Thursday, December 27, 2007
A Message From Our Pastor
I hope and pray that your Christmas celebration was joyfilled!
As I write this, we have no phone system at the church – it went out Christmas Eve, and we are awaiting service people, which may be a couple days. So, if you have attempted to call, you are sent immediately to voice mail, and can even leave a message. However, we cannot access any messages. So, if you have been awaiting a call back from one of us in the office, please email us instead. I will let you know when we have phones again!
Special thanks to everyone who had a hand in any behind-the-scenes work in preparation for our Christmas Eve services, as well as all the children, youth and adults who helped to lead the two services!
This weekend in worship, our Gospel Lesson confronts with the reality that the birth of Christ does not remove the power of evil in the world – but its light gives us hope as we walk with all the "holy innocents" of past generations and today who have suffered unjustly. In our gathering around Word and Meal, God continues to redeem us, lift us up, and empower us to faithfully live as children of God.
Annual Reports are due in the church office by Monday, January 14 (print ready, via email or on disc). If you chair a committee, ministry team, or ministry group, we need you to compile a report for 2007 activities.
There are still some open dates on the 2008 Altar Flower Calendar. Sign up this weekend, or call/email the church office and we'll sign you up. The vases are $30.00 each, and will be billed to you from the florist. If you have not yet picked up your 2008 Offering Envelopes, they are waiting for you in the narthex.
As part of God's Peace Flowing Through Us initiative, we will be holding a prayer vigil for peace as part of the conclusion of the Christmas season and the start of the Epiphany season. The vigil will be held on Saturday, January 5, noon through 9:00 p.m. in the chapel. From 7:30 – 8:30 p.m., Ginger Minneman and a group of musicians will lead those present in singing Taize music, interspersed with prayers and readings. A sign-up sheet for 30-minute time slots for the prayer vigil is posted in the narthex, and you are invited to "take a time" in the chapel, praying for the peace of our community, our nation, and the world. (Multiple people can sign up for the same time slot, and people should feel free to come at any time even if they did not sign up at all.) Like the September 9 vigil, a book of prayers will be available to use if you wish. Sign up this weekend! Note: the regular Saturday evening worship service will be held, as usual, in the sanctuary, at 5:30 p.m. on this day.
As we come to the conclusion of 2007, we praise God for the fulfilled promise of our Lord being with us each day; as we prepare to walk through the doorway into a new year, we pray that God will continue to walk with us, bringing a fuller sense of peace into our lives, and the lives of all throughout the world. Happy New Year, everybody!
In Christ's peace,
Monday, December 24, 2007
It's Christmas Eve!
- Betelehemu, a Nigerian Christmas Song, Via Olatunji, Wendell Wahlum, Barrington Brooks (sung in Nigerian)
- The Shepherd's Carol, Bob Chilcott
- A La Nanita Nana, traditional Spanish Carol, Norman Luboff
- Bogoroditse Dyevo, (Hail Mary), Bill Tamblyn, Sergei Rachmaninov
- A Child By Choice, Robert Southwell, Richard Nance
Both services will include many Christmas Carols.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
A Message From Our Pastor - Advent and Christmas Events
This weekend is the Fourth (and last) Sunday in Advent, and our worship theme centers around the proclamation Emmanuel – God is with us. The Gospel lesson is Matthew's account of the Christmas story, with the focus on Joseph as one who trusted God and "did the right thing." As we frantically prepare for the holiday, we are reminded to trust in God, and not in our own abilities, and do what is the right thing to do – always.
During the 10:30 worship Sunday, the Joyful Noise Children's Choir will present special music prior to the Children's Moment, and the Hand Bell Choir will present music during the offering.
Weekend Activities
Friday Spiritual Journey – 10:00 p.m. in the Parish House foyer around the fire place
Saturday Adopt-A-Family Delivery – 9:30 a.m. The Social Ministry Committee is coordinating this major project that will benefit many children and adults in the Miami Valley.
Saturday Worship – 5:30 p.m. in the sanctuary
Sunday Worship – 8:15 a.m. in the sanctuary
Children's Choir Rehearsals – 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School – 9:15/9:30 a.m.
Worship – 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary
Sacred Harp Singers – 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. in the Parish House Blue Room
3:00 p.m. Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
4:00 p.m. Family Christmas Eve Service, with pageant, carols, and celebration of Holy Communion .
10:00 p.m. Traditional Christmas Eve Service, with candles, readings, carols, celebration of Holy Communion, and music presented by the Chancel Choir.
Special thanks to everyone who helped with the decorating in the sanctuary – it is beautiful. And special thanks to everyone who assisted in leading worship last weekend while Debby and I were in Chicago, especially Harriet Uphoff, Ginger and Dan Minneman, and Rachel Spry.
May God fill the remainder of this Advent season with hope, and bring joyous blessings to you all this Christmas!
In Christ's peace,
Monday, December 17, 2007
January 5 Prayer Vigil for Peace, Including Taize Music and Prayers
During the hour from 7:30 p.m. through 8:30 p.m., our Director of Music Ginger Minneman and a group of instrumentalists will lead those present in singing Taize music, interspersed with prayers and readings. If you haven't experienced music and prayers in this kind of setting, perform a Google search on the word "Taize," and you'll find lots of information about it. The chapel will be lit by candlelight.
We'll have a sign-up sheet in the narthex for several weeks before the vigil so that people can volunteer to participate during particular time slots. We're doing this just to make sure that someone will be taking part in the prayer vigil during its entire time. People should feel to come at any time during the vigil, however. At the prayer vigil in September, there were often many people praying at the same time. Visitors are welcome.
FYI, the regular Saturday 5:30 p.m. evening service will be held in the main sanctuary on January 5 - the prayer vigil and Taize music and prayers are in addition to our regular weekend worship schedule.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
No 8:15 AM Service or Sunday School Tomorrow-10:30 AM Service Will Be Held
Today's 5:30 PM Service WILL Be Held
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A Message From Our Pastor
What a great Sunday afternoon last week! Our annual ADVENTure Awaiting Festival was great fun. Kudos to Celeste Hoerner and Shelly Fulcher and the youth for preparing a delicious smorgasbord of food; to Ginger Minneman for the beautiful table decorations; and to Laurie, Walt, and Kira Fenstermacher for coordinating the Holiday Workshop and the Silent Auction. And, special thanks to everyone who donated the items for the auction. As I write this, I do not know how much money we collected for the Adopt-A-Family Program and the Youth Mission Trip – but we had a great time!
This weekend is the third weekend in the season of Advent. Our lessons call us to remain patient and faithful as we await God's reign to be fully realized in our midst.
The Sonshine Children's Choir will present special music during the 8:15 a.m. worship service this weekend. This is a real treat, as the children normally sing during the 10:30 a.m. service! Special thanks in advance to you parents for getting your children up for early worship!
Christmas Pageant Rehearsal – 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary
Chancel Choir Rehearsal – 10:00 a.m. in the chancel choir room
Worship – 5:50 p.m. in the sanctuary
Worship – 8:15 a.m. – in the sanctuary
Rehearsals for Children's Choirs – 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School Classes – 9:15/9:30 a.m.
