Thursday, April 03, 2008

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
Last week, I was away helping our daughter Megan celebrate her 21st birthday – so I'm officially an ol . . . I mean "well-ripened" guy. Special thanks to Terry Bruns for leading worship on Saturday night, and to the Rev. Brian Dillahunt for leading worship on Sunday.
This weekend in worship, we will hear again the story of Jesus meeting up with two believers on their way to Emmaus on that first Easter day. It is an account filled with hope in the midst of unfulfilled dreams and expectations, a story very appropriate for us in today's world!
On Sunday afternoon, our congregation will host the 7-church Confirmation Cluster, 5:00 – 6:15 p.m. For this day, the cluster pastors have created a version of Trivial Pursuit based upon the theme – What does it mean to be a Lutheran? – with the board superimposed onto the fellowship hall floor. If we can make it work, we will offer our adults opportunities to "play" at various fellowship gatherings.
This Saturday, I have the honor of presenting one of the workshops at "SeniorFest – a day for Lutherans Age 50 and Older". The event will be held at Epiphany Lutheran Church, in Centerville, and features 13 different workshops, including opening and closing celebrations with Lutheran musician John Ylvisaker (composer of "Borning Cry"). I will be leading two session of the workshop "I want my grandkids to know their family's history – writing your story". I am told there is still time to sign up for the event and workshops by contacting Rev. Larry Hoffsis at 435-5020 or Cost is $15 and includes a box lunch.
There will be NO Spiritual Gathering this Friday, but we will resume on Friday, April 18.
I look forward to being with you all in worship this weekend. May the God of new life fill your week with blessings beyond your wildest imagination!
In Christ's peace,

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