Thursday, December 28, 2006

A Message from Our Pastor

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

I pray that your celebration of the Nativity of our Lord was glorious and hope-filled! In case you missed them, our celebrations here at LCOS were indeed glorious. The children and youth shared the Christmas message in a Christmas Around the World pageant at the 10:30 a.m. service. It was fun for me to have so many children and youth in the chancel during worship, especially as they sang! Special thanks to Rachel Spry and all the parents who helped to coordinate this year’s program.

And we were truly inspired by our Chancel Choir at the 10:00 p.m. service, magnified by the candlelight that flooded the sanctuary. Special thanks to Ginger Minneman and the members of the Chancel Choir, and members of the Worship Planning Team for helping to make our celebrations so meaningful this year!

But, as much work as goes into preparing for our Christmas Eve services, this weekend’s worship is right around the corner:

Saturday evening will feature singing Christmas carols, message, and the celebration of Holy Communion.

Both Sunday Communion Services (8:15 and 10:30 a.m.) will be held as usual, and the Joyful Noise Children’s Choir will present special music for us at the late service.

And . . . there will be a congregational meeting after the 10:30 a.m. service this Sunday, December 31, to hold an election for congregational council.

Let’s finish 2006 off in the right way by worshiping together this weekend!

In Christ,


Chancel Choir Update

Chancel Choir will not meet tonight for rehearsal, but we will sing this coming Sunday, December 31. Please meet at the regular time--10:00 AM.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas is Coming . . .

The Chrismons are in place on the trees, and the votive candles are nearly up on all the window sills. The children only have one more rehearsal for pageant on Sunday morning at 10:30 am, and the Chancel Choir had a great rehearsal tonight for the Christmas Eve 10:00 pm candle light service. We hope to see you in worship this weekend!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Holiday Worship Schedule - Join Us!

There is a post below that lists our worship schedule from now through January 7. Over the holidays, please join us for worship, and remember that Christmas isn't just a day, but a season. (The old song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" at least has the timing right - unlike secular Christmas, Christmas hasn't started yet on the church calendar - we're in Advent - and continues through Epiphany.)

As always, everyone is welcome, whether you are looking for a church home or just somewhere to attend for a day; a member who has not been coming much lately; or, one of our regulars.

Sonshine Choir

The Sonshine Choir sang at the 10:30 AM service this last Sunday. Their director, Elizabeth Beal, has been teaching the children about liturgy and what it means to be a worship leader. The choir sang an acclamation before the second lesson and a response after it was read: "Rejoice in the Lord Always." They also sang as a group during the "Lamb of God" and a harmonization during the last hymn. Thanks to Elizabeth for her efforts and to the children for participating. I believe that this is one of the important things we have going on right now - it'll be a joy to watch this group of children learn more about worship and leadership in the church as they grow older. Please encourage and support them in every way that you can. To learn more and/or leave a comment, you can visit the Sonshine Choir blogsite by clicking here or by clicking the link on the right side of this page.

Update on Evangelical Lutheran Worship

Our pew copies of the new hymnal ("ELW") have arrived. A copy is on display in the narthex for you to preview.

Of the 450 copies of ELW that we have purchased, donations have been made for approximately 200 of them, so we still have 250 to pay for. Fundraising continues - if you would like to donate one or more copies of ELW in honor or memory of a loved one, teacher, pastor, choir director, or anybody who has been significant to your faith journey, please contact the church office.

We're planning on starting to use ELW at the beginning of Lent, which is February 21. During Lent, we will use Setting Five of the Communion Service from ELW. This is a chant setting based on LBW Setting 3 (which our congregation has not used) and Service Book and Hymnal Setting 2 (which we used many times before the LBW was published). This setting will work well for Lent, and we believe that those who have not used it in the past will be comfortable with it quickly.

Our plan is that during the next several years, we will establish a seasonal rotation of three or four settings from ELW. Both Setting 1 and Setting 2 from the LBW appear (with some modifications) in ELW. Setting 5 from WOV does not appear in ELW, but we'll continue to use it periodically for some time. We'll also evaluate which new setting(s) to use.

Baptismal Font

Some of you may notice this weekend that the baptismal font is not in the sanctuary. The font is being renovated. It'll be back in the sanctuary for three baptisms that will be held on January 7 (which incidentally is the day celebrated as the Baptism of Our Lord.) More information to follow . . . .

Chancel Choir and Bell Choir Schedules

Tonight is the special rehearsal and party for the Chancel Choir. The Chancel Choir will also have its regular Thursday night rehearsal this week. The Chancel Choir will NOT sing at the 10:30 AM service on Sunday, December 24. This service includes the children's Christmas Pageant. Normally, on the rare occasions when the Chancel Choir is not singing an anthem, we sit in the choir loft anyway to help lead worship. This Sunday, though, the chancel will be occupied with children who are participating in the Pageant, so the Chancel Choir will not be in the chancel.