Worship – 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary
Property Committee – 11:30 a.m. in the conference room
Hand Bell Rehearsal – 11:30 a.m. – in the sanctuary balcony
Youth Lunch – 12 noon
MUSICA! CONCERT – 3:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. Tickets will be available for purchase at the door.
May the God of new beginnings fill you with blessings that will make you sing his praises and share his gifts this week, and lead you to join your sisters and brothers in worship this weekend!
In Christ's peace,
Thursday, December 06, 2007
A Message From Our Pastor
The first snow of the season – what a treat!!
Our second weekend in the season of Advent presents us with the theme of repentance and preparation for new beginnings. In part, that means actually expecting God to make new things happen in our lives and in the world, and then actively obeying and following the God who makes all things new. This being the second weekend of the month, the Health Ministry Team will provide free, confidential blood pressure screenings following all three of our worship services.
6:30 p.m. – Christmas pageant rehearsal in the sanctuary and blue room for everyone with speaking parts
10:00 p.m. – Spiritual Journey gathering in the parish house foyer around the fireplace
12 noon to 3:00 p.m. – Youth Cooking for Adventure Awaiting – in the basement kitchen
1:00 to 3:00 p.m. – Christmas Caroling, hosted by the Holy Terrors (meet at the church for carpooling)
5:30 p.m. – Worship in the sanctuary
8:15 a.m. – Worship in the sanctuary
9:00 a.m. – Children's Choirs Rehearsal
9:15/9:30 a.m. – Sunday School Classes
10:30 a.m. – Worship in the sanctuary
11:30 a.m. – Congregational Meeting to elect new council members – in the sanctuary
11:40 a.m. – ADVENTure Awaiting – in the fellowship hall
1:30 p.m. – Bridge Group – in the blue room
This Sunday is the final opportunity to reserve Christmas Poinsettias and submit Christmas Eve Bulletin Cover drawings.
We still have some open Sundays on the 2008 Flower Calendar. Be sure to sign up this weekend!
There are still 2008 Offering Envelopes to be picked up in the narthex. Do you have yours?
May the God of New Beginnings breathe new life into you this day so that you may see and experience life with meaning, excitement and joy! Make worship participation part of that joyous new beginning.
In Christ's peace,
Friday, November 30, 2007
Still Time Left to Join the Chancel Choir for Christmas Eve
- Saturday, December 1 at 10:00 a.m.
- Thursday, December 6 at 7:00 p.m.
- Thursday, December 13 at 7:00 p.m.
- Saturday, December 15 at 10:00 a.m.
- Thursday, December 20 at 7:00 p.m.
Ginger has once again chosen beautiful music for us to sing at this candlelight service. I'll post a list of the music in the next day or two.
Chancel Choir - Special Rehearsals December 1 and 15
Thursday, November 29, 2007
A Message From Our Pastor
The late musical storyteller Harry Chapin wrote and sang: "All my life's a circle, sunrise and sundown. . . . The season's spinnin' 'round again, the years keep rollin' by."
We have come full-circle in the life of the church year, and this weekend, we start the story all over again. This Sunday is the First Sunday in Advent; the color for the season is blue (hope); and the worship theme as embodied in our lessons is KEEP ALERT AND AWAKE! For we begin the new year watching and preparing for the daily and final coming of Christ.
This Sunday:
+ Christmas Pageant Rehearsal – 11:45 a.m., in the sanctuary; lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to Rachel Spry by this Saturday. If you forget to reply or discover at the last minute your youth is able to attend, there will be enough food for all.
+ Adopt-A-Family Tag Tree – there are still gift tags on the tree in the narthex, and this is the final week! Make sure you pull a tag this weekend.
+ St. Olaf Choir Simulcast – the world-renown St. Olaf (Lutheran) University Choir will present its Christmas Fest Concert this Sunday, and it is being simulcast in two local movie theaters: Hollywood (Farifield Commons) and Dayton South Showcase. Cost is $20/ticket. Elyse Fenstermacher, a junior at St. Olaf, is a member of the Choir.
New Sunday (Dec. 9)
+ Congregational Meeting – we will be "called to order" immediately following the late service to elect 5 new congregation council members. The five nominees are:
Chris Becker (2008-2009)
Wes Boord (2008-2010)
Sonia Davila (2008-2010)
Michelle Jackson Haun (2008-2010)
Nancy Henry (2008-2010)
+ ADVENTure Awaiting – our annual Advent Festival will be held in the fellowship hall after the congregational meeting. Youth are preparing food, and the silent auction and Advent/Christmas workshop will be held. Proceeds from the silent auction will benefit our Adopt-A-Family program; donations for the food will go toward the 2008 Youth Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic.
+ Chrismon Trees – anyone who can spare an extra 30-40 minutes after ADVENTure Awaiting is invited to help erect the new, pre-lit Chrismon trees in the sanctuary.
Christmas Eve Bulletin Drawings – Sunday, December 9 is the deadline to submit your artwork (children and youth) to the church office. Forms are available on the tables in the narthex or in the office.
Christmas Poinsettias – Sunday, December 9 is the deadline to submit your green reservation form and $7/plant to the church office. Forms are also on tables in the narthex or in the office.
Christmas Caroling
Saturday, December 8, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. – join the Holy Terrors children's group as we share the Good News of God in Christ in musical form with some of our homebound members. Then, at 3:00 p.m., we'll invade a local ice cream store for ice cream! All ages are invited to join us for this event.
Join me in faithfully starting the New Church Year by gathering in worship this Saturday or Sunday!
In Christ's Peace,
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Advent Begins this Sunday
During Advent this year, we will use Setting Five of the Communion Service from ELW. This setting is based on plain chant, and is largely the same as Setting III in the LBW and one of the settings in the old "red book." In this setting, the Lord's Prayer is chanted by the congregation and the pastor. We haven't chanted the Lord's Prayer before, so this will be a new experience for some of the people attending our services. Some members have, however, visited other churches where the Lord's Prayer is chanted, and found the practice meaningful. The tune that is used is simple and beautiful.
Prayer Vigil for Peace Set for the Weekend of Epiphany; Including Taize Music, Prayers and Readings
During the hour from 7:30 p.m. through 8:30 p.m., our Director of Music Ginger Minneman and a group of instrumentalists will lead those present in singing Taize music, interspersed with prayers and readings. If you haven't experienced music and prayers in this kind of setting, perform a Google search on the word "Taize," and you'll find lots of information about it. The chapel will be lit by candlelight.
We'll have a sign-up sheet in the narthex for several weeks before the vigil so that people can volunteer to participate during particular time slots. We're doing this just to make sure that someone will be taking part in the prayer vigil during its entire time. People should feel to come at any time during the vigil, however. At the prayer vigil in September, there were often many people praying at the same time. Visitors are welcome.
