Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Message from Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Finally – it's fall . . . praise God!

This weekend in worship, our LESSONS lift up the importance of our faith being grounded in Jesus the miracle worker, not in miracles themselves, as we hear the Old Testament story of God, through the prophet Elisha, cleansing Naaman of his leprosy, and Luke's gospel account of Jesus healing ten lepers. The Health Ministry Team will be offering free, confidential blood pressure screenings after all three worship services.

This weekend, we will also have with us in worship the Rev. Bruce Rill, who is director of church relations with our mission partner WE CARE ARTS. Bruce will present a brief temple talk, as well as be available to share information and answer questions before and after all three worship services.

This Saturday, some 50+ Lutherans from 15 Dayton Conference congregations will depart from the LCOS parking lot for the third Conference Mission Trip to Slidell, Louisiana. Two of our own member-disciples, Karen Tyson and Don Hartman, will be on the bus. The group will return on October 20. Please keep Karen, Don, and all the other Lutherans in your prayers in the coming week as they represent us in tangibly sharing God's love with our sisters and brothers in need.

One of our member families has challenged our congregation to raise $5000 by December 31, and the family will match our donations dollar-for-dollar (up to $5000). This family has already donated an initial $5000 for three ministries, and will donate another $5000 when we match it. The money will be dispersed for following ministries: 20% for Lutheran World Federation; 30% for Jeremiah's Letter; and 50% for the HVAC Project (new pledged $ only). In other words, half of the money will go to ministry projects that have faces (directly assisting people beyond ourselves), and half will stay here for "bricks and mortar" (our facility). How about it – are we up to the challenge? Watch this weekly update and the posters throughout the church for updates on our progress in meeting this challenge. Remember – make checks out to Lutheran Church of Our Savior, with the notation "LCOS Challenge."

+ Worship and a Hayride
– Saturday, October 20, JD Hooks Farm, on Rt. 48, south of Spring Valley, on the left (about 20 minutes from Oakwood). The event, hosted by the Holy Terrors, is open to the congregation. The hayrides begin at 4:00 p.m. The bonfire and wiener roast will begin at 5:30 p.m., with worship starting around the campfire at 6:30 p.m. If you plan to attend the dinner, please contact the church office (293-1147) or respond to this email. A brief service with communion will be held at the church at 5:30 p.m. for those unable to attend worship at Hooks Farm.

+ New Member-Disciples Received – during worship on Saturday and Sunday, October 27/28, we will receive new member-disciples into our fellowship.

+ Fish and Crackers Weekend – also on the last weekend of October (27/28), the Social Ministry Committee will sponsor a special food collection for the New Hope Food Pantry. While all food items are welcome, the committee is encouraging us to bring donations of canned fish (and/or other non-perishable meats) and crackers. Start collecting now!

+ All Saints Festival Service – Sunday, November 4, 7:00 p.m., the Worship Planning Team, along with the Chancel Choir, will host a special All Saints Festival Service for the congregation and community. This will be a time to remember with thanksgiving to God those loved ones who touched our lives and are now celebrating eternal life with God.

May God richly bless you with the peace of our Lord this week. See you in worship!

Yours, in Christ's peace,

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