Friday, May 04, 2012

Weekend News

Dear People of God,
"Connections" is the theme of our worship lessons this weekend - our connection with God, and with one another. I'm finding some very interesting conversations about connections/relationships in light of the "virtual" world in which so many live these days through social media. I greatly appreciate the marvel of online communication - I'm doing it now! But, one can have hundreds/thousands of "friends" on Facebook and Twitter and still be alone and lonely. God created human beings as relational creatures. Relationships require time and commitment, things God is constantly lifting up in Scripture. In a world steeped in technology and marked by constant, instant change, are we still making time for those connections in our lives - not the virtual connections, but the real ones - with God and with people?
In Christ's peace,
Rebuilding Together
Next Saturday, May 12, is the new date set to complete the painting at the "Lutheran" house. You can contact Lee Scamp with your questions or to let him know you plan to attend. 
Woodland Cemetery Walk
Rescheduled from last Saturday because of rain, the Health Ministry Team has rescheduled the walk for tomorrow, Saturday, May 5. Meet at the church at 3:30 p.m. if you wish to carpool. The guided walk will begin at 3:45 p.m. Dinner will be at Ladder 11.
Punch Bowl
It is time to sign up to host a Sunday Punch Bowl! Held after the 9:45 a.m. summer worship, the Punch Bowl is a fellowship time, and those who sign up to host prepare punch and a snack. Sign up on the poster by the chapel or in the narthex.
Youth Service Project
Tomorrow, the youth will plant flowers around the church yard and install new bricks in the labyrinth walkway. Work begins at 10:00 a.m.; if you wish to help, we'll put you to work!

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