Thursday, June 02, 2011

Church News - A Message From Our Pastor

Dear People of God,

In our first worship lesson this weekend from the Acts of the Apostles, Luke describes the disciples looking up, watching Jesus ascend into heaven. After a time, two heavenly messengers appear and ask why they are just standing there, gazing up in the sky – the implication being that they need to go home and be about the work that Jesus trained them to carry out, leaving Jesus to worry about when he is going to return. And yet, throughout the history of Christianity, the Church has forgotten that angelic admonition, obsessing over the end times, even if it is just our own, worrying about where we will end up instead of focusing on what Jesus has trained us to carry out – in the here and now. This Sunday, 5 of our young ladies will affirm their baptismal faith in a service of confirmation (during the 9:45 a.m. service). They will be vowing to use their faith in their daily lives to serve God, to strive to make a positive difference in this world, in the here and now. I invite you, I encourage you, I implore you, to support them in this new chapter in their faith journeys – help them to remain focused on the here and now. Let Jesus take care of what happens at the end time.

In Christ's joy,



Volunteers Needed for Kingdom Kids Children's Church

This summer, instead of holding Summer Sunday School classes concurrent with worship, the Christian Education Team is extending Children's Church through the summer. Volunteers are needed to help lead the children in this special worship/learning time, which is held during the 9:45 a.m. worship (after the Children's Moment through the offering time). NO prep work is involved! If you would like to help out one or more Sundays this summer, please respond to this email, or contact Rachel Lammi with questions (


Vacation Bible School Supplies Needed

For the games at VBS this month (June 20-24), we need 40 plastic half-gallon milk/juice containers. Please start saving your containers and bring them to the church. PLEASE RINSE OUT THE CONTAINERS BEFORE BRINGING THEM TO CHURCH!!! Thank you.


Lutheran Disaster Relief

As tornadoes and other natural disasters continue to disrupt/destroy lives and property around our nation, Lutheran Disaster Relief is helping. You can help by making a monetary donation to LCOS, designating it for LDR; you can also designate your gift for domestic assistance if you want it to remain in this country. If you are interested in volunteering to help clean up in Joplin, please respond to this email. A group is forming from our church, and will be joined by Lutherans from area congregations. LDR will contact us when they are ready for volunteers to begin working in Joplin, and then we will start planning details.


Youth Sale

No, we're not selling youth . . . instead, our youth are participating in the Oakwood Rotary Garage Sale, hosted by LCOS this Saturday, June 4. The youth will be selling food items, and a variety of craft items, with the proceeds going to our Confirmation Camp ministry. If you have any craft/food items you would like to donate to the cause (you don't have to staff the sale table), please bring all items to the small conference room next to the church office. And, of course, you are welcome to wander through the sales tables to find that special treasure.


Mac and Cheese Weekend

The Social Ministry Committee invites all of us to bring to the church food donations of Macaroni and Cheese for the food pantry this weekend.



On Sunday, June 12, 3:00 – 5:30 p.m., LCOS will host a special event for the Dayton Conference and the Dayton community, featuring a presentation by Skip Cornett, Director of Continuing Education and Life-Long Learning at Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Skip is the Ohio-Indiana coordinator for "Churches for Middle East Peace", and the chair of the Southern Ohio Synod Middle East Task Force. Sponsored by three Lutheran congregations (North Riverdale, St. Paul, Wayne Ave., and LCOS), this event is a great opportunity to learn more about the history of the on-going Israeli-Palestinians conflict, as well as the current issues and various lobby groups that offer resolution to this conflict (or keep it alive). Please RSVP to this email if you plan to attend so that materials can be prepared.

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