FYI, the regular Saturday 5:30 p.m. evening service will be held in the main sanctuary on January 5 - the prayer vigil and Taize music and prayers are in addition to our regular weekend worship schedule.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
A Message From Our Pastor - Thanksgiving Eve, the Festival of Christ the King, and Other Matters
As we celebrate the American holiday of Thanksgiving this week, we also gather as a community of faith tonight to sing our praises to the God who gives us life, and gives it abundantly! If you are not traveling, join us in the parish house blue room at 6:00 p.m. on Thanksgiving Eve (Wed., Nov. 21), as we gather with members of St. Paul Lutheran Church (Wayne Ave.) for a soup dinner (vegetable beef). At 7:00 p.m., we will retire to the sanctuary for a service of lessons, prayers, song and sharing of memories.
For those of you who will be traveling, be safe, and have a wonderful celebration!
We have come to the end of the church year cycle. This weekend we celebrate the Festival of Christ the King. The following weekend is the beginning of Advent, the start of a new church year. This year, most of the Gospel lessons in worship have been from the Gospel According to Luke. When we begin a new church year, most of our Gospel lessons will be from the Gospel According to Matthew. This weekend, the Festival of Christ the King, we celebrate the victory over sin, death, and evil we have in Jesus as our eternal Lord and King, and the everlasting promise that we are God's children FOREVER!
The 2008 Offering Envelopes will be available for you to pick up this weekend in the narthex. Please take home your pack of envelopes this weekend, or when you return to town.
And, for those who were unable to be in worship last weekend, the 2008 Estimate of Giving Cards are available in the narthex. Please take one home. In prayer, ask God what God wants you to do with your financial gifts in 2008, then complete the form, place it in the addressed envelope, and return it to the church by December 2.
$5825 AND COUNTING! That's right. We've met the challenge with over one month to go! In response to your generosity, a family in our congregation who has already donated $5000 for HVAC, Jeremiah's Letter, and Lutheran World Relief, will donate another $5000. Way to go!
"It doesn't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing." (Duke Ellington and Irving Mills) May the Holy Spirit breathe that "swing" into your lives and give you meaning that can only come from knowing the Lord! See you in worship.
In Christ's peace,
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Chancel Choir Rehearsal on Thanksgiving Eve
Thanksgiving Eve Service and Dinner to be Held Jointly With St. Paul Lutheran Church
This year, our Thanksgiving Eve worship service will be a joint celebration of praise to God with the members of St. Paul Lutheran Church (downtown Dayton). The service will be a casual one, with the pastors and musicians from both churches participating.
Beginning at 6:00 p.m., dinner will be held for those attending the service. We look forward to spending time with our sisters and brothers from St. Paul Lutheran Church in worship and fellowship, and invite anyone else who reads this to join us.
Visitors are always welcome!
Friday, November 09, 2007
A Message From Our Pastor
God has richly blessed our community of faith with many gifted people. If you attended last Sunday night's Service of Hope and Remembrance as we observed the Festival of All Saints, you were in the presence of those who shared their diverse gifts. WOW! A number of attendees commented on the blessing of having the time to reflect on those special people from their past who had been lost in the shuffle of busy schedules. Ginger Minneman, Rachel Spry, and members of the Chancel Choir and orchestra shared God's blessings with us in a very moving service. And thanks to Dick Freudenberger, the sanctuary was perfect for the evening.
This weekend in worship:
Worship Theme: Our lessons all deal with God's promise of the resurrection of the dead and God's eternal presence in our lives
Blood Pressure: The Health Ministry Team (HMT) will offer confidential blood pressure screenings following all three worship services
"Donor Sabbath": The HMT will also provide a brief temple talk during all three worship services, lifting up the importance of organ donation, which is strongly supported by the ELCA
Veterans Day: We will give thanks to God for all men and women who have served in the military
If you would like to help create the soup for our November 21 Thanksgiving Eve Service, respond to this email. Supplies will be purchased and delivered to the church.
To date, we have received $1,595.00 toward the $5,000.00 challenge that has been presented to us from a family in the congregation. Having already donated $5,000.00, the family will donate another $5,000 if we can raise $5,000 by December 31. The money collected will be disbursed in the following manner: 50% - HVAC project; 30% - Jeremiah's Letter; 20% - Lutheran World Federation. Checks can be made out to "Lutheran Church of Our Savior", and all donations must be newly pledged money.
Place your orders now for Christmas poinsettias, which will be in place for Christmas Eve worship. Color: white (a fitting color for our "God's Peace Flowing Through Us" emphasis); cost: $7.00. Money should accompany completed reservation forms, which are available in the narthex and the church office. Reservation deadline is Sunday, December 9.
May God bless your weekend, may your favorite football team win (unless you are a Notre Dame fan, 'cause you know that's not happening!), and may you follow God's call to gather in worship with your sisters and brothers in the faith!
In Christ's peace,
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Worship Committee Meeting this Saturday Postponed to Nov. 17
Thanks to "Eternal Peace" Participants
A number of people also worked behind the scenes, and we also appreciate their work. Thanks to those who helped assemble bulletins, decorate the sanctuary, prepare and serve the reception, open and close the building, and (the least glamorous job) clean up.
Special thanks to Ginger Minneman, our Music Director and the Dirctor of the Chancel Choir. The service was Ginger's conception. She chose and arranged the sequence of all of the readings, hymns, and anthems. Her creativity and talents are greatly appreciated.
No Chancel Choir Rehearsal This Thursday
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Thanksgiving Eve Service and Dinner to Be Held Jointly with St. Paul Lutheran Church - All Visitors Welcome!
A dinner will be held for those attending the service, beginning 6:00 p.m.
We look forward to spending time with our sisters and brothers from St. Paul Lutheran Church in worship and fellowship, and invite anyone else who reads this to join us. Visitors are always welcome!
More details will be announced soon.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Dress Rehearsal For "Eternal Peace"
Thank You, and an Extended Opportunity
Thank you to worshipers who brought food with them this last weekend for the New Hope Food Pantry as part of our "Fish and Crackers" appeal. The food will go directly to people in need, and is greatly appreciated.
Pastor Gary has announced (see posting below) that this special appeal has been extended to this weekend. Please participate - let's see if we can fill the cart past overflowing!
From Our Pastor: "Eternal Peace" This Sunday Evening; Fish & Crackers Collection Extended; Spiritual Journeys; Change Your Clocks!
WORSHIP THEME for this weekend:
In Saturday and Sunday morning worship, our Gospel lesson is the very familiar story of Jesus meeting Zacchaeus, and inviting himself into the tax collector's home. It is a story of undeserved grace(!), which is at the core of the Good News of God in Jesus. I am reminded of the old Sunday School song many of us learned about Jesus calling the little man out of the Sycamore tree. My confirmation classmates (in Brecksville, Ohio) and I had way too much fun driving our pastor around the bend as we sang our own words to that song! It was only by grace that we made it through "every-Saturday" confirmation!
Led by our Chancel Choir and special musicians, we will celebrate the Festival of All Saints this Sunday night, 7:00 p.m., in our main sanctuary. Traditionally a time to give thanks and praise to God for the gift of family and friends who died during the last 12 months, our gathering on this night will also celebrate God's gift of healing our grief and the promise that we will one day be reunited with those no longer with us. I hope that you will carve out time in your weekend to gather together for this special Service of Hope and Remembrance.
