Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wintry Church News

Dear People of God,


   As I write this, I am able to see the grass in my backyard for perhaps only the second or third time in over a month, and by tomorrow, my backyard is supposed to be covered with snow again. I am well aware that not everyone is giddy with delight at the prospect of more snow. In fact, after the first flakes made an appearance in early December, some of you were telling me that you couldn't wait for the arrival of Spring! A dear friend and ministry mentor from Wilmington, North Carolina, helped me to understand the importance of "being in the moment", and celebrating life as it came each day. While on my internship "at the beach", I shared with John that I could not wait to receive my first call to parish ministry (1.5 years from then), and he gently accused me of trying to wish my life away. Over the years I have come to appreciate that gift of being in the moment, because despite all my planning and hoping, the present is all I have each day. The Gospel lesson for this weekend is about following Jesus, answering our baptismal calling to become disciples of our Lord. Discipleship, living out our faith, happens in the moment, because God is in the moment. Planning for tomorrow is certainly important, but if we wish away today, we not only miss opportunities for ministry, we also miss God in our lives. I would never wish that for you.

   So, for those of you who are not giddy with delight about more snow, here's my invitation: Spring will get here soon enough, so have fun with the life God gives you NOW – this Saturday and Sunday, bring a snow ball into worship and aim for me!




In Christ's snowy joy,




The Confirmation youth, with help from youth, parents and council members, are preparing our meal this Sunday for the Stewardship Luncheon, which will be held in the fellowship hall, 11:45 a.m. Please RSVP by this Friday if you plan to attend. The event will include a discussion about our congregational stewardship, ministry plans and dreams for 2011, and an opportunity for you to prayerfully discern how you wish to participate in our 2011 ministries. Your participation will assist the council in finalizing the 2011 budget proposal.



This Sunday, 9:00 a.m., the parents of the Holy Terrors will meet in the parish house blue room to create the activity schedule for this year.                                                                                                                                                                       



Surely, there is something for you on this day:

            - It's Super Bowl Sunday, so everyone is invited to wear clothing to worship with the name or mascot of your favorite school or team – any sport - high school, college, pro

            - It's also Souper Bowl Sunday, the national food collection day to help fight hunger in our country – so bring canned soups or other canned food items to church

            - It's Lutheran Outdoor Ministry "Camp Sunday", in which we begin collecting money for scholarships to assist children and youth in our congregation to attend summer church camp

            - and it's Annual Meeting Sunday, 11:45 a.m., in the fellowship hall, with covered dish lunch; we will act on the proposed budget for 2011 and hear ministry news from various ministry teams/committees


Have you started reading The Book of Revelation in Scripture? Remember to write your name and chapter number on the little yellow angels provided in the narthex and chapel areas (one angel for every chapter you read).


We are planning to construct a game show buzzer board for the March 6 Bible Bowl. Instructions have been secured on-line, but I could use some electrical help/assistance with the wiring. If interested, please let me know. Thanks!




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