Tuesday, October 17, 2006

From Our Pastor's Weekly Update . . . .

This Sunday, October 22, the Sonshine Children's Choir will help to lead 10:30 a.m. worship by presenting special music prior to the Children's Moment.

The Rev. Dr. Dick Hardel will be our guest preacher at all three worship services this weekend. Dr. Hardel, a Lutheran pastor, is the executive director of The Youth and Family Institute in Bloomington, Minnesota, and is a passionate believer in families passing on the faith in Jesus Christ to children and youth. Dr. Hardel will also teach Adult Sunday School at 9:15 a.m.

The SACRED HARP SINGERS will hold their monthly gathering this SUNDAY, 3:00 P.M. IN THE PARISH HOUSE MEETING ROOM. You are welcome to stop by and join your voices with theirs as they creatively praise the Lord.

We missed the Chancel Choir in worship with us last week, and look forward to their voices and their leadership with us in worship this Sunday. But, it was a joy to hear from our YOUTH as they shared with us their experiences from the July Mission Trip, in which they worked on the Henderson family home in New Orleans. And, what a blessing to hear one of our youth share her voice in song with us!!


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