Let Us Talents Employ, ELW 674
  • Postlude - All Creatures of Our God and King, arranged by Michele Murray, in the style of Hayden on piano.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bell Choir Rehearsal on Sunday, June 1

As discussed last week, the Bell Choir will rehearse at 8:40 on this coming Sunday.

Only One Service This Weekend

This weekend begins our summer schedule. There will be only on service on Sunday, beginning at 9:45 a.m. In order to bring the entire congregation together to kick off the summer, this will be the only service this weekend--there is no Saturday evening service this week only.

Two major events will take place at the 9:45 a.m. service. First, it is "Music Sunday," and the choirs will be taking part to cap off the 2007-2008 choir season. Second, we will be kicking off a new program that is being kept as a surprise. See the church web site for the details that are being revealed at this point.

Friday, May 09, 2008

No Bell Choir Rehearsal This Sunday

Two of our Bell Choir members are being confirmed this Sunday. Because of the reception for them after the service, the Bell Choir will not rehearse. Rehearsals will resume on Sunday, May 18. We will play at the 9:45 a.m. (summer schedule) service on June 1.

Congratulations Alexandra and Kristin!

A Message From Our Pastor: Pentecost, Food Pantry, and Other Matters

Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord,
This weekend, we celebrate the third great festival in the church year: The Festival of Pentecost – commemorating the gift of the Holy Spirit breathed upon, and into, the world. It is the Holy Spirit who reminds us of all that Jesus taught and did in his earthly ministry, and who empowers us with gifts to faithfully participate in our calling to be disciples of Jesus. Wear your RED in worship this weekend in honor of our Pentecost Celebration!!
Saturday, 5:30 p.m.
The Sonshine Children's Choir will be with us to help lead us in our singing and praise of God.
Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
We will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Baptism for Sophia Haley Gardner, daughter of Bill and Kelly Gardner, and granddaughter of Helen and John Gardner.
We will also celebrate the Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation) of our four confirmands:
Alexandra Coon, Daniel Ehler, Gabrielle Kronbergs, and Tristin Smith
These two services are being creatively combined into one celebration, with a special post-worship reception held in our confirmands' honor in the Parish House "Blue Room".
The Joyful Noise Children's Choir will also help us celebrate the day with special music in worship.
Youth Brunch Update
Thanks to the generosity of all who attended after worship last week, the youth cleared over $700.00 toward their summer mission trip to the Dominican Republic. The Youth still have Fair Trade products from throughout the world that will be available for purchase this weekend. Check out the table in the narthex.
Food Pantry Donations
Remember to bring your food donations to worship this weekend for the Food Pantry. Let's do our part to restock those empty shelves and provide food for those who are hungry!
LOOKING AHEAD . . . . . . .
"Music Sunday" and "A Time to Receive"
On Sunday, June 1, we will hold one worship service for the weekend, at 9:45 a.m. We will celebrate the many and varied gifts with which God blesses us, especially through the gift of music. This will also be a time for us to reflect upon how God wants us to grow and share the blessings we receive, and everyone present will receive a special tangible gift to "grow for the Lord" (not a plant!). Mark your calendars now, and do not miss this exciting worship opportunity!
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." (Ephesians 6:10-11) And what better way to arm yourselves than to gather in worship this weekend!
In Christ's peace,

