Tuesday, May 29, 2007

From Our Pastor - Ministry Update

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

It was a wild weekend in worship, as we celebrated the Festival of Pentecost. Saturday night worship moved outside for the first time this year, and it was grand!

On Sunday, at the 10:30 service, five of our youth affirmed their baptisms in the Service of Confirmation. The five were Andrew David Dickerson, Emily Susan Kugel, Nicole Joann Martinez, Morgan Leigh Nandrasy, and Alec John Snead. In the worship procession, 3 of the confirmands carried poles with red streamers, and on one pole was also attached a dove kite, symbolizing the Holy Spirit. I am thrilled to announce to you that before the procession reached the chancel steps, we had captured the Holy Spirit(!), as the streamers from one pole became completely tangled up with the dove kite. It was great to watch from the rear of the procession! Needless to say, our five new adult members of Lutheran Church of Our Savior are ready to serve the congregation in their new capacity, and I am proud to have had the privilege to work with them in Confirmation over the last two years! And it was a joy to worship with their extended family members yesterday. Special thanks to members of the Christian Education Committee, who hosted a reception in the confirmands' honor after worship.

NEXT SUNDAY, JUNE 3 OUR WORSHIP SCHEDULE CHANGES FOR THE SUMMER – 9:45 A.M. There will be no 8:15 or 10:30 Sunday worship throughout the summer. Saturday worship continues at 5:30 p.m.

Next Sunday, is also Music Sunday in worship (9:45 a.m.). The Chancel Choir, Hand Bell Choir, Sunshine Children's Choir and Joyful Noise Children's Choir will lead us in worship. Also, during worship, we will celebrate with Sharon and Pat Griffy as they affirm their marriage vows on the 25th anniversary of their wedding in the midst of our community of faith. Following worship, Sharon and Pat invite everyone to join them for lunch on the Parish House west patio. Your prayers and presence are the only gifts requested.

And also next Sunday, after worship (9:45 a.m.), the Youth Group will be holding a Bake Sale to support the HVAC project. So, stay for lunch, and then buy some dessert to take home with you!

Please keep in prayer the Southern Ohio Synod, which meets in assembly this Friday and Saturday at Capital University in Columbus. Terry Bruns is our lay representative.

May the Holy Spirit move you this week to share the Good News of Jesus with at least one person!

In Christ,


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