Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Message From Pastor Gary

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

"Calling all soup chefs" - we are seeking people to help make the soup for our Thanksgiving Eve Soup Dinner, which will be held at 6:15 p.m. prior to our 7:00 p.m. worship on Wednesday, November 22. Supplies will be purchased in advance and placed in the downstairs kitchen (along with the recipe) prior to cooking. If you are interested in helping, please respond email me or call the church office.

It is time again to order your Christmas Poinsettias! Watch the church bulletins for the insert. Once again, the cost is only $7.00 per plant (4-6 blooms), and can be picked up after the 10:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.

This weekend in worship, the Foundation Board will present a brief "Temple Talk" at each service. As part of our Stewardship Emphasis, this weekend's talk will focus on the Lutheran Church of Our Savior Foundation, how it helps our ministries, and how you can help the Foundation grow.

Let's meet in worship this weekend!

In Christ,


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