Wednesday, October 08, 2008

LCOS News From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


Tonight, we offer a new mid-week worship time designed to provide time for prayer, reflection, and spiritual renewal. "Escape the Noise" is an opportunity to put aside the deafening noise of work, school, home expectations and obligations, and listen to the voice of God. Held in the chapel, this weekly time is offered from 6:45 – 7:15 p.m., and will begin with a reading from Scripture and conclude with a spoken prayer; everything in between is time for you to use in silence for renewal and prayer.


This weekend, the Holy Terrors head out to the Brookville KOA campground for a weekend of camping, hiking, fishing, mini-golf, and a chili dinner/hayride. Those camping can begin arriving at the campground Friday afternoon or join us on Saturday. The chili supper/hayride is open to the congregation, and begins at 5:00 p.m. Cost for non-campers is $5/person. I will lead worship on Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. at the campground, and those not camping are welcome to come up for worship. Visiting pastors will lead worship at LCOS on Saturday evening and Sunday morning.


Our worship theme for this weekend – at church and at the campground – is an invitation from God in a parable that is not part of a typical Sunday School curriculum, as it is anything but politically correct! There is plenty of good news in this story that Jesus tells, but for those who are seeking the easy way, seeking to be a follower of Jesus without participation in Christ's ministry, this story is unsettling at best and is a call to wake up.


The Lutheran Course

On Tuesday, October 21, we will launch a joint 7 session study with St. Paul Lutheran Church, on Wayne Ave. Held on the 3rd Tuesday over the next 8 months (we won't meet in December), these fellowship/study opportunities will begin at 6:00 p.m. with dinner, followed by an hour study for adults and learning activities for children and youth at 6:45 p.m. The first meeting this month will be at St. Paul. I hope you will carve out some time each month for this study, which is designed to help us understand and embrace what it means to be a Lutheran Christian called to a life of service in Jesus Christ.


Make worship of Jesus Christ a priority this weekend. Join your sisters and brothers in the faith in worship!


In Christ's peace,


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