Monday, January 28, 2008

Souper Bowl of Caring on Super Bowl Weekend

"Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us to be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat." Souper Bowl of Caring Founding Prayer

This coming weekend, those who come to worship at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior will participate in the Souper Bowl of Caring. All proceeds will go directly to the New Hope Food Pantry in Dayton. This is an annual event that started with one church in 1990 and has now grown to over 15,000 churches and civic groups nationwide. Approximately $8,26,191 worth of food and money was raised in 2007, with $826,191 of that coming from ELCA congregations. No money or food is sent to the Souper Bowl of Caring itself - all proceeds go directly a charity chosen by each participating group.

We encourage everybody attending our services this weekend to give generously. We will be collecting both food items and monetary donations.

For more information, see and If you click on "Social Ministry Projects" below, you'll see more postings about the New Hope Food Pantry.

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