Christmas Eve Schedule for the choirs:

Bell Choir rehearsal at 8:50 PM.
Chancel Choir rehearsal at 9:00 PM.
Bell Choir will play during the prelude time.
Service starts at 10:00 PM.

Thanks for Helping

Thanks to those who helped put up the pew candles on Sunday. The work went quickly with so many people helping, and it was fun to see the kids involved.

Thank you also to the people who helped put up and decorate the Chrismon trees. They look great! (For those wondering what a Chrismon tree is, there is a posting below about them.)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Help Needed for Christmas Preparations

The Worship Committee would appreciate help putting up the pew candles in the sanctuary immediately after the 10:30 AM service on Sunday, Dec. 17.

Bell Choir

The Bell Choir will rehearse after the 10:30 AM service this coming Sunday, Dec. 17. We'll be working on our pieces for Christmas Eve.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Holiday Worship Schedule

Saturday, December 24, 5:30 PM: Communion Service

Sunday, December 25, Christmas Eve:

  • Our regular 8:15 AM service will NOT be held.
  • Our 10:30 AM Communion Service will feature our Children's Christmas Pageant
  • Our 10:00 PM Traditional Candle-light Christmas Communion Service will include special music by the Chancel Choir, Bell Choir, and others.

Saturday, December 30, 5:30 PM: Communion Service

Sunday, December 31, the First Sunday of Christmas:

  • 8:15 AM Communion Service
  • 10:30 AM Communion Service

Saturday, January 6, 5:30 PM, the Epiphany of Our Lord: Communion Service

Sunday, January 7, the Baptism of Our Lord:

  • 8:15 AM Communion Service
  • 10:30 AM Communion Service

Normally, at the 5:30 PM service on Saturday, we use the lectionary readings appointed for the following day, so the lessons are the same for all services during the weekend. However, because Epiphany falls this year on Saturday, January 6, we will use the readings for the day of Ephiphany at the service on that day. On Sunday, January 7, we will use the readings appointed for that day, which is celebrated as the Baptism of our Lord. Our pastor will give different sermons for the two days. Those attending each service are encouraged to independently read the lessons for the other day.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Chrismon Tree Set Up

We will be putting up four trees in the chancel on Saturday, December 9 at 8:30 AM and decorating them with the Chrismons on Tuesday, December 19 at 12:30 PM. Please come by and give us a hand.

Chrismons are ornaments in the form of Christian symbols which represent a variety of biblical and theological concepts. The Chrismons that we use on our trees have been hand made by members of our congregation. They are primarily white, with gold and silver ornamentation.

Join the Chancel Choir for Christmas Eve; Special Rehearsals

The Chancel Choir will present a number of anthems during the 10:00 PM communion service on Christmas Eve. If you are not one of the regular choir members, but would like to sing with us at the Christmas Eve service, now is the time to start rehearsing with us. As always, our director Ginger Minneman has chosen wonderful music - I'll list them in a later post.

In addition to our regular Thursday evening (7:00 PM) rehearsals, the Chancel Choir will have two special rehearsals to prepare for the Christmas Eve service:

* Saturday, December 9 at 10:00 AM at the church

* Tuesday, December 19 at 6:00 PM - party to follow (contact Ginger for the location)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Advent Starting and Other Matters

A message from our pastor:

"Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

This weekend, in worship, we enter the Season of Advent as we begin a new church year. The color of the season is blue (for hope), for it is a time in which the church looks forward to the final coming of Jesus. The Advent Wreath will be in place, as we will light the first candle.

This Sunday, at 3:00 p.m., the first Christmas Pageant rehearsal will be held at the church. If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Spry.

Next weekend, Saturday (12/09) and Sunday (12/10) there is plenty happening: Saturday and Sunday in worship will be our Consecration Services as we receive “estimates of giving” ($ and time/talent) for 2007. Watch your mail for details. Sunday, after worship, we will also hold our annual ADVENTure Awaiting Celebration, which includes a silent auction, holiday craft fair, and great food prepared by our Youth. Plan to be a part of this festive day! And on Saturday, 8:30 a.m., we will put up the Chrismon trees in the sanctuary (trees only). Anyone and everyone is welcome to help erect the 4 trees.

As we begin a new church year, let’s gather in worship this weekend. It’s a great way to kick off the new year!

In Christ,

Update on New Book of Worship

The good news is that we're being told that our copies of the pew edition of Evangelical Lutheran Worship should ship to us soon. That bad news is that there has been a delay in shipping the accompaniment editions of ELW. Evidently, there was a problem with the binding from the first printing of the accompaniment editions, so Augsburg Fortress had to return them to be redone. We won't begin using the pew copies until we at least obtain a copy of the accompaniment edition for the liturgy. Hopefully, it will arrive in time for the season of Ephiphany or at least for Lent.

