Sunday, September 30, 2007

Pasta Weekend Results

Not only was the cart filled, but there was a large pile that couldn't be fit into the cart. Thanks to all who contributed! We collect food all year for the New Hope Food Pantry and also have special appeals several times a year to help them build the stockpile on their shelves. Previous similar special appeals this year included Souper Bowl Sunday and Cereal Sunday. To read more about these appeals and their tie to worship, click on "Social Ministries Projects" below.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Message From Our Pastor - "Pasta Weekend"; Saturday October 20 Worship - Two Services, Including One Off-Site

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

The rain that is presently falling is truly a blessing. Earlier this week, I attended the Southern Ohio Synod's annual "rostered leaders conference" at Deer Creek State Park, and it was so dry and hot that I did not even unload my fishing gear from the trunk of my car!

This weekend, our worship theme is based upon Jesus' parable of the rich man and Lazarus, lifting up the importance of our faith in God being lived out in the ways we serve others. Thus, it is not mere coincidence that this weekend has been dubbed "PASTA WEEKEND," sponsored by the Social Ministry Committee. You are invited and encouraged to bring food donations of pasta and sauce for the New Hope Food Pantry. All kinds will be accepted - dried pasta; canned pasta; cans and jars of sauce; macaroni and cheese; etc. In an email I received yesterday, one of our members reported to me that both Krogers and Cub Foods currently have sales on both pasta, sauces, and canned ravioli. So, bring your food donations to worship this weekend, and let's fill the shelves of the New Hope Food Pantry! (Click on "Social Ministry Projects" below for more posts about this project and similar projects in the last year - "Cereal Sunday" and "Souper Bowl Sunday.")

Looking Ahead:

On Saturday, October 20, a special worship service will be held at the JDHooks Farm (on Rt. 48, south of Centerville, toward Lebanon) in conjunction with the Holy Terrors hayride, bonfire, and wiener roast. The hayrides begin at 4:00 p.m.; the bonfire and wiener roast will begin at 5:30 p.m., and worship will be held around the bonfire. You are welcome to come for the entire afternoon, just worship, or worship and a hotdog! ON OCTOBER 20, THE REGULAR SATURDAY EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE WILL BE HELD ON SITE AT LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR - THIS IS A CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS.

As God is blessing our part of creation with rain, may the Lord bless you with all that will nourish your life.

In Christ's peace,

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is off to a great start for the season. As always, our director (Ginger Minneman) has chosen a wide variety of excellent music. Pieces we're working on:
  • The Eyes of All Wait Upon Thee, Jean Berger
  • In Paradisum, Gabriel Fauré
  • O Be Joyful in the Lord, John Rutter
  • Give Me Jesus, Arr. L.L. Fleming
  • Blessed Be the Name of the Lord, Dale Grotenhuis
  • Amazing Grace, Aar. John Rutter
  • O Jesu, Blessed Lord, to Thee, William Byrd
  • How Blest Are They, Pyotr Iľyich Tchaikovsky

Monday, September 24, 2007

"Pasta Sunday" - September 30

No, "Pasta Sunday" isn't some newly-designated feast day on the liturgical calendar. It does, however, relate to the call to action contained in the lesson for the day. In the second lesson, we hear:
"As for those who in the present age are rich, command them not to be haughty, or to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but rather on God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, and ready to share . . . ." 1 Timothy 6:18-19
Sharing is what "Pasta Sunday" is all about. Food banks and food pantries receive their largest volume of donations during the holiday season of Thanksgiving through New Years. That's why we solicit donations for the New Hope Food Pantry all year long, rather than concentrating all of our efforts during the holidays. On September 30 (and the 29th, for those attending on Saturday), we're making a special appeal to help restock the food pantry with donations of pasta and sauce of all types. The pantry will welcome any kind of dry pasta, prepared sauces, packaged pasta dishes, and canned ready-to-heat pastry entrees: spaghetti, sauce in cans or jars, noodles, canned ravioli, macaroni and cheese, etc.