Thursday, May 01, 2008

News from Our Pastor: Ascension, Spiritual Journey, and Other Matters

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
The Holy Terrors gathered in the Fellowship Hall last Saturday evening after worship for a raucous night of fun, food, and fellowship. It was "Game Night", hosted by the Auditore and Stowe families, and it was thrilling to see everyone in the large crowd enjoying themselves in such simple, but creative, ways!
This weekend in worship, we will celebrate the 2nd major festival in the church year, The Ascension of Our Lord. Our lessons remind us that even though the Risen Christ has been lifted into heaven, we find his presence among us as we proclaim the Word and share the Easter feast.
Spiritual Journey
We will gather at the church this Friday, May 2, 10:00 p.m. This is a great way to explore ways to deepen your relationship with God.
Eagle Project Donations Surpass Goal!
Way to go! Thanks to your generosity, we raised more than the $500 goal for Tyler Maschino's Eagle Project. This Saturday, May 3, Tyler will lead volunteers from his Scout troop and the congregation in building the shed that will house the plastic chairs used in our outdoor worship on Saturdays. If you are interested in helping, or just want to see how things are progressing, stop by the church this Saturday.
Mother's Day Brunch
The Youth will host their annual "Mother's Day Brunch" this Sunday, May 4, 11:45 a.m. in the fellowship hall. This event is a great way to celebrate God's gift of mothers to the family, as well as raise funds for the mission trip to the Dominican Republic. The Youth will also have "Fair Trade" items available for purchase. Make plans to be here this Sunday!
Confirmation Picnic
Sunday afternoon, the Dayton Confirmation cluster will hold it final event, a wrap-up picnic at St. John's Lutheran Church, in Ingomar (West Alexandria) on Enterprise Road. Staff from Lutheran Memorial Camp will be on hand to help lead the event. Families are invited to participate in the day as well. The event will run from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
That Day In May Parade
The Holy Terrors invite the congregation to join them in representing Lutheran Church of Our Savior in the 2008 That Day In May Parade, held on Saturday, May 17. Walkers and riders are welcome. Meet at the church garage at 10:45 a.m. or at the staging area on Far Hills between Peach Orchard and Dorothy Lane at 11:30 a.m. That's right – this year the parade is going down Far Hills Ave. as part of Oakwood's Centennial Celebration. Release forms for minors are available in the narthex. Please RSVP to Rachel Spry at the church by May 15.
Yesterday, when volunteers from LCOS delivered to the New Hope Food Pantry the 677 food items that you had donated over the last several weeks, they found the shelves virtually bare. I am hearing similar stories from colleagues about other pantries throughout the Miami Valley. Many people in Dayton are desperately hungry. When you do your grocery shopping, please remember to toss a few extra items into your grocery cart and bring them to the church. Also, the New Hope Food Pantry was just relocated to a new space in New Hope Lutheran Church, and a request is being made for donations of "pull-behind" rolling grocery carts. If you wish to donate one, bring it to the church, and we will include it in our next food delivery. Thank you!!
May God bless you this weekend with the joy of being with others in worship!
In Christ's peace,

Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
This weekend in worship, our lessons assure us that we are not abandoned in life by God; the Holy Spirit comes to us each day, reminding us of the endless blessings we have already received from God. At Saturday night worship, the Sonshine Children's Choir will help lead us in worship, as they present special music.
Rebuilding Together – Dayton
From 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., youth and parents in the Dayton Confirmation Cluster will join Lutherans from throughout the Miami Valley in rehabbing a home as part of the Rebuilding Together project. The house captain is Doug Hammer. Anyone under 18 will need to have parental signatures on waiver forms, which can be obtained at the church office, or at the house sight. Call the church office for more details.
Remember in Prayer
Some of you will remember Helen Dooley as a member-disciple before moving to Florida. Helen died last Saturday, and she was Vicki Willis' mother. Please keep Vicki and her family in your prayers.
Fairmont High School's a cappella group "Eleventh Hour" (they sang at our "Peace Pole" celebration last fall) received the 2008 Contemporary A Cappella Recording Award for best high school recorded CD with its 2007 release "How Sweet It Is". Our own Chelsie Cooper is a member of this talented group of youth. The group also won the best high school song award with "When Will I Be Loved" from the same CD. Way to go, Chelsie!
And, congratulations to Kira Fenstermacher – she is a member of the Oakwood High School Academic Decathlon team, which recently placed third overall in the state at the Ohio Academic Decathlon State Finals. Individually, Kira also received high scores in the areas of speech, language and literature, music, essay, and super quiz. The team will represent Ohio in the United States Academic Decathlon Virtual Nationals next month. Way to go, Kira!
Eagle Project
To date, $170.00 has been donated toward Tyler Maschino's Eagle project, which is to build a locking storage structure at the back end of the chapel. This unit will store chairs used for Saturday outdoor worship, and garden supplies/tools. The projected goal is $500.00. To those who donated last week, THANK YOU. To those who wish to help, bring your donation this weekend, and let's help Tyler reach his goal!
Mother's Day Brunch
Circle May 4 on your calendar, and plan to attend the annual Mother's Day brunch hosted by the Youth Group, 11:45 a.m. in the fellowship hall. This is a fundraising event for the Youth Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic.
May you enjoy discovering and using the blessings God has already given you!
In Christ's peace,

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bell Choir

The Bell Choir will resume practices this coming Sunday after the 10:30 a.m. service.

