Monday, July 23, 2007

The Great Bible Reef

When you arrive at church next weekend, you'll find that the building, including the sanctuary, has been decorated for Vacation Bible School, which will be held July 30-August 3. (If you can help decorate any time from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on Saturday, July 28, call Rachel. Lunch will be provided.)

The theme of VBS this year is "The Great Bible Reef." During VBS, lessons of "life on the reef" will be brought to life, teaching participants about caring, helping, trusting, believing, and listening. These wonderful lessons will be reinforced through music, drama, crafts, recreation and classroom time. VBS is in the evenings. Classes and activities are for both children and adults, and dinner is served each evening. For more information, click on the VBS link at the LCOS homepage.

Children who participated in VBS will share some of the music that they learned with us during worship on August 5. We look forward to that.

Also, in conjunction with VBS, we will be continuing our drive to raise funds to build fish farms in developing countries. This is part of the ELCA Word Hunger Appeal's project called "Global Barnyard."

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