Friday, May 04, 2012

Weekend News

Dear People of God,
"Connections" is the theme of our worship lessons this weekend - our connection with God, and with one another. I'm finding some very interesting conversations about connections/relationships in light of the "virtual" world in which so many live these days through social media. I greatly appreciate the marvel of online communication - I'm doing it now! But, one can have hundreds/thousands of "friends" on Facebook and Twitter and still be alone and lonely. God created human beings as relational creatures. Relationships require time and commitment, things God is constantly lifting up in Scripture. In a world steeped in technology and marked by constant, instant change, are we still making time for those connections in our lives - not the virtual connections, but the real ones - with God and with people?
In Christ's peace,
Rebuilding Together
Next Saturday, May 12, is the new date set to complete the painting at the "Lutheran" house. You can contact Lee Scamp with your questions or to let him know you plan to attend. 
Woodland Cemetery Walk
Rescheduled from last Saturday because of rain, the Health Ministry Team has rescheduled the walk for tomorrow, Saturday, May 5. Meet at the church at 3:30 p.m. if you wish to carpool. The guided walk will begin at 3:45 p.m. Dinner will be at Ladder 11.
Punch Bowl
It is time to sign up to host a Sunday Punch Bowl! Held after the 9:45 a.m. summer worship, the Punch Bowl is a fellowship time, and those who sign up to host prepare punch and a snack. Sign up on the poster by the chapel or in the narthex.
Youth Service Project
Tomorrow, the youth will plant flowers around the church yard and install new bricks in the labyrinth walkway. Work begins at 10:00 a.m.; if you wish to help, we'll put you to work!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Weekly News

Dear People of God,
In our ONE worship service this weekend (Sunday, April 29, 10:30 a.m.), the Gospel lesson for the 4th Sunday of Easter is part of Jesus' "Good Shepherd" discourse: Jesus is our shepherd, the one who cares for us, leads us, encourages us, protects us, lays down his life for us. It is that model of ministry into which all of us are called in Baptism - to use our God-given gifts to care for, lead, encourage, protect, even lay down life for others. How fitting that this Sunday we remember and celebrate one of Lutheran Church of Our Savior's shepherds - the Rev. J. Alfred Updegraff. As we prepare for this weekend, a question to ponder: how has God led you to serve as shepherd in someone's life?
In Christ's joy,

Rebuilding Together

Volunteers are needed for Rebuilding Together on Sat., April 28, half day, beginning at 8 AM or Noon, or all day, for painting, light carpentry, etc. Please sign up on line at:
(preferable) or call/email Terri in the church office. Please note: volunteers under age 18 must bring a waiver signed by the parent or guardian on April 28. Waiver forms can be obtained from any of the above sources. Lunch, T-shirts, and tools will be provided.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Easter News

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
We gather to celebrate the RESURRECTION this Sunday with our morning schedule as follows:
8:15 a.m. Worship
9:30 a.m. Sunday Church School classes
10:30 a.m. Worship
Our communion celebration for both services will be at the chancel steps, offering intinction and common cup.
Easter is, by far, the easiest Sunday to invite someone to attend worship with you, so let's pack the house for God!
Following our Good Friday worship (6:30 p.m.), we will dismantle the Lent decorations and set up for our Easter morning worship. We can use as many volunteers as are willing to help to remove wood, rocks, grasses (Lent), and set up flower stands, music stands, and aisle candles. This work should begin around 7:15 p.m. Friday night.
Youth and adults will be delivering Easter baskets and food gift cards to the families in our Adopt-A-Family program on Saturday morning. Meet at the church at 9:00 a.m. if you wish to help!
We will receive a special offering on Easter Sunday to help purchase 60 cubic yards of mulch for the playground at Noah's Ark Preschool (NAP). Our goal is $1500. NAP is a cooperative ministry between St. Paul's Lutheran Church and LCOS, and our own Linda Petersen is the director of the preschool, which is located at St. Paul's. Please generously share your financial blessings for this special children's ministry! Then, on Saturday, April 14, volunteers are invited to gather at St. Paul's (Wayne Ave.) to spread the mulch. A pizza lunch will be provided.
The annual Fish Fry at Faith Lutheran Church to benefit Jeremiah's Letter, Inc., will be held on Friday, April 13, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased from Suzanne Bruns or you can call Faith Lutheran (253-2156) to reserve tickets. Prices are: adults - $10 (advance)/$11 (at the door); children (10 and under) - $4.50. This is an all you can eat event! Matching funds are provided by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. You are asked to bring in-kind donations of cleaning products (dish and laundry detergent, bleach, etc.). Faith Lutheran Church is located at 3315 Martel Drive, off Patterson Road.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Holy Week Worship

