Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

This weekend in worship, we hear the story of Jesus healing the blind man on the Sabbath, which caused quite a stir among the members of the local synagogue, since healing on the Sabbath was considered a sin. At the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service, Mary Jane Fulcher will be with us share a special message about the orphanage to which our youth are traveling this summer in the Dominican Republic. Mary's brother is a missionary on the island. Mary is also the mother of our own Shelly Fulcher.

I invite you all to gather together in worship this weekend and praise the God who is good all the time!

In Christ's peace,


Monday, February 25, 2008

A Message from Our Pastor: Lenten worship

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Our Wednesday Lenten worship schedule for this week is as follows:
Noon – in the chapel; we will be looking at the faith story of the people of Israel as recorded in the account of the Battle of Jericho; a light lunch will follow in the fellowship hall
6:30 p.m. – at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Wayne Ave. Luis Martinez, from LCOS, will share a portion of his faith story regarding his flight from Cuba years ago; prior to worship, at 6:00 p.m., we gather for fellowship time at the back of the sanctuary
God will bless us all with many opportunities to deepen our relationship with our Lord – may we take advantage of them!
In Christ's peace,

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

It is snowing, as it is supposed to do in February . . . the church lot has been plowed and salted, as well as the walks and steps into the church. Our noon and 6:30 p.m. midweek Lenten services will go on as scheduled today.

And . . . if winter weather ever leaves you wondering if worship (or other ministry activities) are going on as scheduled or cancelled, you can call the church office, watch TV channels 2 and 7, and watch your email for any cancellations. Please know that in the event of snow or ice, our church lot is always plowed/salted in time for mid-week and weekend worship!

This weekend's worship theme is centered on the image of "living water" that Jesus offers a Samaritan woman at "Jacob's well". The ancient Biblical reference to "living water" implies water that is moving, teeming with life, and not stagnant and lifeless. In Baptism, Jesus, the source of this living water, breathes new life into us, and daily fulfills God's promise to be lead us into meaningful life. The flowing fountain in the chancel is an audible reminder of God's living water in Jesus. The series of Lenten banners that present life's contrasts (sin/grace, destruction/redemption, death/life) have been created by a member of the congregation.

Looking Ahead: Holy Week Worship
Maundy Thursday (March 20) – at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Wayne Ave., 7:00 p.m.
Good Friday (March 21) – at LCOS, 7:00 p.m.
Holy Saturday (March 22) – Taize' prayer service w/Holy Communion at LCOS, 5:30 p.m.
Easter (March 23) – one service at 10:30 a.m. celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord

May God's blessings fill your life this week with joy, hope, and the uncontrollable urge to make life better for someone else through your faith!

In Christ's peace,

Easter Windows

Once again this year, groups and individuals are invited to create a floral arrangement in one of the window bays in the sanctuary for Easter. A sign-up sheet will be in the narthex. Stay tuned for more details.

Today's Services Will Take Place

Our Lenten services today will take place despite the snow. The parking lot has been plowed, and will be again if it snows more before the evening service. See details below on service times.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lenten Worship - A Message From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Just a reminder that we continue our midweek Lenten services on Wednesday this week. The noon service will be held in the chapel, followed by a light lunch in the fellowship hall. The faith stories we will focus on will be those of Rachel and Leah, from the Old Testament. The evening service, which we share with St. Paul Lutheran Church, will be held at LCOS this week: 6:00 p.m. – fellowship time (with light refreshments) in the narthex, followed by worship in the sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. using Holden Evening Prayer. A member of St. Paul will share her faith story with us.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Wednesday Lenten Services; Transportation

Wednesday Lenter Services continue tomorrow, February 13, with a service at LCOS at noon (followed by a simple lunch) and a joint service with St. Paul Lutheran Church (downtown Dayton) at 6:30 p.m.

The evening service at St. Paul will be preceded by a fellowship and refreshments starting at 6:00 p.m. Next week's service will be at LCOS. (Click this link for more details and the schedule for the weeks to come.) Each of the evening services will include the Holden Evening Prayer service, and a member of one of the churches will share with us the member's faith story.

If you do not like to drive after dark, we will be glad to provide transportation for you to the evening Lenten services, both at LCOS and St. Paul – just call the church office and ask to be placed on the list. You will be called by your “driver” prior to being picked up. And for those driving to St. Paul, the congregation has plenty of well-lighted parking. We suggest carpooling from the LCOS parking lot. Direction sheets are available in the office and narthex.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Ash Wednesday Service and Supper; Lenten Wednesday Services; Transportation

In observance of Ash Wednesday, the Lutheran Church of Our Savior will hold a service at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow (February 6), preceded by a soup supper at 6:00 p.m. The service will be the traditional liturgy that appears in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, including the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion. We will be joined by members and clergy from St. Paul Lutheran Church (downtown Dayton), and the combined choirs of St. Paul and LCOS will sing. As always, visitors are welcome - join us for fellowship, food, and worship.

During the rest of Lent, we will hold mid-week Wednesday services at noon and 6:30 p.m. The noon services will all be at LCOS; the evening services will alternate between LCOS and St. Paul. The evening service on Feb. 13 will be held at St. Paul.

If you do not like to drive after dark, we will be glad to provide transportation for you to the evening Lenten services, both at LCOS and St. Paul – just call the church office and ask to be placed on the list. You will be called by your “driver” prior to being picked up. And for those driving to St. Paul, the congregation has plenty of well-lighted parking. We suggest carpooling from the LCOS parking lot. Direction sheets are available in the office and narthex.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Worship Committee Meeting

The Worship Committee will meet this coming Saturday, February 9, at 10:00 a.m.

Souper Bowl of Caring 2008 - The Cart Was Overflowing

At our worship services this last weekend, we collected 253 food items and $29 as part of the Super Bowl of Caring. The food and money will be donated directly to the New Hope Food Pantry. Thanks to everybody who contributed and to the people who stayed late to help report the count. Your generosity is appreciated and will be a great help to the food panty in fulfilling their mission. For the national totals, see the web site for the Souper Bowl of Caring, where groups are beginning to report what they collected.