Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year's Worship

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Just a reminder of our worship schedule this New Year's weekend:

Saturday, 5:30 p.m., in the chapel – a service of sung/spoken/silent prayers and Holy Communion.

Sunday, 10:30 a.m., in the parish house foyer – Responsive Prayer, with lessons, carols, and Holy Communion to usher in the new year. There is NO 8:15 a.m. worship or Sunday School.

Blessings for the new year!



Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Weekly News

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


And, so it begins all over again! God has led us through the doorway from one church year to another, and this weekend we mark that new beginning in worship as The First Sunday in Advent. Historically, Advent has very little to do with Christmas; it is a season designed to help us remember our mortality and God's promise of coming to make all things right in the world. Remembering our mortality is a very apt way to begin a new church year, for it helps to set the tone for the year: God is God, and we are God's people, but we aren't God (it's good to be reminded of that from time to time!). The liturgical color of this first season is BLUE, a symbol of hope, both for now and the age to come. The wreath with four candles is a visual aid to help us mark the time in this four week season. Our worship lessons for this weekend call us to stay alert and watch – watch for the daily and final coming of Christ, all the while remaining alert to the needs of those around us.


In Christ's hope-filled joy,




This Sunday, November 27 – 9:30 a.m. in the parish house blue room: watch clips from the movie Luther, and play a game of "Lutheran Jeopardy". No previous Sunday School experience necessary!



Join us this Sunday for our annual "Adventure Awaiting" celebration! Food, music, holiday craft activities, and our Silent Auction. The auction is a major fundraiser for our year-long Adopt-A-Family program. This year, we have adopted 19 families. Come and enjoy the start of a new year!



Our public faith discussion at Chappy's Tap Room and Grille will be held on Monday, November 28, 6:30 p.m. This month, our discussion topic is the theology of St. Paul's "for the common good" and partisan politics.



"I'm a lumberjack, and I'm OK . . ." With apologies to Monty Python, we are out of firewood, and we will be harvesting some of the dead trees on the north hillside on Saturday, December 3. Arrive at 8:30 a.m. (or whenever you can), and bring chainsaws, woodsplitters, gloves, goggles. If you don't want to cut wood, we can still use people to haul wood. And, if you burn wood at home, you are welcome to take some home.



Come make a gingerbread house and join in reindeer games on Sunday, December 4, 2:00 p.m. at the church. Parents can share in a cookie exchange (bring 60 of one type of cookie). Please RSVP to Rachel Lammi by December 1 (293-1147 or



The St. Olaf University Choir Christmas Fest simulcast is playing at the Hollywood 20 Cinemas at the Fairfield Commons on Sunday, December 4, at 3:00 p.m. Our own Kira Fenstermacher is a member of the choir. This event features 5 choirs and the St. Olaf Orchestra.



It's time! Order forms for Christmas Eve poinsettias can be picked up in the narthex, cloister hallway, and by the chapel. Cost is still $7/plant. This year we have ordered the marbled variety (red and white). Deadline is Monday December 12 for your completed form and $7 to be in the church office.



We are seeking 4 members to serve on the congregation council, term running 2012-2014. If you are interested in serving with an energetic, faithfully committed and fun-loving group of church leaders, contact Wendy Halverson or Jim Worley. The congregational meeting to elect new council members will be held on Sunday, December 18, 11:45 a.m.





Thursday, November 03, 2011

Weekly News - Festival of All Saints

Dear People of God,


This weekend, we have two different themes to our worship. On Saturday night, and the two Sunday morning services, our focus will be on the need to pay attention to staying connected with God, as we hear Jesus' parable of the 5 wise and 5 foolish maidens. Every one of us needs to have our spiritual tanks refilled from time to time, because they do run dry. A healthy relationship with God is the only way to replenish our wearied souls.


And then, at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, we will hold our annual Service of Hope and Remembrance, as we gather to celebrate the Festival of All Saints, remembering loved ones who died, and praising God for their presence in our lives. Following the service, everyone is invited to the fellowship hall for dinner and sharing of memories of those who have died.  I hope you will be able to join us for this important annual event for the congregation and community.


In Christ's hope,




It is time to collect Thanksgiving meal items for the New Hope Food Pantry. Pick up your grocery bag at church this weekend, and return it to the church on November 5/6 with the following items:

            + 2 boxes stuffing mix

            + 2 pkgs/boxes mashed potatoes

            + 1 can sweet potatoes

            + 1 box cornbread mix

            + 1 can green beans

            + 1 pkg noodles

            + 1 can/pkg gravy

            + 1 cake mix and frosting

NO turkey or cranberries are needed

Thank you for your generosity!!



