Friday, January 18, 2008

A Message from Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Looking toward this weekend, our lessons for worship remind us that identity is not wrapped up in our answers to the question, "What do you do?", but solely in what God does for us, through Jesus, in baptism - making us children of God. As you prepare to worship together this weekend, I encourage all of us to prayerfully ponder the question "Who am I?", comparing what you "do" with that which God has created you to be.

Tonight (Friday), we will hold another Spiritual Journeys event for anyone who wishes to explore a deeper relationship with God. Meet around the fireplace in the parish house foyer at 10:00 p.m.

Saturday, students in the Confirmation Cluster will gather at First Lutheran Church, downtown, to participate in a service project of feeding the community's poor/homeless.

Looking Ahead:

Next Sunday, January 27, the Evangelism Team is hosting the All-Congregation Members' Birthday Party at 11:45 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Remember to RSVP to your invitations!

Ash Wednesday Service - the start of the Lenten season - February 6. Dinner at 6:00 p.m. followed by the service at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. This will be a traditional service using the liturgy for Ash Wednesday from Evangelical Lutheran Worship, including the imposition of ashes. We will be joined by members of St. Paul's Lutheran Church (Downtown Dayton) for this service and dinner. I will write to you more later about the Wednesday night services for the remainder of Lent, which will alternate between LCOS and St. Paul's.

Question: Whose life have you improved this week by libing our your faith?

I look forward to being with you in worship this weekend!

In Christ's peace,


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