In case you forgot to bring your fish (or any canned meat) and crackers last weekend, you are invited to do so this weekend – let's fill the grocery cart for our monthly delivery to the New Hope Food Pantry.
This Friday, November 2, 10:00 p.m., is the next Spiritual Journey gathering. We will either be in the chapel or the prayer labyrinth, depending on the temperature! You are invited to journey with others as we venture to deepen our faith.
The new year is just two months away, and you are invited to sign up to provide flowers on the altar for worship in the new year. The calendar is in the narthex: sign up on the line by your chosen date, and then complete the information page in the accompanying book. The cost is $30 per vase, and you will be billed directly by the florist.
We are seeking individuals, couples, and/or families to serve as USHERS and GREETERS during 10:30 a.m. Sunday worship. If you are interested in serving in either or both capacities, please contact Terri Balsom (Church Office Manager) at the church. Thank you!
That's right! It's time to reserve your Christmas poinsettias, which will be delivered on December 22 for our Christmas Eve services. This year, the Worship Planning Team has ordered white poinsettias to create a "sea of white" (the church color for Christmas and also the color used to symbolize peace, our church-wide theme for this year and next) to enhance worship. "Reservation Forms" begin appearing as inserts in this weekend's worship bulletin. Cost remains $7.00/plant (4-6 blooms), and you are asked to submit $ with your reservation form.
It's the best Saturday night of the year – get your extra hour of sleep, and I'll see you in worship on Sunday!
In Christ's peace,
Monday, October 29, 2007
Thank You
Friday, October 26, 2007
The Color Red
Reformation Sunday Festival Service - October 28
Please join us as we celebrate the Reformation not just as a historical event, but as a call for the continual renewal of the Church.
As a reminder, we are making a special appeal to collect food for the New Hope Food Pantry in conjunction with the services this weekend. There is a posting below this one that gives more details.
Chancel Choir Special Rehearsals for "Eternal Peace"
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Special Collection for the New Hope Food Pantry - Fish and Crackers
At the end of each worship service, we are sent back out into the world to serve. Contributing to the New Hope Food Pantry in an organized way is one of the many ways we seek to serve. We deliver food to the pantry every month during the year, and we've held several special collections this year. The New Hope Food Pantry is located at New Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church, which is in Dayton on Catalpa Drive. If you click the tab "Social Ministry Projects" below, you'll read about our other special collections this year and seem some pictures of the results - "Souper Bowl Sunday," "Cereal Sunday," and "Pasta Sunday." All of them have been successful. Let's see if we can fill the cart past overflowing again!
"Eternal Peace" - A Service of Hope and Rememberance - All Saints Sunday - November 4th at 7:00 PM
Please plan to attend this beautiful and meaningful service as we remember with thanksgiving those whom God has taken home and we celebrate the hope of the resurrection for all of God’s children. The service will include several movements from the Fauré Requiem, as well as other inspirational music, hymns, and readings.
As always, visitors are welcome. Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us for this special event.
Friday, October 19, 2007
A Message From Our Pastor
We have lots going on this weekend, so I'll try to make this brief but informative:
Spiritual Journey – 10:00 p.m. around the fire pit in the prayer labyrinth at the church (or in the chapel if it rains)
Congregational Hayride and Worship – sponsored by the Holy Terrors at JD Hooks Farm (Rt. 48 south, about 14 miles from the church, on the left at the bottom of the hill)
4:00 p.m. Hayrides ($5/person)
5:30 p.m. Bonfire started and Wiener roast
6:30 p.m. Worship around the fire
Saturday Worship in the Prayer Labyrinth – 5:30 p.m., a brief Taize' Prayer service with Holy Communion
Worship and Sunday School - at the usual times: worship at 8:15 and 10:30 a.m., and Sunday School classes at 9:15 and 9:30 a.m., with Children's Choirs meeting at 9:00 a.m.
Prayers for Healing and Anointing – at the 10:30 a.m. worship service – you are invited to come forward to the altar railing during the communion celebration
Confirmation – the Dayton Confirmation Cluster meets at North Riverdale Lutheran Church, 5:00 – 6:15 p.m.
This weekend, our lessons all deal with the need for persistence in faith, especially in our prayer life.
Tomorrow night, Friday, October 19, our own Jim Uphoff will be honored by the Oakwood Board of Education and the school administrators, after serving on the Oakwood School Board for more than 18 years. A dessert reception will be held at the south lawn of the Oakwood Junior High School (across from the stadium) from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. The public is invited. Jim will also be honored during halftime at the Oakwood football game.
Tomorrow the 50 Lutherans from the Miami Valley who have been rehabbing homes in the New Orleans/Slidell, Louisiana area will be heading home. Included in the group are our own Terry Bruns, Don Hartman, and Karen Tyson. Please keep them in your prayers as they travel home.
May the Holy Spirit gather us all in worship this weekend, and may we raise our voices in praise and thanksgiving for all God gives us!
In Christ's peace,
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
A Message from Our Pastor
Finally – it's fall . . . praise God!
This weekend in worship, our LESSONS lift up the importance of our faith being grounded in Jesus the miracle worker, not in miracles themselves, as we hear the Old Testament story of God, through the prophet Elisha, cleansing Naaman of his leprosy, and Luke's gospel account of Jesus healing ten lepers. The Health Ministry Team will be offering free, confidential blood pressure screenings after all three worship services.
This weekend, we will also have with us in worship the Rev. Bruce Rill, who is director of church relations with our mission partner WE CARE ARTS. Bruce will present a brief temple talk, as well as be available to share information and answer questions before and after all three worship services.
This Saturday, some 50+ Lutherans from 15 Dayton Conference congregations will depart from the LCOS parking lot for the third Conference Mission Trip to Slidell, Louisiana. Two of our own member-disciples, Karen Tyson and Don Hartman, will be on the bus. The group will return on October 20. Please keep Karen, Don, and all the other Lutherans in your prayers in the coming week as they represent us in tangibly sharing God's love with our sisters and brothers in need.
One of our member families has challenged our congregation to raise $5000 by December 31, and the family will match our donations dollar-for-dollar (up to $5000). This family has already donated an initial $5000 for three ministries, and will donate another $5000 when we match it. The money will be dispersed for following ministries: 20% for Lutheran World Federation; 30% for Jeremiah's Letter; and 50% for the HVAC Project (new pledged $ only). In other words, half of the money will go to ministry projects that have faces (directly assisting people beyond ourselves), and half will stay here for "bricks and mortar" (our facility). How about it – are we up to the challenge? Watch this weekly update and the posters throughout the church for updates on our progress in meeting this challenge. Remember – make checks out to Lutheran Church of Our Savior, with the notation "LCOS Challenge."