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
We are an Easter people! That means we believe in and worship a God of extravagant abundance and not scarcity! Our lessons this weekend drive home that point, as we hear again the story of Jesus telling his disciples that God has plenty of blessings for everyone.
This Sunday, at the 10:30 a.m. service, we will also provide prayers and anointing for spiritual/mental/physical healing during the celebration of Holy Communion.
Sunday afternoon, the Dayton Confirmation Cluster will travel to Wittenberg University to meet with campus pastor Rachel Tune and some college students to discuss putting faith into action after confirmation.
Those of you who still have cards from the Adopt-A-College Student Program are reminded to return them to the church office ASAP!! Some colleges will be concluding for the summer in a few weeks, so the materials need to be in the mail now.
The Spiritual Journey event will resume this Friday, 10:00 p.m. at the church. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Carol Harper and some high school friends hosted a dance in our fellowship hall Saturday night. Entry fee was a canned food donation. 50 youth attended, bringing 120 cans of food and $14 – all of which has been donated to the church food pantry. Way to go, Carol!!
Tyler Maschino is working on his Boy Scout Eagle Award, and his project is to build a storage shed at the backside of the parish house chapel to house the chairs we use for our Saturday outdoor worship. Special thanks to the church Property Committee for the direction they have shared with Tyler. Cost of building materials is about $500, which he is to raise. This weekend, I invite you to bring an additional donation for Tyler's Eagle Project, so he can reach his goal. The "build" is scheduled for Saturday, May 3, with a rainout date set for May 10.
Needed – people willing to serve as ushers for the 10:30 a.m. worship service (and 9:45 a.m. service during the summer). Job description – hand out bulletins, collect the offering, direct people during communion, count heads. Age/gender requirement: none! If you would like to volunteer, respond to this email, or contact Terri Balsom in the church office. Thanks!
Rebuilding Together – this annual home-rehabbing project is scheduled for Saturday, April 26. Miami Valley Lutherans will be working on two homes, and our own Terry Bruns and Doug Hammer are the house captains. Volunteers of all abilities can be utilized. Can you help? Contact the church office.
Youth Mother's Day Brunch – May 4, 11:45 a.m., in the fellowship hall. Yes, it's not really Mother's Day, but this way, you can support the youth one week, and then celebrate with your family the next. This annual event is a fundraiser for the youth mission trip to the Dominican Republic in July, where they will be working at an orphanage for a week.
I look forward to being in worship with you this weekend as we sing our praises to the God of abundance!
In Christ's peace,

Thursday, April 03, 2008

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
Last week, I was away helping our daughter Megan celebrate her 21st birthday – so I'm officially an ol . . . I mean "well-ripened" guy. Special thanks to Terry Bruns for leading worship on Saturday night, and to the Rev. Brian Dillahunt for leading worship on Sunday.
This weekend in worship, we will hear again the story of Jesus meeting up with two believers on their way to Emmaus on that first Easter day. It is an account filled with hope in the midst of unfulfilled dreams and expectations, a story very appropriate for us in today's world!
On Sunday afternoon, our congregation will host the 7-church Confirmation Cluster, 5:00 – 6:15 p.m. For this day, the cluster pastors have created a version of Trivial Pursuit based upon the theme – What does it mean to be a Lutheran? – with the board superimposed onto the fellowship hall floor. If we can make it work, we will offer our adults opportunities to "play" at various fellowship gatherings.
This Saturday, I have the honor of presenting one of the workshops at "SeniorFest – a day for Lutherans Age 50 and Older". The event will be held at Epiphany Lutheran Church, in Centerville, and features 13 different workshops, including opening and closing celebrations with Lutheran musician John Ylvisaker (composer of "Borning Cry"). I will be leading two session of the workshop "I want my grandkids to know their family's history – writing your story". I am told there is still time to sign up for the event and workshops by contacting Rev. Larry Hoffsis at 435-5020 or larryhoffsis@sbcglobal.net. Cost is $15 and includes a box lunch.
There will be NO Spiritual Gathering this Friday, but we will resume on Friday, April 18.
I look forward to being with you all in worship this weekend. May the God of new life fill your week with blessings beyond your wildest imagination!
In Christ's peace,

