Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mid-week Lenten Opportunities

Dear People of God,


Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 13, we have more opportunities for learning and worship during this season of Lent:

            1. Bible Study – "The Psalms of Lent", 12:00 noon in the parish house meeting room. This week we will look at Psalm 31:9-16. Bring your lunch.


            2. Lenten Dinner/Worship – St. Paul Lutheran Church (Wayne Ave.):

                        5:45 p.m. – light dinner in the upstairs fellowship hall

                        6:30 p.m. – worship in the sanctuary

                We conclude our thematic discussion of the values of Jesus, drawn from Philip Gulley's book, If the Church Were Christian; this week, the discussion topic is: "paying more attention to this life than the afterlife".


I hope you can make time in your schedule to participate in one or both of these ministry opportunities.


In Christ's joy,


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