Friday, April 16, 2010

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear People of God,

 As we gather in worship this weekend, we continue in the Gospel According to John, in which the disciples are still having difficulty fully comprehending the power of the resurrection in their lives. It's a "fishing story" that begs the question: what are we fishing around for in life? Does it really give meaning to our daily lives, or does it just leave us empty and wanting something more?

 Needs for Jeremiah's Letter

Currently, the following items are needed at the Jeremiah's Letter food pantry. I invite you to take this list with you when you go grocery shopping.

Canned Fruit      Canned Meat     Jelly    Broth Based Soups

Juice (regular & child size)   Spaghetti Sauce

Snacks (jello, puddings, pretzels, cookies)

Hotel Toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion)

Disposable Razors    Toothbrush    Toothpaste    Deodorant
Towels   Wash Clothes   Blankets   Laundry Soap   Dish Soap

Paper Towels   Poncho/Rain Gear   Sleeping Bags

Financial support is also welcome; donations can be mailed to:

Jeremiah's Letter, Inc.
P.O. Box 842
Dayton, OH 45401


Lutheran Course

We will hold our April class discussion on Tuesday, April 20, at St. Paul (Wayne Ave.). Dinner is offered at 6:00 p.m., and the discussion begins at 6:454 p.m. This month, our topic is: Who are our neighbors, and what does that mean for Lutherans? We hope you can join us.


In Christ's joy,


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