The rain that is presently falling is truly a blessing. Earlier this week, I attended the Southern Ohio Synod's annual "rostered leaders conference" at Deer Creek State Park, and it was so dry and hot that I did not even unload my fishing gear from the trunk of my car!
This weekend, our worship theme is based upon Jesus' parable of the rich man and Lazarus, lifting up the importance of our faith in God being lived out in the ways we serve others. Thus, it is not mere coincidence that this weekend has been dubbed "PASTA WEEKEND," sponsored by the Social Ministry Committee. You are invited and encouraged to bring food donations of pasta and sauce for the New Hope Food Pantry. All kinds will be accepted - dried pasta; canned pasta; cans and jars of sauce; macaroni and cheese; etc. In an email I received yesterday, one of our members reported to me that both Krogers and Cub Foods currently have sales on both pasta, sauces, and canned ravioli. So, bring your food donations to worship this weekend, and let's fill the shelves of the New Hope Food Pantry! (Click on "Social Ministry Projects" below for more posts about this project and similar projects in the last year - "Cereal Sunday" and "Souper Bowl Sunday.")
Looking Ahead:
On Saturday, October 20, a special worship service will be held at the JDHooks Farm (on Rt. 48, south of Centerville, toward Lebanon) in conjunction with the Holy Terrors hayride, bonfire, and wiener roast. The hayrides begin at 4:00 p.m.; the bonfire and wiener roast will begin at 5:30 p.m., and worship will be held around the bonfire. You are welcome to come for the entire afternoon, just worship, or worship and a hotdog! ON OCTOBER 20, THE REGULAR SATURDAY EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE WILL BE HELD ON SITE AT LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR - THIS IS A CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS.
As God is blessing our part of creation with rain, may the Lord bless you with all that will nourish your life.
In Christ's peace,
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