When we had "Cereal Sunday" several months ago, the response was excellent - the grocery cart was overflowing. Let's see if we can beat that this time. (Click on "Social Ministry Projects" for other posts about similar collections.)

Doing some quick calculations, if each person who attended a service on September 29-30 donated four or five portions of pasta and sauce - for example, a 12 oz box of spaghetti and a can of sauce each - we'd have a thousand portions. That would surely help the New Hope Food Pantry replenish stocks before seasonal donations start coming in during the late fall and early winter.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Worship Committee Meeting on September 29

The Worship Committe will hold a meeting on September 29 at 10:30 a.m., after the Peace Committee meeting. Anticipated topics of discussion:
  • The special evening service that will be held on All Saints' Sunday, Nov. 4
  • Worship Schedule for the weeks of Christmas and New Years
  • Support of the "Spiritual Journeys" gatherings (see posts below for discussions of these gatherings)
  • The experiences of congregation members at the recent 24 hour prayer vigil for peace and what this might mean going forward for us
  • Handicap access to the Memorial Prayer Labyrinth and chapel
  • Settings of the Communion Service for the remainder of the year

God's Peace Flowing Through Us

Here are two pictures from our kick-off weekend for our "God's Peace Flowing Through Us" emphasis.

The first picture was taken at 4:00 a.m. during the 24-hour prayer vigil for peace. You can't tell from this picture because of the flash, but the chapel was lit totally by candle light during the night. Given the number of people who attended the prayer vigil - estimated at over 100 - and the responses we've gotten from many of those who attended the vigil, the Worship Committee is going to discuss rededicating the chapel as a place of meditation and prayer.

The second picture shows the peace pole being lowered into place during the dedication service that was held after the 10:30 a.m. service. When Pastor Gary asked for vounteers to help carry the peace pole from the chancel outside, a surge of people - including many of the children of the congregation - came forward to help. See Pastor Gary's post below for details of the day. More pictures will be posted on the church website soon - we'll provide a link.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Bell Choir

Due to the congregational meeting after church tomorrow, Bell Choir rehearsals will begin on September 22. We're still looking for new members-if you're interested, contact Dick Freudenberger. Beginners welcome-we'll arrange some training sessions with Joe Beal directing.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Message From Our Pastor - Peace Kick-off; Fall Worship Schedule

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

"It was the one of the most peaceful experiences I've ever had."

That was the sentiment expressed by many who participated in the 24-hour Prayer Vigil for peace that began our GOD'S PEACE FLOWING THROUGH US festivities last weekend. Over 100 people (children, youth, and adults) from our community of faith (including visitors!) took turns praying in the chapel. They prayed for God's peace to fill the hearts of all people in the world; they prayed for you and me; they prayed that all might have enough for life to be good. Beginning at 9:00 a.m., they came throughout the day and night, with the last prayers offered at 9:00 a.m. Sunday. Some prayed silently, some spoke, some sang. Some lit candles (see picture on Some families "camped out" in the church (the welcome rain forced us inside), crawling out of their sleeping bags at all hours of the morning to take their turns; some dragged themselves out of their homes at 2:00, 3:00, and 4:30 a.m. to make their ways to the chapel.

Sunday continued with Rally Day and a visit from the Dayton International Peace Museum "Peace Mobile", followed by a message in worship from Steve Fryburg, director of the Peace Museum, and the return of our Chancel Choir (praise God!). Worship concluded with the choir and congregation recessing outside and about 20 adults and children carrying the Peace Pole from the sanctuary to its permanent site at the entrance to the cul-de-sac. Watch for pictures to be posted on the church website in the next week. If you took pictures of the day, we'd love for you to share them with the church office. If you have two or three, please email them to Terri Balsom; if you have more, could you please burn them onto a disc? Thanks!