So far, we have received donations for 170 copies of the pew edition. The congregation has purchased 450 copies, so we have a way to go. If you would like donate one or more copies in honor or memory of a friend, loved one, or anyone who has been a part of your faith journey, contact the church office. The cost is $17.50 each, because we pre-ordered. (Copies ordered today are $20.00.)

Christmas Caroling

Our children's group, the "Holy Terrors," will host Christmas caroling on Sunday, December 17. We will meet for lunch after the 10:30 AM service and leave for caroling after lunch. This event is open to everyone who wants to brighten up the holiday for some of our homebound members. There will be hot chocolate and cookes afterward. Please RSVP by Sunday, December 10 to Rachel at the church so that enough food can be purchased for the luncheon.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

About Our Church

For those of you who don't know our church, the Lutheran Church of Our Savior is located in Oakwood (Dayton), Ohio, and is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (the "ELCA"). We are a medium-sized congregation, with an average attendance of about 200 people at worship each weekend. Our Pastor is Gary Eichhorn. Ginger Minneman is our Music Director and the Director of our Chancel Choir, and Rachel Spry is our Organist and Coordinator of Family Ministeries .

We have three worship services each weekend: 5:30 PM on Saturday and 8:15 AM and 10:30 AM on Sunday. While every weekend service is a Communion service, there are distinct differences between the three services. (Click on the following link to a description of each service: Worship Descriptions.) There are many opportunities for lay people to participate in leadership of worship - choral choirs, ushers, acolytes, readers, worship and communion assistants, etc.

To read more about our church and to find driving directions, visit Visitors are always welcome.

Thanksgiving Eve Dinner and Worship; the Festival of Christ the King

A Message from Pastor Gary:

"Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

Special thanks to Harriet Uphoff for bringing the inspiring message in worship this past weekend! Our community of faith is filled with plenty of very gifted people. Thanks to all of you who so willingly share your gifts for the glory of God and the uplifting of this community!

Tomorrow night, Wednesday, November 22, 6:15 p.m., we will gather in the fellowship hall for our THANKSGIVING EVE SOUP DINNER. As I type this, part of the crew is downstairs in the newly completed kitchen getting things started. At 7:00 p.m., we will move upstairs to the parish house foyer for our ANNUAL THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP. This years’ theme is “Lift Up Your Hearts,” and our time together will include looking at what we think God is calling us to do with our time, talents and resources in 2007 as we give thanks for God’s blessings in life this year. I hope you can be with us. If you are traveling, may God richly bless your Thanksgiving celebration, and guide you safely back to us!

This weekend is the final weekend in the Church Year, celebrated as the Festival of Christ the King. We have come full circle, hearing the stories from Scripture of how God has broken into human history, and into our lives, through Jesus the Christ. Next weekend begins another new Church Year, with the season of Advent, in which we begin to retell the stories again from Scripture. If you are in town this weekend, join us for our “year-end celebration” in worship.

Let's meet in worship this weekend!

In Christ,


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Bell Choir Special Rehearsal

The bell choir will rehearse at 9:30 AM next Sunday, November 26, and will play at the 10:30 AM service.

Thanksgiving Eve Service and Dinner

Please join us on Wednesday, November 22 at 6:00 PM for a soup supper. At 7:00 PM, we will gather around the fireplace in the foyer of the old Patterson mansion for an informal service of Thanksgiving. As always, visitors are welcome. Come share in fellowship and worship.

Children's Christmas Pageant

This year, the Children's Christmas "pageant" will be held during the 10:30 AM Communion service on the day of Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24. The pageant is Christmas Around the World by Karyl J. Garner. Rehearsals are December 3 and 10 (Sundays) at 3:00 PM; Saturday, December 16 at 9:00 AM; and Saturday, December 23 at noon (with a pizza lunch). Please contact Rachel Spry at the church by December 3 if you would like your children to participate.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Worship Notes for November 11-12

The Gospel lesson this week is Mark 12:38-44. In this reading, Jesus says:

"Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets! They devour widows' houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation."
In contrast, Jesus praises the poor widow who puts two small copper coins in the offering--everything she had.

The Chancel Choir's anthem on Sunday ends with a question: "And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" ("Offertory" by John Ness Beck, based on Micah 6:6-8.) An interesting question, in light of the Gospel lesson for the day.

This Sunday's Organ Music

Both the prelude and postlude this Sunday are based upon the German Lutheran chorale tune Nun Danket Alle Gott (Now Thank We all Our God). The two arrangements are a study in contrasts. The first is by J.S. Bach, who set the tune in a stately form using a solo trumpet. The second is by Fred Bock, who composed his flashy arrangement in the style of Diane Bish, the organist famous for her "Joy of Music" television series, sequined clothing, and gold shoes.