Dear People of God,
Beginning tomorrow night, Thursday, we start our Holy Week Worship as we move toward the empty tomb of Easter. Below is the schedule:
Maundy Thursday (April 5) - 6:30 p.m. @ St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Confession and Forgiveness, Communion
Good Friday (April 6) - 6:30 p.m. @ Lutheran Church of Our Savior
Tenebrae Drama: "Trilogy"
Easter Eve (Saturday, April 7) - 5:30 p.m. LCOS chapel
Sung/Spoken/Silent Prayers and Readings
Join us in worship this week!
In Christ's peace,

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

This Weekend



10:30 A.M.,






Thursday, January 12, 2012

Weekly News

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


If Missouri's state motto is "the Show Me state", perhaps we should begin thinking of our faith in God as "show me" – because it's not just enough to talk about believing in God. The Book of James says it best – "faith without works is dead". We are called to put our faith to work in the world, to make a difference in the lives of others, not just talk about it, or sing some hymns in church. So, this weekend, when in our Gospel lesson we hear Philip wanting to show the messiah to his buddy Nathaniel, we have to look way beyond thinking about just inviting people to church. There are so many other connections we can make with people in showing them the messiah, ways that minister to their needs, ways that change their lives, ways that answer Jesus' call to feed and clothe and house and lift up people . . . ways that intimately and tangibly show them the God we worship, the One who truly cares about them. That's what Lutheran Church of Our Savior is called to be about in the Miami Valley and beyond. It is why God invites us, calls us, challenges us to share with others the blessings we have from God. Join me this weekend as we come together in worship to prayerfully, humbly, joyfully commit ourselves and our financial gifts to God in ministry in 2012. Our "Consecration Weekend" is not just about submitting our "estimate of giving" forms . . . it is about how we want to work together to let others see and experience the God we worship!


In Christ's joy,



Consecration Weekend

In worship this weekend we will receive our "Estimate of Giving" forms and ask God's blessing on our gifts. Extra forms will be on hand if you forget yours; and envelopes will be in the pews for you to insert your completed forms.


Holy Terrors Planning Lunch

This Sunday, January 15, families will gather in the Parish House meeting room at noon to plan activities and service projects for the year. Pizza, veggies, and drinks will be provided. Parents and children age 2 – grade 6 are invited and encouraged to attend.


Comparative Religions Class

Rabbi David Sofian, the senior rabbi at Temple Israel in Dayton, will be with us next Tuesday, January 17 for our monthly Comparative Religions class. This month we meet at Lutheran Church of Our Savior; light dinner is served at 6:00 p.m., and class presentation/discussion begins at 6:45 p.m. All are welcome.


5TH Sunday Worship/Congregation Meeting

January 29 is the 5th Sunday of the month, meaning that we will hold only ONE worship service that weekend, at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. Children's Choir rehearsals and Sunday School will meet as scheduled. Following worship, we will gather in the fellowship hall for our annual meeting to review 2011 ministries and act upon the 2012 budget proposal. You are asked to bring a food dish to share. Meat and drinks will be provided. During the meeting, Rachel Lammi will work with the children in making candles.


Marriage Enrichment Workshops

The Rev. Steven Ingram (Miami Valley Hospital Pastoral Counseling Center) will lead a 4-session Marriage Enrichment Workshop at LCOS for up to 8 couples. The workshop dates are February 19, March 4, March 18, and April 1, from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. (coincides with Confirmation Class times). Cost per couple is $40.00 for all 4 sessions. Light refreshments will be available. If you have questions, or wish to sign up, please contact Rachel Lammi (


Reading The Gospel According to Mark

Like previous years, we are being challenged by our Christian Education Committee to read a book of the Bible during the season after the Epiphany. This year, it is The Gospel According to Mark. It is the shortest of the 4 gospels, and the first written after Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension. This year, for each chapter you read (there are only 16!), pick up a paper YELLOW LION in the narthex or by the chapel, and write your name and the chapter number on it. The lions will be posted throughout the chapel and sanctuary. Then, on Sunday, March 4, we will hold our annual Bible Bowl, in which we will try to answer questions pertaining to our reading in a friendly, competitive celebration. So, start reading. If you are away during Epiphany, keep reading and email me. I will share your name and chapter numbers with Rachel Lammi, so that you can continue to participate.