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bell Choir

To prepare for Easter, the Bell Choir will have a special rehearsal on Saturday, March 22, at 11:30 a.m. after the Chancel Choir rehearsal.

Holy Week Worship

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Before we move too far into this special week, I want to remind you of the worship opportunities before us as we observe and celebrate the holiest of weeks:
MAUNDY THURSDAY (March 20) – St. Paul Lutheran Church (Wayne Ave.)
6:00 p.m. – dinner in the fellowship hall (upstairs)
7:00 p.m. – service of Holy Communion, the sharing of our last "faith story" (mine), and music from the combined chancel choirs of St. Paul and Our Savior
GOOD FRIDAY (March 21) – Lutheran Church of Our Savior
7:00 p.m. – Good Friday liturgy with reading of the Passion Narrative
HOLY SATURDAY (March 22) – Lutheran Church of Our Savior (in the chapel)
5:30 p.m. – Taize' Prayer Service for Peace and Healing of the nations
EASTER SUNDAY – March 23 – Lutheran Church of Our Savior
9:30 a.m. – Easter Egg Hunt (those hiding eggs are to gather in the parish house meeting room at 9:00 a.m.)
10:30 a.m. – Festival Celebration of the Resurrection, with special musicians, celebration of Holy Communion, and reading of the Easter story
Following worship, those who ordered lilies are invited to take them home.
May God bless you and your family with the faith, courage and wisdom to reserve and spend some of your time in worship and prayer this week. May the Lord of Easter new life breathe new life and joy into you! And, remember – someone you know may be waiting to be invited to attend church on Easter, so invite them to come with you!
In Christ's peace,

Thursday, March 13, 2008

News From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Last Sunday morning, after the "big snow", I walked outside before the start of our 10:30 a.m. (and only) worship service, and listened: the birds were singing as if it were the end of April, and a woodpecker could be heard digging for breakfast on the side of a tree. Spring is really coming! Special thanks to everyone who helped to make sure that we were able to hold worship last Sunday, especially Alan and Scott Nandrasy who are responsible for clearing our walkways and doorways! You guys did a great job – thank you!
This weekend marks the beginning of Holy Week, as we celebrate Palm Sunday. On Saturday, the Sonshine Childrens' Choir will help to lead us in worship at 5:30 p.m. During the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service, we will offer prayers and anointing for healing.

On Sunday, at 11:30 a.m., the Youth will hold an early St. Patrick's Day Brunch in the fellowship hall for all. This is a fund raising activity for the summer mission trip to the Dominican Republic.
Maundy Thursday (March 20) – St. Paul's Lutheran Church, downtown Dayton on Wayne Ave.
6:00 p.m. salad and sandwich dinner in the fellowship hall
7:00 p.m. Service of Holy Communion and healing; the faith story shared this night will be mine
Good Friday (March 21) – Lutheran Church of Our Savior
7:00 P.M. Service will include the reading of the Passion Narrative, and participation in the ancient "Bidding Prayer"
Holy Saturday (March 22) – LCOS Chapel
5:30 P.M. Taize' Prayer Service with Holy Communion
Easter Sunday (March 23) – Lutheran Church of Our Savior
9:30 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt
10:30 a.m. Festival Celebration of the Resurrection Faith
There is no 8:15 a.m. worship on Easter
The God who turned Good Friday into Easter morning is still the God who provides for us each day – let's gather in worship this weekend to praise our God who turns our Good Fridays into Easter!
In Christ's peace,