Monday, June 18, 2007

An Opportunity to Serve

In his sermon yesterday, Pastor Gary spoke about the Gospel reading for the day, Luke 7:36-8:3. In this reading, a Pharisee invited Jesus to dinner, and a "woman in the city, who was a sinner" also showed up. The sermon was about how unexpected things come unto our lives when we invite Jesus into our lives, and how many of these unexpected things include the blessing of being entrusted to serve others, as the woman served Jesus.

An opportunity to serve others that was lifted up to us yesterday is "A Rainbow of Caring." This is a program of the Church World Service to provide blankets and tools to people who have been dispossessed. For example, a contribution of $5.00 provides a sturdy blanket to warm the night or provide shade during the day. On display in our chancel is a sample of the blankets provided and some tools. You can find out more about this at and

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