Friday, June 27, 2008

News From Our Pastor

This Sunday, June 29, is the minor festival of St. Peter and St. Paul, and our lessons lift up the ministries of both of these giants in the Christian Church. While the times have certainly changed over the years, many of the challenges these two apostles faced are those which confront us today. We praise God for their legacies of faith that have left the Church.
VBS Update
This year, our congregation is sharing VB materials and decorations with First Lutheran Church in Xenia. You are invited to help create the VBS backdrop and props – details below:
This Saturday, June 28, 10:00 a.m. at First Lutheran Church, in Xenia.
RSVP to Rachel Spry at the church if you are interested in helping. Carpooling is possible.
Remember, you can still register for VBS by completing a form (at the church), or by going to and clicking on the VBS link.

Keep in Your Prayers
- Youth who attend Confirmation Camp with me next week (Sunday after worship throughout noon on July 4th) at Lutheran Memorial Camp, north of Columbus
- Youth and adults departing for their mission trip to the Dominican Republic, Monday, July 7, and returning on Saturday, July 12
Patterson House Tour
Lutheran Church of Our Savior is participating in Oakwood's summer-long "Centennial Celebration" by opening up the Frederick Patterson House (our parish house) for people to tour on Saturday, July 12, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. If you would like to take a 30 or 60 minute shift to share information about the house with visitors, please respond to this email. The tours will be self-led, and LCOS volunteers will be located throughout the building to answer questions. You will be provided with a history of the house before July 12. The Evangelism Team is also hosting an ice-cream social on the church grounds for our guests that same day.
May God push us all out of our "comfort zones" this week and move us to boldly share the good news of Jesus with someone else!
In Christ's peace,

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