Christmas Adopt-a-Family Program

The Social Ministry Committee has announced that we will sponsor 13 needy families this year-53 people in total. Watch for a Christmas tag tree in the Narthex on November 19 that will be decorated with tags for each family member. Select the person or people you would like to shop for and register your tags with Committee members who will be present at each service. Monetary gifts will be used by the Committee to purchase food and some gifts. Shopping must be completed by December 10; delivery to families will be Saturday, December 23. A dedication will occur during worship on the weekend of December 16-17. The Christmas Adopt-a-Family Program is one of several that we take part in during the year. Please continue to give generously!

2007 Flower Chart

The altar flower chart is hanging up in the narthex. It has been decided to increase the price to $30 per vase. (It's been a long time since we've increased the price--it's time to make an adjustment so that the florist can provide arrangements that are more proportional to the setting.) Please sign up for a date or dates for which you would like to sponsor a vase.

The sanctuary (eternal) candle sign up sheet for 2007 is also in the narthex. Please sign up to sponsor the candle for a month.

Christmas Eve Bulletin Covers

We will once again be using drawings by children in the congregation as our Christmas Eve bulletin covers. Drawings are to be hand drawn (NO computer graphics) and colored. Pick up a bulletin cover form in the narthex and get creative! Forms are due in the church office by December 3.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Message From Pastor Gary

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

"Calling all soup chefs" - we are seeking people to help make the soup for our Thanksgiving Eve Soup Dinner, which will be held at 6:15 p.m. prior to our 7:00 p.m. worship on Wednesday, November 22. Supplies will be purchased in advance and placed in the downstairs kitchen (along with the recipe) prior to cooking. If you are interested in helping, please respond email me or call the church office.

It is time again to order your Christmas Poinsettias! Watch the church bulletins for the insert. Once again, the cost is only $7.00 per plant (4-6 blooms), and can be picked up after the 10:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.

This weekend in worship, the Foundation Board will present a brief "Temple Talk" at each service. As part of our Stewardship Emphasis, this weekend's talk will focus on the Lutheran Church of Our Savior Foundation, how it helps our ministries, and how you can help the Foundation grow.

Let's meet in worship this weekend!

In Christ,


Saturday, October 28, 2006

Rachel Spry in Concert

Our organist Rachel Spry will present a concert on Sunday, November 5 at 4pm at St Catharine’s Church in Cincinnati. Besides the organ standards of Bach and Brahms, this program consists of twentieth century music with a French accent. This is a free concert.

2848 Fischer Place Cincinnati, OH 45211

Directions: Take I – 75 south. Take I-74 west towards Indianapolis. Take the Montana Ave exit and turn left. At the 3rd light, turn left onto Wunder Ave. The church is at the end of the block on the left.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Our annual Thanksgiving Eve worship service will be held on Wednesday, November 22 at 7:00 PM. A soup supper will precede the service at 6:00 PM. If you can help prepare the meal, please call the church office at 293-1147 or send an email message to Pastor Gary. Attendance for the service and dinner have been excellent for the past several years. Thanksgiving is one of those holidays when visions of large, joyous family gatherings clash with the realities of isolation and loneliness for many people. Please join us in fellowship and in praising God for all that he has done for us. To quote a hymn: "All are welcome, friend and stranger, at the banquet of the Savior!"

Early Chancel Choir Rehearsal Sunday

A message from Ginger:

This coming Sunday, October 29 is Reformation Sunday. The Chancel Choir will rehearse early at 9:30 AM so there is time to run through the festival setting of LBW setting II and the anthem with the organ, brass, and percussion.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Our Pastor's Weekly Update

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

If you missed Dr. Dick Hardel last weekend in worship, you missed a powerful message - in fact, you missed three! Dr. Hardel is the Executive Director of the Youth and Family Ministries Institute, located in Bloomington, Minnesota, and he was in town to lead a workshop sponsored by the Parish Resource Center. As a Lutheran pastor, he was looking for a place to preach, and we were able to land him. What a treat! In worship, he focused on the importance of family members sharing their faith stories and Bible stories with their children and youth, because dropping them off at the church steps to let the "professionals" teach them is not enough.

And what about that Sonshine Choir at 10:30 a.m. worship last Sunday?! It is truly a joy for me to have them sit up in the chancel during worship, instead of going back to their families. Those children may not know all the words to the liturgy, but they sure can belt out the "Alleluias," and they know the Lord's Prayer by heart! Special thanks to parents for sharing your children with us in worship, and a BIG thanks to Liz Beal (choir director) for her patient work with our children. If you want to share your appreciation, check out and type in your comments.

