Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
We are an Easter people! That means we believe in and worship a God of extravagant abundance and not scarcity! Our lessons this weekend drive home that point, as we hear again the story of Jesus telling his disciples that God has plenty of blessings for everyone.
This Sunday, at the 10:30 a.m. service, we will also provide prayers and anointing for spiritual/mental/physical healing during the celebration of Holy Communion.
Sunday afternoon, the Dayton Confirmation Cluster will travel to Wittenberg University to meet with campus pastor Rachel Tune and some college students to discuss putting faith into action after confirmation.
Those of you who still have cards from the Adopt-A-College Student Program are reminded to return them to the church office ASAP!! Some colleges will be concluding for the summer in a few weeks, so the materials need to be in the mail now.
The Spiritual Journey event will resume this Friday, 10:00 p.m. at the church. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Carol Harper and some high school friends hosted a dance in our fellowship hall Saturday night. Entry fee was a canned food donation. 50 youth attended, bringing 120 cans of food and $14 – all of which has been donated to the church food pantry. Way to go, Carol!!
Tyler Maschino is working on his Boy Scout Eagle Award, and his project is to build a storage shed at the backside of the parish house chapel to house the chairs we use for our Saturday outdoor worship. Special thanks to the church Property Committee for the direction they have shared with Tyler. Cost of building materials is about $500, which he is to raise. This weekend, I invite you to bring an additional donation for Tyler's Eagle Project, so he can reach his goal. The "build" is scheduled for Saturday, May 3, with a rainout date set for May 10.
Needed – people willing to serve as ushers for the 10:30 a.m. worship service (and 9:45 a.m. service during the summer). Job description – hand out bulletins, collect the offering, direct people during communion, count heads. Age/gender requirement: none! If you would like to volunteer, respond to this email, or contact Terri Balsom in the church office. Thanks!
Rebuilding Together – this annual home-rehabbing project is scheduled for Saturday, April 26. Miami Valley Lutherans will be working on two homes, and our own Terry Bruns and Doug Hammer are the house captains. Volunteers of all abilities can be utilized. Can you help? Contact the church office.
Youth Mother's Day Brunch – May 4, 11:45 a.m., in the fellowship hall. Yes, it's not really Mother's Day, but this way, you can support the youth one week, and then celebrate with your family the next. This annual event is a fundraiser for the youth mission trip to the Dominican Republic in July, where they will be working at an orphanage for a week.
I look forward to being in worship with you this weekend as we sing our praises to the God of abundance!
In Christ's peace,

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