Friday, November 09, 2007

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

God has richly blessed our community of faith with many gifted people. If you attended last Sunday night's Service of Hope and Remembrance as we observed the Festival of All Saints, you were in the presence of those who shared their diverse gifts. WOW! A number of attendees commented on the blessing of having the time to reflect on those special people from their past who had been lost in the shuffle of busy schedules. Ginger Minneman, Rachel Spry, and members of the Chancel Choir and orchestra shared God's blessings with us in a very moving service. And thanks to Dick Freudenberger, the sanctuary was perfect for the evening.

This weekend in worship:
Worship Theme: Our lessons all deal with God's promise of the resurrection of the dead and God's eternal presence in our lives
Blood Pressure: The Health Ministry Team (HMT) will offer confidential blood pressure screenings following all three worship services
"Donor Sabbath": The HMT will also provide a brief temple talk during all three worship services, lifting up the importance of organ donation, which is strongly supported by the ELCA
Veterans Day: We will give thanks to God for all men and women who have served in the military

If you would like to help create the soup for our November 21 Thanksgiving Eve Service, respond to this email. Supplies will be purchased and delivered to the church.

To date, we have received $1,595.00 toward the $5,000.00 challenge that has been presented to us from a family in the congregation. Having already donated $5,000.00, the family will donate another $5,000 if we can raise $5,000 by December 31. The money collected will be disbursed in the following manner: 50% - HVAC project; 30% - Jeremiah's Letter; 20% - Lutheran World Federation. Checks can be made out to "Lutheran Church of Our Savior", and all donations must be newly pledged money.

Place your orders now for Christmas poinsettias, which will be in place for Christmas Eve worship. Color: white (a fitting color for our "God's Peace Flowing Through Us" emphasis); cost: $7.00. Money should accompany completed reservation forms, which are available in the narthex and the church office. Reservation deadline is Sunday, December 9.

May God bless your weekend, may your favorite football team win (unless you are a Notre Dame fan, 'cause you know that's not happening!), and may you follow God's call to gather in worship with your sisters and brothers in the faith!

In Christ's peace,

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