This weekend, we celebrate the Festival of the Protestant Reformation. The color for the weekend is RED, and I encourage everyone to wear red in worship (chancel choir members, you’re set!), as it is the color of the blood of the martyrs. Martyr comes from the same greek word which is the root for WITNESS; and "witness" is the basis of our baptismal identity as the People of God. So, let's have a sea of red in the pews this weekend. The chancel choir is preparing special music for us at the 10:30 AM Sunday service, and we are receiving new member disciples in worship this weekend as well.

And, this Saturday, October 27, the Sonshine Choir will share special music with us in worship as we begin to use musical portions of Setting 5 (blue hymnal) with accompaniment from a variety of congregational musicians.

And . . . REMEMBER TO SET YOUR CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR SATURDAY NIGHT! Let's meet in worship this weekend!

In Christ,


Sunday, October 22, 2006

First Glimpse of Evangelical Lutheran Worship

Our organist Rachel ordered a personal copy of the new book of worship and hymnal last summer, and it arrived last week. The congregation's copies should ship on Nov. 9. If you want to preview a copy, ask Rachel to see hers.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Bell Choir Update

The Bell Choir is scheduled to play at the 10:30 AM service on Sunday, November 26. This day is the Festival of Christ the King. Bell Choir members--please note that this is the Sunday during Thanksgiving weekend. If you are going to be out of town on this day, please let me know immediately.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

From Our Pastor's Weekly Update . . . .

This Sunday, October 22, the Sonshine Children's Choir will help to lead 10:30 a.m. worship by presenting special music prior to the Children's Moment.

The Rev. Dr. Dick Hardel will be our guest preacher at all three worship services this weekend. Dr. Hardel, a Lutheran pastor, is the executive director of The Youth and Family Institute in Bloomington, Minnesota, and is a passionate believer in families passing on the faith in Jesus Christ to children and youth. Dr. Hardel will also teach Adult Sunday School at 9:15 a.m.

The SACRED HARP SINGERS will hold their monthly gathering this SUNDAY, 3:00 P.M. IN THE PARISH HOUSE MEETING ROOM. You are welcome to stop by and join your voices with theirs as they creatively praise the Lord.

We missed the Chancel Choir in worship with us last week, and look forward to their voices and their leadership with us in worship this Sunday. But, it was a joy to hear from our YOUTH as they shared with us their experiences from the July Mission Trip, in which they worked on the Henderson family home in New Orleans. And, what a blessing to hear one of our youth share her voice in song with us!!


Friday, October 13, 2006

Worship This Weekend

A message from Pastor Gary: Worship this weekend focuses on the Biblical theme of sacrificial giving, and serves as the introduction to our annual Stewardship Emphasis, which is "Celebrate Generosity!" Part of this emphasis is supporting the ELCA World Hunger program. As we collect food this fall, please remember to donate food that you would want to receive! The grocery cart will be in the narthex in which to place your donations.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Fund Raising for New Book of Worship Off to a Strong Start

We've already received donations for 49 copies of Evangelical Lutheran Worship. The congregation has ordered 450 copies. Please give generously to help us pay for these copies. You can dedicate each copy in memory or in honor of a friend, loved one, or anyone else who has touched your life and been a part of your faith formation-pastors, teachers, and other mentors. The October edition of the Voice included a envelope for donations. Envelopes are also in the pew racks. If you donate more than one copy, you can write one check and place a dedication list inside the envelope. Because we ordered early, each copy is $17.50. (Price to order today is $20.00.)

Augsburg Fortress reports that the new hymnal has had such a tremendous reception that a fourth printing has been started and orders placed today will be shipped in February. We're expecting our copies to arrive before the end of October, and plan to begin using them on the first Sunday of Advent. For more information about Evangelical Lutheran Worship, click this link or go to the Renewing Worship link at the right.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Blessing of the Animals

Today is the day that the church especially remembers St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and the ecology. This evening, we held a Service of the Blessing of the Animals for the first time. The original plans were for the service to be held outside in the Memorial Prayer Labyrinth, but with a thunderstorm threatening, the service was moved into the main sanctuary. About thirty-five people attended with about twenty pets. Most of the pets were dogs, but there were also two cats, a bird, and a hampster. After the hymn "All Creatures of Our God and King," several readings from the Bible about animals, and a short homily, Pastor Gary blessed the animals that were brought forward. The service concluded with prayers and the hymn "All Things Bright and Beautiful." The animals were amazingly calm during the entire service--not a single dog fight occurred!