+ Worship and a Hayride – Saturday, October 20, JD Hooks Farm, on Rt. 48, south of Spring Valley, on the left (about 20 minutes from Oakwood). The event, hosted by the Holy Terrors, is open to the congregation. The hayrides begin at 4:00 p.m. The bonfire and wiener roast will begin at 5:30 p.m., with worship starting around the campfire at 6:30 p.m. If you plan to attend the dinner, please contact the church office (293-1147) or respond to this email. A brief service with communion will be held at the church at 5:30 p.m. for those unable to attend worship at Hooks Farm.
+ New Member-Disciples Received – during worship on Saturday and Sunday, October 27/28, we will receive new member-disciples into our fellowship.
+ Fish and Crackers Weekend – also on the last weekend of October (27/28), the Social Ministry Committee will sponsor a special food collection for the New Hope Food Pantry. While all food items are welcome, the committee is encouraging us to bring donations of canned fish (and/or other non-perishable meats) and crackers. Start collecting now!
+ All Saints Festival Service – Sunday, November 4, 7:00 p.m., the Worship Planning Team, along with the Chancel Choir, will host a special All Saints Festival Service for the congregation and community. This will be a time to remember with thanksgiving to God those loved ones who touched our lives and are now celebrating eternal life with God.
May God richly bless you with the peace of our Lord this week. See you in worship!
Yours, in Christ's peace,
Thursday, October 04, 2007
God's Peace Flowing Through Us Event - All Saint's Sunday
Music for Sunday, October 7 - Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
- ELW Setting Nine
- Prelude - Toccatinas and Tidbits, Kevin Norris
- Entrance Hymn - All People That on Earth Do Dwell, ELW 883
- Hymn of the Day - We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight
- Offertory - 8:15 a.m. service, Psalm 37; 10:30 a.m. service, Chancel Choir, The Eyes of All Wait Upon Thee, Jean Berger
- Hymns During Communion - Build Us Up, Lord, ELW 670; Let Us Break Bread Together, ELW 471; O Spirit of Life, ELW 405
- Sending Hymn - Lord, Dismiss Us, ELW 545
- Postlude - Postlude on Old Hundredth, Fred Bock
Monday, October 01, 2007
Saturday Worship on October 20 to be Held Both Off Site and On Site
The regular Saturday evening 5:30 p.m. service WILL also be held on site at the church. (This is different from earlier announcements.)
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Pasta Weekend Results
Not only was the cart filled, but there was a large pile that couldn't be fit into the cart. Thanks to all who contributed! We collect food all year for the New Hope Food Pantry and also have special appeals several times a year to help them build the stockpile on their shelves. Previous similar special appeals this year included Souper Bowl Sunday and Cereal Sunday. To read more about these appeals and their tie to worship, click on "Social Ministries Projects" below.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
A Message From Our Pastor - "Pasta Weekend"; Saturday October 20 Worship - Two Services, Including One Off-Site
The rain that is presently falling is truly a blessing. Earlier this week, I attended the Southern Ohio Synod's annual "rostered leaders conference" at Deer Creek State Park, and it was so dry and hot that I did not even unload my fishing gear from the trunk of my car!
This weekend, our worship theme is based upon Jesus' parable of the rich man and Lazarus, lifting up the importance of our faith in God being lived out in the ways we serve others. Thus, it is not mere coincidence that this weekend has been dubbed "PASTA WEEKEND," sponsored by the Social Ministry Committee. You are invited and encouraged to bring food donations of pasta and sauce for the New Hope Food Pantry. All kinds will be accepted - dried pasta; canned pasta; cans and jars of sauce; macaroni and cheese; etc. In an email I received yesterday, one of our members reported to me that both Krogers and Cub Foods currently have sales on both pasta, sauces, and canned ravioli. So, bring your food donations to worship this weekend, and let's fill the shelves of the New Hope Food Pantry! (Click on "Social Ministry Projects" below for more posts about this project and similar projects in the last year - "Cereal Sunday" and "Souper Bowl Sunday.")
Looking Ahead:
On Saturday, October 20, a special worship service will be held at the JDHooks Farm (on Rt. 48, south of Centerville, toward Lebanon) in conjunction with the Holy Terrors hayride, bonfire, and wiener roast. The hayrides begin at 4:00 p.m.; the bonfire and wiener roast will begin at 5:30 p.m., and worship will be held around the bonfire. You are welcome to come for the entire afternoon, just worship, or worship and a hotdog! ON OCTOBER 20, THE REGULAR SATURDAY EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE WILL BE HELD ON SITE AT LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR - THIS IS A CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS.
As God is blessing our part of creation with rain, may the Lord bless you with all that will nourish your life.
In Christ's peace,
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Chancel Choir
- The Eyes of All Wait Upon Thee, Jean Berger
- In Paradisum, Gabriel Fauré
- O Be Joyful in the Lord, John Rutter
- Give Me Jesus, Arr. L.L. Fleming
- Blessed Be the Name of the Lord, Dale Grotenhuis
- Amazing Grace, Aar. John Rutter
- O Jesu, Blessed Lord, to Thee, William Byrd
- How Blest Are They, Pyotr Iľyich Tchaikovsky
Monday, September 24, 2007
"Pasta Sunday" - September 30
"As for those who in the present age are rich, command them not to be haughty, or to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but rather on God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, and ready to share . . . ." 1 Timothy 6:18-19Sharing is what "Pasta Sunday" is all about. Food banks and food pantries receive their largest volume of donations during the holiday season of Thanksgiving through New Years. That's why we solicit donations for the New Hope Food Pantry all year long, rather than concentrating all of our efforts during the holidays. On September 30 (and the 29th, for those attending on Saturday), we're making a special appeal to help restock the food pantry with donations of pasta and sauce of all types. The pantry will welcome any kind of dry pasta, prepared sauces, packaged pasta dishes, and canned ready-to-heat pastry entrees: spaghetti, sauce in cans or jars, noodles, canned ravioli, macaroni and cheese, etc.
When we had "Cereal Sunday" several months ago, the response was excellent - the grocery cart was overflowing. Let's see if we can beat that this time. (Click on "Social Ministry Projects" for other posts about similar collections.)
Doing some quick calculations, if each person who attended a service on September 29-30 donated four or five portions of pasta and sauce - for example, a 12 oz box of spaghetti and a can of sauce each - we'd have a thousand portions. That would surely help the New Hope Food Pantry replenish stocks before seasonal donations start coming in during the late fall and early winter.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Worship Committee Meeting on September 29
- The special evening service that will be held on All Saints' Sunday, Nov. 4
- Worship Schedule for the weeks of Christmas and New Years
- Support of the "Spiritual Journeys" gatherings (see posts below for discussions of these gatherings)
- The experiences of congregation members at the recent 24 hour prayer vigil for peace and what this might mean going forward for us
- Handicap access to the Memorial Prayer Labyrinth and chapel
- Settings of the Communion Service for the remainder of the year
God's Peace Flowing Through Us

Here are two pictures from our kick-off weekend for our "God's Peace Flowing Through Us" emphasis.
