Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Prayer Vigil for Peace Set for the Weekend of Epiphany; Including Taize Music, Prayers and Readings

At the end of what can often be a hectic holiday season, join us at the Lutheran Church of our Savior for an event focusing on the peace that only God can bring about in our lives and world. As part of our "God's Peace Flowing Through Us" initiative, we will be holding a prayer vigil for peace during the weekend of Epiphany. The vigil will be held on Saturday, January 5 in the chapel from noon through 9:00 p.m. All members of the Dayton area community are invited to attend.

During the hour from 7:30 p.m. through 8:30 p.m., our Director of Music Ginger Minneman and a group of instrumentalists will lead those present in singing Taize music, interspersed with prayers and readings. If you haven't experienced music and prayers in this kind of setting, perform a Google search on the word "Taize," and you'll find lots of information about it. The chapel will be lit by candlelight.

We'll have a sign-up sheet in the narthex for several weeks before the vigil so that people can volunteer to participate during particular time slots. We're doing this just to make sure that someone will be taking part in the prayer vigil during its entire time. People should feel to come at any time during the vigil, however. At the prayer vigil in September, there were often many people praying at the same time. Visitors are welcome.

FYI, the regular Saturday 5:30 p.m. evening service will be held in the main sanctuary on January 5 - the prayer vigil and Taize music and prayers are in addition to our regular weekend worship schedule.

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