During lunch (which, as several of us noticed, featured NO green jello salad dish!) our youth hosted a "Fair Trade Fair," offering for sale food and artisan items from around the world. T-shirts commemorating the weekend were also for sale. All these items will be available after worship for the next few weeks.

Special thanks to the members of the Peace Focus Team and church staff who engaged in the "behind-the-scenes" planning; to everyone who participated in the prayer vigil; to those who prepared the chapel for the vigil and the sanctuary for worship; to our chefs who grilled hamburgers, hotdogs, and veggie burgers in the drenching humid morning, and to all who brought such wonderful food to share; to Kent Halverson and Ron Iverson for returning to the church to permanently "plant" the Peace Pole; and to all of you who participated in such a meaningful weekend. It was a great way to kickoff what we hope will be a multi-year ministry focus for the people of God in this small corner of God's kingdom.

This Sunday, we move to our fall, winter, and spring Sunday worship schedule: 8:15 and 10:30 a.m., with childrens' choirs at 9:00 a.m., and Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 and 9:30 a.m.
Saturday worship remains the same at 5:30 p.m.

Sunday, at 11:45 a.m., council will hold an HVAC project information meeting. Come and learn about the progress of the project; there will be opportunity for questions.

The Hand Bell Choir is seeking youth and adults interested in playing hand bells. The choir occasionally presents a special piece of music during worship; rehearsals are held in the sanctuary balcony immediately following the late worship service. Interested? Contact Richard Freudenberger or leave a comment on this posting.

May God breathe peace, hope and joy into your life this week, and may you be led to share those gifts with others throughout the week, and with your sisters and brothers in Christ this weekend in worship!
In Christ's peace,

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

New Cross in the Prayer Labyrinth Garden

Those of you who attended worship last Saturday may have noticed a new feature in the Prayer Labyrinth Garden. A wrought iron cross has been mounted on the wall of the old mansion. Thanks to the Tysons for donating the cross, and to Karen Roberts for sending me this picture.

Kick-Off Weekend for "God's Peace Flowing Through Us"; Spirtual Journeys - A Message From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

One final reminder of the details for this weekend's GOD'S PEACE FLOWING THROUGH US kick off festivities:

  • 9:00 a.m. 24-hour prayer vigil begins in the chapel.
  • 7:30 p.m. Set up tents for the all-church camp out (green space to the west of the Prayer Labyrinth) - if the weather doesn't cooperate, we'll "camp out" inside.



  • 9:00 a.m. Prayer vigil concludes.
  • 9:15 a.m. All-church SCS event in the sanctuary (Rally Day) and the cul-de-sac with the Dayton Peace Museum "Peace Mobile."
  • 10:30 a.m. WORSHIP IN THE SANCTUARY, with guest speaker Steve Fryburg, Director of the Dayton Peace Museum.
  • 11:45 a.m. Peace Pole "planting" and dedication/blessing, featuring the Fairmont High School a cappella group Eleventh Hour.
  • 12:00 noon. Cookout lunch – In the cul-de-sac, weather permitting; otherwise, downstairs in the fellowship hall. Hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers and drinks will be provided – bring a picnic dish to share.
  • 12:00 noon. "Fair Trade" Fair – Our youth will be selling Fair Trade items during lunch, which include a variety of items from around the world. They will also be selling t-shirts to commemorate "God's Peace Flowing Through Us."

I hope you can be with us this weekend! If you are traveling, please keep our congregation in your prayers as we strive to be agents for God's peace in our communities, country, and throughout the world.

You are invited to gather in the Memorial Prayer Labyrinth on Friday, 10:00 p.m. as we begin with various prayers for God's Peace to lead our congregation, and then move into a discussion about what we can do to participate in sharing God's Peace with others. This is a high school football night, so if you can't be there at 10:00 p.m., don't stay away – come late! We'll be around until around 11:30 p.m. See posts below for more details on what "Spiritual Journeys" is all about.

Again, I hope you plan to join in the festivities this weekend!

In God's Peace,