The first picture was taken at 4:00 a.m. during the 24-hour prayer vigil for peace. You can't tell from this picture because of the flash, but the chapel was lit totally by candle light during the night. Given the number of people who attended the prayer vigil - estimated at over 100 - and the responses we've gotten from many of those who attended the vigil, the Worship Committee is going to discuss rededicating the chapel as a place of meditation and prayer.
The second picture shows the peace pole being lowered into place during the dedication service that was held after the 10:30 a.m. service. When Pastor Gary asked for vounteers to help carry the peace pole from the chancel outside, a surge of people - including many of the children of the congregation - came forward to help. See Pastor Gary's post below for details of the day. More pictures will be posted on the church website soon - we'll provide a link.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Bell Choir
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
A Message From Our Pastor - Peace Kick-off; Fall Worship Schedule
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
New Cross in the Prayer Labyrinth Garden
Kick-Off Weekend for "God's Peace Flowing Through Us"; Spirtual Journeys - A Message From Our Pastor
One final reminder of the details for this weekend's GOD'S PEACE FLOWING THROUGH US kick off festivities:
- 9:00 a.m. 24-hour prayer vigil begins in the chapel.
- 7:30 p.m. Set up tents for the all-church camp out (green space to the west of the Prayer Labyrinth) - if the weather doesn't cooperate, we'll "camp out" inside.
- 9:00 a.m. Prayer vigil concludes.
- 9:15 a.m. All-church SCS event in the sanctuary (Rally Day) and the cul-de-sac with the Dayton Peace Museum "Peace Mobile."
- 10:30 a.m. WORSHIP IN THE SANCTUARY, with guest speaker Steve Fryburg, Director of the Dayton Peace Museum.
- 11:45 a.m. Peace Pole "planting" and dedication/blessing, featuring the Fairmont High School a cappella group Eleventh Hour.
- 12:00 noon. Cookout lunch – In the cul-de-sac, weather permitting; otherwise, downstairs in the fellowship hall. Hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers and drinks will be provided – bring a picnic dish to share.
- 12:00 noon. "Fair Trade" Fair – Our youth will be selling Fair Trade items during lunch, which include a variety of items from around the world. They will also be selling t-shirts to commemorate "God's Peace Flowing Through Us."
I hope you can be with us this weekend! If you are traveling, please keep our congregation in your prayers as we strive to be agents for God's peace in our communities, country, and throughout the world.
You are invited to gather in the Memorial Prayer Labyrinth on Friday, 10:00 p.m. as we begin with various prayers for God's Peace to lead our congregation, and then move into a discussion about what we can do to participate in sharing God's Peace with others. This is a high school football night, so if you can't be there at 10:00 p.m., don't stay away – come late! We'll be around until around 11:30 p.m. See posts below for more details on what "Spiritual Journeys" is all about.
Again, I hope you plan to join in the festivities this weekend!
In God's Peace,
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Bell Choir - New Members Needed
The Bell Choir needs some new members to help bolster the ranks.
You don't have to be an accomplished musician to join us. If you've ever sung in a choir, played an instrument, or otherwise had some exerience reading music, you'll pick up bells quickly. Joe Beal has volunteered to help with a "beginner's class" that will teach you the fundamentals, and when we merge the beginner's class into the choir, we can pair you up with an experienced ringer who will help you out.
The Bell Choir is open to youth and adults. It can be a family activity - we've had several pairings of children and parents/grandparents.
If you're interested, please speak to Dick Freudenberger or Ginger Minneman.
Thanks . . .
Yes, the New Air Conditioning System is Working
From Our Pastor: Schedule Changes; God's Peace; Spiritual Journeys
As we quickly approach the time when summer fades into autumn, I want to remind you all of the various schedule changes that are upon us:
+ This Sunday (September 2) is the final 9:45 a.m. service for the summer.
+ Next Saturday (September 8) there will be NO WORSHIP - please join us Sunday for our fall kick off
+ Next Sunday (September 9), we will gather in our ONE worship service for the weekend at 10:30 a.m. to kick off the new school year and our "God's Peace Flowing Through Us" emphasis; in addition, an all-church Sunday School event will be held at 9:15 a.m.
+ Satureay/Sunday, September 15 & 16, we begin our fall worship schedule, with three worship services offered each weekend: 5:30 p.m. on Saturdays; 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. on Sundays, with Sunday Church Classes offered for all ages at 9:15 a.m. every Sunday.
Please mark your calendars, planners, palm pilots, blackberries, or anything else you employ to keep track of where you are supposed to be.
This weekend's Worship Theme deals with hospitality – our response to God's hospitality as extended in the Good News of Jesus Christ, and our call to share that hospitality with others in our midst.
"God's Peace Flowing Through Us" Update:
PRAYER VIGIL – to date, we have filled 27 of the 48 time slots (30 min. each); if you have not yet signed up, please do so this weekend in worship (or call the church office). A notebook of prayers will be
available for your use in the chapel.
PEACE POLE – the "punch bowl" area will be the permanent site for Peace Pole, and following worship we will hold a brief service of dedication and blessing of the Pole. We are seeking children, youth and adults to help carry the pole out of the sanctuary in the procession after worship (due to its size, the weight of the pole is significant!). If you want to help, simply come forward to the chancel during the singing of the last hymn, and we will put you to work.
COOKOUT - hot dogs, hamburgers, and veggie burgers will be grilled, and drinks will be provided. You are asked to bring a picnic dish to share with the crowd.
Spiritual Journeys
Enhance your holiday weekend by sharing time in worship with your sisters and brothers in Christ. If you are traveling, be safe and have fun, and we'll see you when you return.
Peace, in Christ,
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Spiritual Journeys Gathering This Friday
This week, we will gather outside around the newly-donated fire pit. Bug spray will be availalble, and coffee and hot water for tea and hot chocolate will be "on." Invite a friend!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Thanks . . .
Thursday, August 23, 2007
A Message From Our Pastor
Although adjustments need to be completed, WE HAVE AIR CONDITIONING IN THE SANCTUARY (the bride and groom getting married on Saturday are breathing a huge sigh of relief)!!
The WORSHIP THEME this weekend deals with God's power to heal the "crippled" state of humanity – physical, mental, spiritual – so that we can worship God and serve others. Is anything keeping you from truly worshiping and serving? If so, hand it over to God, let God help you, and then celebrate God's gift in you!
As we approach our God's Peace Flowing Through Us kick off weekend (September 8/9), I invite you to consider participating in, and helping out with, any or all of the following:
+ 24-hour Prayer Vigil, from 9:00 a.m. Saturday, September 8 to 9:00 a.m. Sunday, September 9 in the chapel. We are seeking individuals, families, groups to take 30 minute shifts; a notebook of prayers for peace (global, community, home, health, economic, spiritual) will be in the chapel for your use if you wish; use the bulletin insert to sign up for one or more time slots, or contact the church office.
+ Campout on the church grounds – Saturday night; pitch your tents at 7:30 p.m.; Prayer Labyrinth fire pit will be burning throughout the night; games for all ages, plus songs, marshmallow roast, and prayers for peace.