Souper Bowl

Once again, LCOS will participate in the national "Souper Bowl", held on Sunday, February 5, the same day as the NFL's Super Bowl. Souper Bowl is a national movement in churches to fight hunger by having members bring food donations to worship on the same day that our nation spends millions of dollars on entertainment. We will have two containers, one for each team in the game; place your food donations in your favorite team's container, and we'll see if the outcome of our donations mirrors the game. All food/$ donations for the Souper Bowl stay in the Miami Valley to feed the hungry.




Thursday, January 05, 2012

Reading Mark

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

The season of Epiphany has begun, and like previous years, we are being challenged by our Christian Education Committee to read a book of the Bible. This Epiphany season, we are challenged to read THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MARK.  It is the shortest of the 4, and the first written after Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension.

This year, for each chapter you read (there are only 16!), pick up a paper YELLOW LION in the narthex or by the chapel, and write your name and the chapter number on it. The lions will be posted throughout the chapel and sanctuary.

 Then, on Sunday, March 4, we will hold our annual Bible Bowl, in which we will try to answer questions pertaining to our reading in a friendly, competitive celebration.

So, start reading. If you are away during Epiphany, keep reading and email me. I will share your name and chaprter numbers with Rachel Lammi, so that you can continue to participate.

 In Christ's joy,



Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Weekly Ministry News

Dear People of God,

 I was a junior at Hanover College on April 3, 1974, when 3 tornados ripped through the college campus, the same day Xenia, Ohio was flattened. One of the college structures toppled by the high winds was the 100,000 gallon water tower. Let loose, that amount of water was powerful enough to wipe out much of what was left standing in its path; instead, it is believed that all 100,000 gallons were sucked up into the tornado, perhaps to be dispersed by the storm somewhere else. Water has amazingly destructive and wonderfully life-giving power. Coupled with God's Word, it changes the world! This weekend, we celebrate The Baptism of Our Lord, marking the beginning of Jesus' ministry, when God's love was unleashed upon the world. It is a time for us to ponder our own "spirit-filled" encounter with water and God's Word, and to ask what we have done since being spirit-filled and unleashed upon the world. So, what have we done?


In Christ's peace,




Epiphany Dinner/Worship/Clean-out

This Friday, January 6, is the final day of the Christmas Season. It is Epiphany Day, marking the time when God was revealed to the non-Jewish world, initially through the visit of the Magi to the toddler Jesus and his parents. On this Epiphany night, we will gather at 6:00 p.m. for a simple meal in the Parish House Blue Room, and then move to the sanctuary for a brief Epiphany service. Afterwards, we will "reclaim the sanctuary" by dismantling the Chrismon trees. All ages are welcome to come and help!


Football Challenge Tailgating Celebration
The first annual Football Challenge has concluded and we raised $3544 for local ministries – just by watching high school, college and pro football games! To celebrate, we will hold a "tailgating" party on Sunday, January 8, 11:45 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Representatives of the various ministry organizations will be on hand to receive the money we raised for them. You are invited to bring your favorite tailgating food to share, as well as your own soft drinks (this is a correction from last week's email). In the spirit of American tailgating, the congregation council has voted to permit adults to bring beer and wine to this event. Coffee and punch will be provided.


Altar Flowers

We are still seeking donors for worship Altar Flowers in 2012. Altar flowers are $30/vase. Sign up this weekend, or call the church office. For those who already signed up for flowers – Thank You!


5TH Sunday Worship/Congregation Meeting

January 29 is the 5th Sunday of the month, meaning that we will hold only ONE worship service that weekend, at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. Children's Choir rehearsals and Sunday School will meet as scheduled. Following worship, we will gather in the fellowship hall for our annual meeting to review 2011 ministries and act upon the 2012 budget proposal. You are asked to bring a food dish to share. Meat and drinks will be provided.


Marriage Enrichment Workshops

The Rev. Steven Ingram (Miami Valley Hospital Pastoral Counseling Center) will lead a 4 session Marriage Enrichment Workshop at LCOS for up to 8 couples. The workshop dates are February 19, March 4, March 18, and April 1, from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. (coincides with Confirmation Class times). Cost per couple is $40.00 for all 4 sessions. Light refreshments will be available. If you have questions, or wish to sign up, please contact Rachel Lammi (