Dr. Dick Hardel to be Guest Preacher October 21 & 22

Dr. Dick Hardel is the executive director of The Youth & Family Institute in Bloomington, MN. He is the author of Blest Be the Pie that Binds, which one of our adult Sunday School classes studied last year. Dr. Hardel adds radical thinking to the basics of faithful ministry of passing on faith in Jesus Christ. A Lutheran pastor for many years, he is passionate about parish ministry and liturgy. Dr. Hardel will also teach Adult Sunday School at 9:15 AM on October 22.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Our Youth Group Has a New Blog

Our church's youth group has a new blog. It's at The Links list to the right now has a link to the site. We hope that this new tool will help foster community and creativity. Good luck to the youth group!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Sonshine Children's Choir

Just a reminder that there is also a blog specifically for the Sonshine Children's Choir which will be periodically updated. The link in the Links section to the right will take you directly to it.

Choral Contrasts

The anthem mentioned by Pastor Gary in his message below is Praise the Lord (A Processional Song), arranged by Ralph Johnson. This piece is based on a traditional processional song from the African country of Cameroon. It starts softly with the women of the choir singing in unison, then builds to a joyous peak by adding layers of other voices and instruments--drums, triangle, wood block, and shakers. The choir had fun with this one!

The Chancel Choir anthem for this coming Sunday (Sept. 1, 2006) comes from an entirely different genre: Cantate Domino by Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni (1657-1743). Pitoni was an Italian composer and choir master and is best known for settings of the mass and other music in the style of Palestrina. Cantate Domino is a setting of a traditional text that starts with the opening line of Psalm 96: "Cantate Domino, canticum novum . . . ." "O sing to the Lord a new song . . . ." It is lively and joyous, and will be sung a cappella in Latin.

A Message from Pastor Gary

Our worship theme this weekend, as lifted up in our lessons, calls us to celebrate the rich diversity among God's people and the many ways we the people of God, and let go of the fear-based notion that everyone else has to be like us. The Chancel Choir certainly championed that grace-filled message last Sunday with an anthem that included a number of musical instruments that are usually placed outside the circle of traditional Lutheran worship. [See the posting above.] It was tremendously uplifting!

Next week, on Wednesday, October 4, which is the Feast Day of Francis of Assisi, we will celebrate a Service of Blessing of the Animals in the Prayer Labyrinth at 7:00 p.m. [This is the correct time--the email message sent to the congregation yesterday had an error.] Pets of all sizes and types are welcome: please make sure dogs are on leashes, and all others are in cages/terrariums/ boxes/bowls/etc. We have had lots of fun planning this--we hope you will join us! The service will conclude around 7:30 p.m.

While we await the arrival of the new hymnals--Evangelical Lutheran Worship--you can donate one or more in honor/in memory of loved ones by using the envelope in the October VOICE that was mailed yesterday. There are also envelopes in the church office. Cost is $17.50 per hymnal.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

October 1 Prelude

Orgelstucke, Opus 59, No. 8 Max Reger
8. "Gloria in Excelsis"
Orgelstucke is a set of twelve pieces for organ composed by Max Reger in 1901. Gloria in Excelsis is based on the plainsong chant used in the mass. The text of Gloria in excelsis is one of five texts used in the ordinary (used at every mass). On October 1, we will sing This is the Feast, a modern textual variation upon the Gloria text. Reger's setting begins with a grand statement of the plainsong chant tune. Typical of Reger, there is a dense fugal section in the middle of the piece.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Change in the Beginning of the 10:30 Service

Those who attended the 10:30 AM service yesterday may have noticed a change. The announcements will no longer precede the prelude, but will be made at another point in the service. Yesterday, they were made before the Children's Sermon, and in coming weeks Gary may try several other spots to see what works the best. Rachel plays beautiful preludes on our pipe organ that she picks to set the tone for the readings of the day and their themes. We hope that this change will help you prepare your hearts and minds for the worship that follows.

Yesterday's Sermon

In yesterday's sermon, Pastor Gary spoke (among other things) about the passage in Mark 9:30-37 in which Jesus said that "Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all." There seems to be a human need to feel superior to others. In our lives, we continually rank other people and are in return ranked by them. Gary posed a question for us all to reflect on: "Because you can do something better than another person, does that that make you better than that person?"

Blessing of Pets

For the first time ever, we will be holding a Bldssing of Pets on October 4 at 7:00 PM in the Prayer Labyringh. Come celebrate God's gift of animals, creation, and St. Francis of Assisi, the patron sain of animals and the ecology. (Please keep dogs on leashes and other animals in their cages.)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Radical Service of Others

Last weekend, we heard about Christ's command to pick up your cross and follow him. In this weekend's Gospel Lesson (Mark 9:30-37), Jesus tells the disciples that "Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all." What a radical notion! To preview this and the other lessons for the weekend, click "Weekly Lessons." To attend a worship service of Word and Sacrament focusing on these lessons, join us this weekend.