+ All Church Sunday School – 9:15 a.m. featuring the Dayton Peace Museum Peace-Mobile.
+ One Weekend Worship Service – Sunday, 10:30 a.m., featuring Steve Fryburg, director of the Dayton Peace Museum, and concluding with a dedication service for a Peace Pole, which proclaims the message "May Peace Prevail On Earth" in 16 languages.
+ Cookout Lunch – Sunday, noon. We are seeking people to assist with grilling hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers – let the church office know if you are willing to help.
+ Fair Trade Fair – hosted by our Youth, featuring hand crafted items, coffee and chocolates, the proceeds of which will benefit people around the world.
Plan to be with us as we launch this exciting multi-year ministry emphasis!
Please keep our children, youth and school staffs in prayer as schools begin for a new year.
May God bless you this week, and lead you to worship this weekend!
In Christ,
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Chancel Choir Kick-Off Party - New Date
Ginger has many exciting things planned for this year - this would be a great time for anyone who has been considered being a part of the choir to join us.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Setting Nine from ELW
We'll be using Setting Nine for a little while so that people can learn it. In mid-autum, we'll continue our practice of seasonally rotating the settings that we know. The congregation will then be familiar with Settings Three, Four, Five and Nine from ELW, and V from WOV. The goal is to change periodically so that there is variety, but not so often that people feel unsettled. For example, we'll switch to another setting in the autum for the "festival season" which ends on the Festival of Christ the King, then use another setting during Advent.
Thanks . . .
A Message From Our Pastor
Last weekend in worship was exciting and challenging for us as a community of faith.
It was exciting because we celebrated the SACRAMENT OF HOLY BAPTISM for three young people, two on Saturday evening and one on Sunday morning.
It was also challenging because we were without air conditioning in the sanctuary, due to the installation of the new AC units for the facility. However, we managed just fine, and attendance was good. This weekend, we are anticipating the new AC to be installed and working (not guaranteed!), but the forecast is also for temperatures to be very comfortable – so dress accordingly!
I encourage you to check out the Spiritual Journeys gathering that is occurring at our church this Thursday, August 16, 10:00 p.m. Youth and adults have been assembling to experience various ancient Christian worship forms (prayers, chants, etc.), and to deepen their faith/relationship with God. This next gathering will be held outside in the Prayer Labyrinth, around a fire pit, and will include "Faith Fishbowl" in addition to prayer. This is an exercise in which questions are written on paper (anonymously) and placed in a fishbowl, drawn out one at a time, and then discussed. The questions may deal with general and/or specific issues surrounding faith. The goal is to conclude around 11:00 p.m. One of the youth is bringing cookies, and the coffee and hot water will be "on." You are invited to join us on our "journey."
This weekend, our worship theme deals with faith mentors in our lives whose life examples have helped us on our spiritual journeys. In worship, you will have the time to reflect upon those people in your lives who have been important faith models for you. We will also be offering prayers and anointing for healing during our communion celebration on Sunday morning.
We are also seeking prayer participants for our "GOD'S PEACE FLOWING THROUGH US" Prayer Vigil, which will begin 24 hours prior to our kick-off event on Sunday, September 9. A sign-up poster is in the narthex, and volunteers are sought for pray for peace (world, community, spiritual) in 30 minute time slots. The vigil will be held in the chapel, and a book of prayers will be available to use. On Saturday night, a group of members will be camping on the church grounds, and taking turns participating in the prayer vigil. I hope you will consider participating in this important ministry!
Jeremiah's Letter, the Lutheran urban ministry organization, is launching a new outreach program, and you are invited to participate. On August 24 and 25 (Friday and Saturday), Miami Valley Lutherans will be gathering in the Old North Dayton community to share God's love with a young man whose home is in great need of help: inside clean up and repair, outside clean up, painting. Many hands are needed to help, and volunteers are also needed to help provide lunch for workers. Due to the nature of this project, all volunteers must be at least 16 years of age. If you are interested in sharing some time to help, please contact Jeremiah's Letter director Terry Bruns.
Please remember, as St. Paul encourages us, to keep each other in prayer to remain strong in the faith! Let's gather for worship this weekend!
In Christ,
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Songs from Vacation Bible School
Music for August 12
Prelude - How Great Thou Art, by Wilbur Held
Processional Hymn - O God, Our help in Ages Past, ELW 632
Hymn of the Day - Faith of Our Fathers, ELW 813
Music at the Offering - Norma Nawroth, soprano - In Joseph's Lovely Garden
Music During Communion - Norma Nawroth, soprano - Now the Silence, by Vajda/Schalk
Hymns During Communion - Great is Thy Faithfulness, ELW 733; Give Thanks for Saints, ELW 428
Post Communion Canticle - Now, Lord, ELW 201
Sending Hymn - Lead On, O King Eternal, ELW 805
Postlude - Sonata V, Allegro maestoso, by Felix Mendelssohn
Friday, August 03, 2007
A Message from Our Pastor
We conclude Vacation Bible School tonight with a cookout dinner (hamburgers, brats and metts), followed by an evening of activities, sharing, and ice cream. Dinner is served in the fellowship hall at 5:30 p.m., activities run from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., and then we assemble in the sanctuary for a music sharing program. The evening concludes with ICE CREAM! I hope you can share in the activities this evening.
Special thanks to all the VBS VOLUNTEERS who helped with planning, decorating, and leading the various activities, including working in the kitchen! It has been a monumental effort that required the shared gifts of many. We have one more request for assistance. Immediately following worship this Sunday (August 5), we need to dismantle the decorations in the sanctuary and throughout the building. If you can share any amount of time, we will begin around 11:00 a.m. Most of the decorations were created through a collaborative effort between three Lutheran congregations: Our Savior, First (Xenia) and Good Shepherd (Kettering) – a great pooling of God's gifts!
During worship this Sunday, VBS Children will present a collection of special music they learned this week, praising God with their voices!
This weekend, our worship theme deals with our priorities in life and what we value most. Something for all of us to ponder: are we always aware that we are at the top of God's list of priorities? As we think on that, may we be open to the Spirit's prodding to place more value on our relationship with God.
Hope you are having a great summer. See you in worship this weekend!
In Christ,
Thursday, August 02, 2007
VBS Kids Sing in Worship August 5
Monday, July 23, 2007
Looking for a Choir to Join?
Our Chancel Choir is directed by our Director of Music, Ginger Minneman. The Chancel Choir helps lead worship weekly at our 10:30 a.m. Sunday service from September through early June. This is a liturgical service that is rich in the heritage of the church--the psalms and parts of the liturgy are chanted, the lessons set out in the Revised Common Lectionary are read, the Word is preached, hymns are sung, and inspiring preludes and postludes are played on a pipe organ. Holy Communion is celebrated at every service. Lay people participate in many worship leadership roles, including readers, acolytes, crucifer, torch bearers, book bearer, worship assistants, communion assistants, ushers, greeters, and choir members. (For descriptions of all of our services click this link.)
