Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Evangelical Lutheran Worship - Coming to Our Pews This Month
During Lent, we will use at the Sunday 10:30 AM service a setting of the Communion service from the ELW that was adapted from a setting in the The Service Book and Hymnal. The Service Book and Hymnal was the red hymnal that was replaced by the LBW in 1978. People who were in congregations that used that hymal will remember the melodies of this setting, and others will be able to learn them quickly.
During the Easter season, we will at the Sunday 10:30 AM service be using a setting from ELW that uses the same music as Setting II from the old LBW.
Meanwhile, we are continuing our fund drive to pay for our copies of ELW. Of the 450 copies that we have purchased, funds have been donated for 200 of them. That leaves us with 250 to go. Please consider helping us pay for these copies. Donations can be made in honor or memory of loved ones, pastors, teachers, choir directors, or anybody else who has been a part of your faith journey.
Revealing Christ
Ash Wednesday; Mid-Week Lenten Services
Following Ash Wednesday, noon and 6:45 PM services will be held each Wednesday during Lent. These services are informal, and will feature a sermon series on five readings from the ancient Easter Vigil. These are five of the most prominent stories that announced hope and salavation to the people of Israel.
Lunch will follow each noon worship service, and dinner will precede each 6:45 PM worship service.
A Message From Our Pastor
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
Our worship theme this weekend is embodied in our Gospel lesson, which is Luke's version of Jesus' call of Peter, James, and John to discipleship. They leave behind what amounts to a fortune on the beach (remember, they were fisherman) to take up following an itinerant rabbi who just happened to be the Son of God.
After worship this Sunday, we will hold our ANNUAL CONGREGATION MEETING in the fellowship hall. Lunch will convene at 11:45 a.m. (I promise, I'll be short-winded!), followed by our business meeting. Lunch is covered-dish, with fried chicken, drinks, and place-settings provided. Activities for children will be led by Rachel Spry after lunch as the meeting is convened.
FYI . . . until the various strains of the flu and upper respiratory infections die out, we are suspending the use of the common cup in our communion celebration in worship.
On Ash Wednesday, February 21, we will worship at noon and 6:45 p.m. in the main sanctuary. Lunch (12:45 p.m.) and dinner (6:00 p.m.) will be served in the fellowship hall. This will mark the beginning of our use of Evangelical Lutheran Worship, the new red hymnal/worship book.
Let's meet in worship this weekend to praise God for all our blessings.
Yours, in Christ,
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
A Message From Our Pastor
Monday, January 15, 2007
Sunday School creating Transfiguration Banner
Friday, January 12, 2007
A Message From Our Pastor
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
The worship theme this weekend celebrates God coming to us through everyday experiences (the wedding at Cana), and call us to share God's gifts with others as we meet them in our everyday schedules.
During the season of Epiphany, we are keeping up the lighted trees in the sanctuary as a reminder of the light of God that leads our lives to the Source of all life.
Special thanks to all the Saturday night worshipers (kids, youth, and adults) who stayed after our Epiphany worship last week, for they removed all the candles from the pews, all of the votives from the windows, and all the poinsettias from the chancel!!
Last Sunday, we celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, and we used the new Baptismal Bowl. This Sunday, again at the 10:30 service, we will dedicate the new Baptismal Bowl to the glory of God during the prayers.
REMINDERS: our Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 4, 11:30 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Lunch will be served first: fried chicken, drinks and place settings are provided; please bring a food dish to share. Activities are planned for children. The purpose of the meeting is to: receive 2006 ministry reports, act upon the 2007 budget proposal, and act upon the HVAC proposal.
LOOKING AHEAD: The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (Feb. 21), which will kick-off our mid-week Lenten services and soup meals. We need Soup Chefs. If you are interested in helping to prepare one or more of the Wednesday soup meals during Lent, please let me know by responding to this email. Thank you.
As we continue our journey into the new year, lets meet in worship to praise the One who leads us on our journey!
In Christ,Gary
Monday, January 08, 2007
Thanks for the Help
Saturday, January 06, 2007
New Baptismal Font
The new baptismal font will first used this weekend. The font has been donated by our pastor, Gary Eichhorn, and his wife Debbie, and their children Megan and Stephen in memory of their dear friend David Clevenger.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
A Message From Our Pastor
I hope that you took some time for yourselves over the holidays to slow down and enjoy time with family, friends, and God.
There are ample opportunities for ministry this weekend, so I hope you can find time to be involved:
Leadership Retreat (8:30 a.m. - noon) - for 2007 congregation council members and committee/ministry team chair people. Meet in the Chancel Chior Room.
Chrismon Decorations Taken Down (1:30 p.m.) - Any and all are invited to help remove the Chrismons from the chancel trees.
Ephiphany Day Worship (5:30 p.m.) - January 6 is celebrated as Ephiphany Day throughout Christianity, signifying the revelation of the Christ to the Gentile (non-Jewish) world. This special day is marked by the arrival of the Magi. Our Saturday worship will be a celebration of the Ephiphany, and will kick-off a season of "light" (marked by the star that guided the Magi to the Christ). The trees and lights will remain in the chancel throughout the season of Ephiphany.
The "Baptism of Our Lord" is the worship theme for Sunday, as the first Sunday in Ephiphany season always celebrates Jesus' baptism. At the 10:30 service, we will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Baptism for one of the new members of our congregation.
The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (Feb. 21), and we are seeking people to help prepare simple soup meals for our Wednesday Lenten services. If you would like to help with one lunch and/or dinner, please let me know.
Let's begin 2007 in worship this weekend. Hope to see you there!
Yours in Christ,