Three Distinct Worship Services Each Weekend

As you can tell from the posts below, LCOS has three worship services each weekend: 5:30 PM on Saturday and 8:15 AM and 10:30 AM on Sunday. While every weekend service is a Communion service, there are distinct differences between the three services. Click on the following link to a description of each service: Worship Descriptions.

A Message from Pastor Gary:

It was great to have The Rev. Ed Williams (assistant to the bishop) with us in worship last weekend. The message he brought to us was very timely as we begin to think and plan for ministry in 2007 here at LCOS. Christ's command to pick up your cross and follow me, as Pastor Williams noted, does not include inconveniences and frustrations, but those activities involving sacrifice on our parts that glorify God and share Christ with others. I invite you to think about how you currently do that, both in the context of LCOS ministry and in your lives away from the church. As you do that, I invite you to consider what that may look like for you in 2007. How can you be involved in the life of Lutheran Church of Our Savior in the new year that glorifies God and favorably impacts others?

I challenge you to consider becoming involved in one new cross-bearing ministry next year: worshiping more often and/or assisting with worship leadership, attending Sunday School, attending youth group, serving on a committee/team, participating in a ministry project in which you have not participated before . . . the possibilities are plenty if you are willing!

It was a joy to be with so many of you last weekend in worship and Sunday School! Saturday night worship is bursting at the seams; the 8:15 Sunday service is using a new worship format (Service of Word, Prayer and Communion), and has grown in size from last year; and we have more youth and adults participating in leadership roles in our 10:30 Sunday Service. It is great to have our Chancel Choir back from their summer break. I can't wait for the Sonshine and Joyful Noise Children's Choirs Choirs to share their musical gifts with us in the coming weeks! Our Sunday Church School is also growing, which means that more of you are finding ways to grow in your faith!

Worship Committee Meeting

Most of the Worship Committee members are able to meet this coming Saturday, so we'll hold the meeting. Some topics of discussion: Evangelical Lutheran Worship; Thanksgiving Eve; support of Gary/Ginger/Rachel/Celeste during Advent and Christmas; some new ideas from Sundays and Seasons; early planning for Epiphany Season and Lent 2007.

Bell Choir

While the Bell Choir had a few people missing last week, Ginger told me that the rehearsal went well. We will continue with the plan of playing at the 10:30 AM service on October 8. I hope everybody can make rehearsal this week!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Correction on Blog Address

The Ministry Update that was sent out yesterday to congregation members erroneously said that the URL for this blog was at “” If you’re reading this, you’ve obviously found the right address (it's at "") or a link to this site, but we apologize for the confusion created by the error.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


I tried to get onto the LCOS blog site as per the email from Pastor Gary, and got only to the website. What is the trick to get to the LCOS blogsite?
Steve Swedlund

Joyful Noise Children's Choir

The Joyful Noise Choir begins rehearsals this coming Sunday, September 17, at 9:00 AM. Questions? Contact Celeste.

Rev. Ed Williams

A message from Gary: This weekend, we are blessed to have The Rev. Ed Williams with us in worship, bringing us the message. Pastor Williams is the new Assistant to the Bishop in the Southern Ohio Synod who relates to the Dayton Conference (he replaces Wally Arnold, who retired in February), and he will be here to get to know us and our ministries. I hope you will take the time to greet Pastor Williams this weekend.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Chancel Choir Starts Strong - New Members Welcome

The Chancel Choir is up and running for the year. As always, Ginger Minneman (the church's Music Director and Director of the Chancel Choir), has picked a wide range of inspiring music for us to present in worship. Pieces we're working on:

  • Blessed be the Name of the Lord, Dale Grotenhuis (based on Psalm 13)
  • Sanctus in d minor (BWV 239), J.S. Bach (sung in Latin)
  • See What Love, from the oratorio St. Paul, Felix Mendelssohn
  • Praise the Lord (A Processional Song), arranged by Ralph Johnson
  • Open Thou Mine Eyes, John Rutter
  • Cantate Domino, Guiseppe Pitoni, Ed. by Norman Greyson (sung in Latin)
  • The Cross, Pamela Martin/Craig Courtney
If you've thought about joining the Chancel Choir, but haven't gotten around to it, now is a great time to come join us. Adults and high school students are welcome. By participating, you will help lead and enhance worship on Sunday mornings, and will take part in the fellowship inherent in meeting regularly with one of our congregations's largest "small groups." If you have any questions about being part of the Chancel Choir, just ask Ginger Minneman or one of the Choir members. You can reach Ginger by email by clicking on her link on the LCOS homepage. Or, if you would like, call the church office at 293-1147.

This Weekend's Bible Readings

Some people find that a good way to prepare for worship is to read the Bible readings ahead of time. To make this easier for you, the readings from the Revised Common Lectionary for the coming weekend are posted on the LCOS web site every week on Tuesday. There is a link on the Links section of this page to take you directly to the web page with these readings.

