Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Last weekend in worship was exciting and challenging for us as a community of faith.

It was exciting because we celebrated the SACRAMENT OF HOLY BAPTISM for three young people, two on Saturday evening and one on Sunday morning.

It was also challenging because we were without air conditioning in the sanctuary, due to the installation of the new AC units for the facility. However, we managed just fine, and attendance was good. This weekend, we are anticipating the new AC to be installed and working (not guaranteed!), but the forecast is also for temperatures to be very comfortable – so dress accordingly!

I encourage you to check out the Spiritual Journeys gathering that is occurring at our church this Thursday, August 16, 10:00 p.m. Youth and adults have been assembling to experience various ancient Christian worship forms (prayers, chants, etc.), and to deepen their faith/relationship with God. This next gathering will be held outside in the Prayer Labyrinth, around a fire pit, and will include "Faith Fishbowl" in addition to prayer. This is an exercise in which questions are written on paper (anonymously) and placed in a fishbowl, drawn out one at a time, and then discussed. The questions may deal with general and/or specific issues surrounding faith. The goal is to conclude around 11:00 p.m. One of the youth is bringing cookies, and the coffee and hot water will be "on." You are invited to join us on our "journey."

This weekend, our worship theme deals with faith mentors in our lives whose life examples have helped us on our spiritual journeys. In worship, you will have the time to reflect upon those people in your lives who have been important faith models for you. We will also be offering prayers and anointing for healing during our communion celebration on Sunday morning.

We are also seeking prayer participants for our "GOD'S PEACE FLOWING THROUGH US" Prayer Vigil, which will begin 24 hours prior to our kick-off event on Sunday, September 9. A sign-up poster is in the narthex, and volunteers are sought for pray for peace (world, community, spiritual) in 30 minute time slots. The vigil will be held in the chapel, and a book of prayers will be available to use. On Saturday night, a group of members will be camping on the church grounds, and taking turns participating in the prayer vigil. I hope you will consider participating in this important ministry!

Jeremiah's Letter, the Lutheran urban ministry organization, is launching a new outreach program, and you are invited to participate. On August 24 and 25 (Friday and Saturday), Miami Valley Lutherans will be gathering in the Old North Dayton community to share God's love with a young man whose home is in great need of help: inside clean up and repair, outside clean up, painting. Many hands are needed to help, and volunteers are also needed to help provide lunch for workers. Due to the nature of this project, all volunteers must be at least 16 years of age. If you are interested in sharing some time to help, please contact Jeremiah's Letter director Terry Bruns.

Please remember, as St. Paul encourages us, to keep each other in prayer to remain strong in the faith! Let's gather for worship this weekend!

In Christ,

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