The Chancel Choir sings music which Ginger chooses from a wide variety of treasures of the church. A sampling from last year:
- I Will Not Leave You Comfortless, Everett Titcomb
- Clap Your Hands, John Rutter
- Vos Omnes, Pablo Casal's (sung in Latin)
- Blessed be the Name of the Lord, Dale Grotenhuis (based on Psalm 13)
- No Rocks A'Cryin, by Rollo Dillworth
- Sanctus in d minor (BWV 239), J.S. Bach (sung in Latin)
- Offertory, John Ness Beck
- My Master From a Garden Rose, E. Daley
- See What Love, from the Oratorio St. Paul, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
- Praise the Lord (A Processional Song), arranged by Ralph Johnson
- Open Thou Mine Eyes, John Rutter
- Cantate Domino, Guiseppe Pitoni, Ed. by Norman Greyson (sung in Latin)
- The Cross, Pamela Martin/Craig Courtney
- Agnus Dei, from Solemn Mass, L. Vierne (sung in Latin)
- Salvation is Created, P. Chesnokov
- Ubi caritas, Maurice Dureflé (sung in Latin)
- Blessed are the Men Who Fear Him from Elijah, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
- Wondrous Love, Alice Parker & Robert Shaw
- Song, Bob Chilcott
- Kyrie, from Messe G-Dur, Franz Schubert (sung in Latin)
- Walk with Me (An African Walking Song), Patrick M. Liebergen
- Ave Verum Corpus, William Byrd (sung in Latin)
The Chancel Choir rehearses on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. An announcement will be made on this blog within the next week about when rehearsals for the upcoming school year will begin.
Consider joining us for worship, music, fellowship, and the opportunity to serve. For more information about the Chancel Choir and our church, browse this blog and contact Ginger Minnenan. Contact information is on the church home page.
Bell Choir Needs New Members
If you've ever thought about joining the handbell choir, please consider joining this year. Because of people moving and youth going away to college, we need new people to join us this year.
The handbell choir is intergenerational. It is made up of youth and adults. Some families have found it to be a great family experience - we've had parents play with their children, and grandparents play with their grandchildren.
You don't have to have any experience in ringing - if you have ever sung in a choir, taken lessons on an instrument, or you have other exposure to reading music, you can learn to ring handbells quickly. Joe Beal has volunteered to lead some introductory sessions for new ringers, and when you start playing with the whole group, we'll put you on one of the easier positions and assign a current member to help you out. Regular rehearsals are held each Sunday during the school year after the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service. We'll announce the beginning schedule once we find out who will be with us this year.
For more information, contact Dick Freudenberger or Ginger Minneman.
The Great Bible Reef
The theme of VBS this year is "The Great Bible Reef." During VBS, lessons of "life on the reef" will be brought to life, teaching participants about caring, helping, trusting, believing, and listening. These wonderful lessons will be reinforced through music, drama, crafts, recreation and classroom time. VBS is in the evenings. Classes and activities are for both children and adults, and dinner is served each evening. For more information, click on the VBS link at the LCOS homepage.
Children who participated in VBS will share some of the music that they learned with us during worship on August 5. We look forward to that.
Also, in conjunction with VBS, we will be continuing our drive to raise funds to build fish farms in developing countries. This is part of the ELCA Word Hunger Appeal's project called "Global Barnyard."
Thanks for the Music
Thanks to our soloists in Sunday worship for the last two weeks. On July 15, Stephanie Lytle sang Sing Ye a Joyful Song, by Antonin Dvorak. Yesterday, Moira Levant played her own arrangement of Shule Aroon on the violin. We appreciate both of them sharing their talents with us in worship.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
A Message From Our Pastor
This weekend, our Gospel lesson is the story of the Good Samaritan, which is a timeless story overflowing with a myriad of faith images. The Health Ministry Team will host blood pressure screenings after both worship services, and we will also offer prayers and anointing for healing during our communion celebration on Sunday.
We will also have an opportunity to participate in God's Global Barnyard this weekend. Sponsored by the Social Ministry Committee, this Hunger Appeal seeks to supply people in poor countries with animals and the skills needed to raise them, helping to break the cycle of chronic hunger and poverty. Please prayerfully consider participating, in any way, in this appeal.
Next Tuesday, July 17, the Funny Bone Comedy Club and Restaurant at the Greene, in Beavercreek, will hold a Benefit Show for WE CARE ARTS (one of our mission partners). Dinner begins at 6:30 p.m., and the show, Different Strokes Comedy Tour, is at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $30/person, which includes dinner, non-alcoholic beverages, and a "clean comedy show"; tickets must be purchased in advance. Call We Care Arts at 252-3937. We Care Arts benefits only from dinner proceeds, so if you only wish to attend the show, you purchase your ticket at the door.
It's not too late to register for VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! From Monday, July 30 to Friday, August 3, children ages 4 through grade 6 will explore "The Great Bible Reef", as they dive deeply into God's Word. Dinner is served in our fellowship hall at 5:30 p.m. each day, and learning activities run from 6:00-8:15 p.m. Jr. High and High School Youth will be assisting adults in leading various activities. An Adult Class will meet in the parlor (off the sanctuary). Terry Bruns and I will lead the class discussion on "Teaching our children/grandchildren to pray – nurturing their spirituality".
Thought for the Week
Before the Lord wills me to do anything, He first of all wills me to be. What I do must depend on what I am. (Thomas Merton, No Man Is An Island)
May God bless your week with added time for yourself and your family! And may our paths cross in worship this weekend.
In Christ,
Monday, July 02, 2007
Thanks . . .
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Thank You to the Kettering Community Chorus
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
A Message From Our Pastor
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
This Sunday in worship, The Kettering Community Chorus will bring us the message in music. The chorus is all volunteer, and is under the direction of Marvin Hileman. The chorus was last with us in worship in 1999, and it will be a joy to have them with us again this Sunday.
Sunday, we will also celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.
The AC is still working in the sanctuary – praise God!
Thought for the week:
Playing the guitar is like telling the truth – you never have to worry about repeating the same lie if you told the truth. You don't have to pretend, or cover up. If someone asks you again, you don't have to think about it or worry about it . . . because there it is. It's you. - B. B. King
May the Spirit help you to be the person you were created you to be – nothing more . . . or less!
In Christ,
Monday, June 18, 2007
Kettering Community Chorus Joins Us Next Sunday, June 24
An Opportunity to Serve
In his sermon yesterday, Pastor Gary spoke about the Gospel reading for the day, Luke 7:36-8:3. In this reading, a Pharisee invited Jesus to dinner, and a "woman in the city, who was a sinner" also showed up. The sermon was about how unexpected things come unto our lives when we invite Jesus into our lives, and how many of these unexpected things include the blessing of being entrusted to serve others, as the woman served Jesus.
An opportunity to serve others that was lifted up to us yesterday is "A Rainbow of Caring." This is a program of the Church World Service to provide blankets and tools to people who have been dispossessed. For example, a contribution of $5.00 provides a sturdy blanket to warm the night or provide shade during the day. On display in our chancel is a sample of the blankets provided and some tools. You can find out more about this at and