Friday, August 01, 2008

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

and scarcity – we live with those images on a daily basis, and they are images that are lifted up in our appointed lessons for worship this weekend. At the communion table, we are fed with the endless abundance of the Bread of Life, and we are called to give away ourselves as bread for the hungry.

That's right – Monday to Friday, August 4-8, 5:30 – 8:15 p.m. Our facility will be transformed into a "rainforest" as children, youth, and adults come together to learn that as God's people, we are called to Share, Give, Grow, Love, and Praise. Stewardship for all of God's creation is an important theme of this year's VBS, and on Wednesday, the children will be planting a tree on the church grounds. Don't forget to sign up for the Adult Class – "What Does It Mean To Be A Lutheran?" – taught by Pastor Bob Miller and myself. Where else could you drop real eggs off the sanctuary balcony?

  • Potted plants and greenery (live or fake)
  • Bean bags (for games – to throw)
  • Be sure to mark your names on the items you loan VBS
Following worship on Sunday, August 10, we will hold a special "missionary brunch" in the fellowship hall to raise money for John Buechele, as he prepares to embark on a year-long music ministry "gig". John has accepted a call to play guitar with "Captive Free", the musical group from Youth Encounter (youth ministry organization) that brings the good news of God in Jesus to youth all across the country. Like most missionaries, John has to raise funds for his living/travel expenses ($10,000), and we are one of many congregations in the Southern Ohio Synod which are raising funds for John. Plan to join us on August 10; John will be on hand, and hopes to have with him so me fellow musicians who will share their gifts with us during the brunch. This event is a Thrivent Financial for Lutherans "matching funds" event.

In just over a month, we will be gathering the harvest of our "Time To Grow" ministry project, and it is fun to experience the excitement among those of you who are participating. Suzanne Bruns reported Sunday that she has baked 34 pecan pies so far – and she's still going! Rising eighth grade student Tristin Smith is hitting the pavement in the community, selling lemonade, icee-pops, and washing cars – and her $50 blessing is growing like Spanish Moss! And on Saturday, August 9, Tristin and Alexa Coon are holding a car wash at the church (1-4 p.m.) to grow their blessing.

And there's news about our Harvest Celebration, which will be held on Saturday and Sunday, September 9-10:
  • 24-hour prayer vigil in the chapel from 9 a.m. Saturday – 9 a.m. Sunday
  • Sign up on the poster in the narthex for a 30 minute slot and pray that God bless our harvest and those who will receive it
  • Holy Terrors overnight camp out at the church
  • Rally Day festivities with guest entertainer, at 9:15 a.m.
  • ONE weekend worship service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 7
  • "Harvest Celebration" luncheon following worship in the fellowship hall
Be bold this week, and share with someone else how God has helped you get to where you are today! See you in worship this weekend.
In Christ's peace,

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