Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

Our worship theme this weekend is embodied in our Gospel lesson, which is Luke's version of Jesus' call of Peter, James, and John to discipleship. They leave behind what amounts to a fortune on the beach (remember, they were fisherman) to take up following an itinerant rabbi who just happened to be the Son of God.

After worship this Sunday, we will hold our ANNUAL CONGREGATION MEETING in the fellowship hall. Lunch will convene at 11:45 a.m. (I promise, I'll be short-winded!), followed by our business meeting. Lunch is covered-dish, with fried chicken, drinks, and place-settings provided. Activities for children will be led by Rachel Spry after lunch as the meeting is convened.

FYI . . . until the various strains of the flu and upper respiratory infections die out, we are suspending the use of the common cup in our communion celebration in worship.

On Ash Wednesday, February 21, we will worship at noon and 6:45 p.m. in the main sanctuary. Lunch (12:45 p.m.) and dinner (6:00 p.m.) will be served in the fellowship hall. This will mark the beginning of our use of Evangelical Lutheran Worship, the new red hymnal/worship book.

Let's meet in worship this weekend to praise God for all our blessings.

Yours, in Christ,


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