Thursday, January 05, 2012

Reading Mark

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

The season of Epiphany has begun, and like previous years, we are being challenged by our Christian Education Committee to read a book of the Bible. This Epiphany season, we are challenged to read THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MARK.  It is the shortest of the 4, and the first written after Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension.

This year, for each chapter you read (there are only 16!), pick up a paper YELLOW LION in the narthex or by the chapel, and write your name and the chapter number on it. The lions will be posted throughout the chapel and sanctuary.

 Then, on Sunday, March 4, we will hold our annual Bible Bowl, in which we will try to answer questions pertaining to our reading in a friendly, competitive celebration.

So, start reading. If you are away during Epiphany, keep reading and email me. I will share your name and chaprter numbers with Rachel Lammi, so that you can continue to participate.

 In Christ's joy,



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