Sonshine Choir Rehearsals Begin

The Sonshine Choir begins rehearsals this Sunday, Sept. 13. For more information on the year's schedule, see Mrs. Beal's blog - the link is on the Links section of this page and also follows:

Donations for "Evangelical Lutheran Worship"

When you receive your copy of the October edition of the Voice (via snail mail), it will include an envelope for donations to purchase copies of the new hymnal and service book, Evangelical Lutheran Worship (yes, it's red). All donations, big and small, will be appreciated--you can donate a single copy, several copies, or many copies. (We've ordered 450.) We'll be putting name plates in copies that are donated in someone's memory or honor. Please help our congregation be part of "Renewing Worship" in the ELCA.

Bell Choir Update

The Bell Choir will meet this coming Sunday after the 10:30 AM service.   I will be out of town, but Ginger has graciously agreed to lead the rehearsal.    After considering the calendars of those who met last week, it was decided that we will play at the 10:30 AM service on October 8.  If you cannot play that day, please let me know ASAP.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Get your personal copy of Evangelical Lutheran Worship

Do you want a personal copy of "Evangelical Lutheran Worship" for your home? You can order one through Augsbug Fortress by visiting

Bell Choir Rehearsals Begin

Bell Choir will resume rehearsals this Sunday, Sept. 10, after the 10:30 AM service. New members are welcome. Please bring your calendars so we can talk about the schedule for the fall and when people will be out of town.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Fall Worship Schedule Begins this Weekend

Our fall worship schedule starts this coming weekend: Saturday 5:30 p.m. (no change from the summer schedule); Sunday, 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. The setting utilized at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service will be Setting One from the LBW. We will have a guest preacher, Kathy Bengson. Kathy is a consultant from the Parish Resource Center, and will help us kick-off Rally Day. We look forward to seeing you at one of our services!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

New Book of Worship Coming Soon

"Evangelical Lutheran Worship" is the name of the ELCA's new service book and hymnal. At its last meeting, the Church Council voted to acquire the new "red book." The order has been placed, and we should be receiving shipment in the middle of October. Donations will be accepted to pay for individual copies-more information to come.

Sonshine Choir Blog

Mrs. Beal has started a blog for the Sonshine Choir, which is our younger children's choir. The Sonshine Choir will start rehearsals on Sunday, September 17 at 9:00 AM.
Chancel Choir begins practice for the season on Thursday, August 31, at 7:00 PM. We look forward to the opportunity to sing excellent music and the comaraderie. New members are welcome! The Choir will resume singing at the 10:45 AM Sunday services on Sept. 10.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

This week we welcome Wilma Meckstroth, organist emeritus, at the piano for a piano organ duet with our organist Rachel Spry. They will play Pachelbel Canon, arranged by Bradley & Lindberg, during the prelude.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Worship Committee met this morning, and we discussed starting a blog about worship at LCOS and our music program. For those of you who don't know our church, the Lutheran Church of Our Savior is located in Oakwood (Dayton), Ohio, and is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We are a medium-sized congregation, with an average attendance of about 200 people at worship each weekend. If you want to read more about our church, visit

The main topic of the meeting this morning was to discuss the new hymnal "Evangelical Lutheran Worship," which is being released in October. Our organist Rachel and another committee member attended a workshop at Trinity Seminary last week at which representatives from Augsburg Fortress presented this new hymnal. They were both favorably impressed with the new "red book" (yes, it's red), so the committee has decided to recommend to church council that the congregation purchase the new hymnal. If they agree, we'll pre-order copies now, which will save $2.50 per copy. The price if you order now is $17.50. We're recommending to the council that we solicit donations from members of the congregation to buy copies. Name plates will be put inside of donated copies with the name of the donor and the name(s) of people in whose memory the donation is made. Shipping is supposed to take place in October.

We'll probably start using the new hymnal either on Reformation Sunday or the first Sunday of Advent. One of the settings of the Communion service in the new hymnal uses the same music as setting II in the LBW, and we'll probably use that setting at first. For more information about the new hymnal, visit the web site for Renewing Worship.

One of the other things that we discussed at the meeting this morning was the flowers that are on the altar. The cost for each vase has been $25 for quite some time. Of course, $25 today isn't worth what $25 was worth a while ago, and the florist has had to adjust the size and type of flowers over time accordingly. Because of this, we think it's time to increase the amount spent on the flowers, and decided to change at the beginning of 2007 to $30 per vase.

The new school year is approaching rapidly, and the choir directors are gearing up for a new season. We go back to our fall schedule of two services on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM and 10:30 AM beginning on September 10. The first rehearsal of the Chancel Choir is Thursday, August 31 at 7:00 PM. I'll let the choir directors tell you more.