Veterans' Day is Friday, November 11, and we are inviting the community to join us for a special service on Sunday, November 13, at 10:30 a.m. The morning will be dedicated, in part, to honoring service people of all branches of the military. Our Fellowship/Evangelsim Team, which is sponsoring this event, invites everyone to bring items for a care package to be sent to those who are currently serving.  Items for the care package include:  Chapstick, small tubes of sunscreen, baby wipes, nail clippers, word or number puzzles, decks of cards, envelopes, paper, pens, stamps, bandannas, small footballs, small travel sized board games, packages of USDA beef jerky, and hard candy. Coffee will be available prior to 10:30AM and a reception will follow the service. 


Service men, women and their families give so much and we believe it important to show our appreciation and gratitude.  We are inviting veterans, and the families and friends of those who are currently serving, to join us for the morning 


On Sunday, November 13, 4:00 p.m., we will host a special "care of creation" program for the community. Mr. Peter Rushton, of Confirmation Camp fame, will be with us, bringing his "family" of reptiles, including snakes. His program is designed to help us learn to care for those parts of God's creation we usually don't like. Invite your friends!



It is our turn to host the annual Thanksgiving Eve service with St. Paul Lutheran (Wayne Ave.) on Wednesday, November 23. Prior to the 7:00 p.m. service, we will have a soup dinner, and we invite any and all soup makers to share a pot of homemade soup with us. Please respond to this email if you wish to make soup.



It is time to begin signing up to place flowers on the altar during worship next year, as well as underwriting the eternal candle each month. Both "sign up" calendars are in the narthex. Cost of a vase of altar flowers is $30; cost for the eternal candle each month is $15. Sign up this weekend. 

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

All Saints Sunday - Service of Remembrance

Dear People of God,


In observance of the Festival of All Saints, the Chancel Choir of the Lutheran Church of Our Savior will present Home, A Service of Hope and Remembrance on Sunday, November 6 at 4:00 pm. The service will incorporate music and inspiring readings, as well as a time to remember family members and friends who have died over the years. This year, we will also remember the 13 LCOS members who died since last year's All Saint's service. This year's music will include classics such as Selig sind die Toten  by  Heinrich SchΓΌtz, the Virgil Thomson arrangement of the  beloved southern hymn, My Shepherd Will Supply My Need, along with some wonderful contemporary pieces by composers such as Gyneth Walker and Stephen Paulus. At this time of year when nature reminds us of the eventuality of death, we hope that this service will serve as a reminder of the hope that is ours in Christ. We invite you to join us for this special event. Immediately following the service, dinner will be served in the fellowship hall, during which time we will share memories of those who are no longer living. We hope you can join us.


In Christ's peace,




Thursday, June 02, 2011

Worship Time Change






SATURDAY – 5:30 P.M.


SUNDAY – 8:15 AND 9:45 A.M.

(with Kid's Church during the late service)





Church News - A Message From Our Pastor

Dear People of God,

In our first worship lesson this weekend from the Acts of the Apostles, Luke describes the disciples looking up, watching Jesus ascend into heaven. After a time, two heavenly messengers appear and ask why they are just standing there, gazing up in the sky – the implication being that they need to go home and be about the work that Jesus trained them to carry out, leaving Jesus to worry about when he is going to return. And yet, throughout the history of Christianity, the Church has forgotten that angelic admonition, obsessing over the end times, even if it is just our own, worrying about where we will end up instead of focusing on what Jesus has trained us to carry out – in the here and now. This Sunday, 5 of our young ladies will affirm their baptismal faith in a service of confirmation (during the 9:45 a.m. service). They will be vowing to use their faith in their daily lives to serve God, to strive to make a positive difference in this world, in the here and now. I invite you, I encourage you, I implore you, to support them in this new chapter in their faith journeys – help them to remain focused on the here and now. Let Jesus take care of what happens at the end time.

In Christ's joy,



Volunteers Needed for Kingdom Kids Children's Church

This summer, instead of holding Summer Sunday School classes concurrent with worship, the Christian Education Team is extending Children's Church through the summer. Volunteers are needed to help lead the children in this special worship/learning time, which is held during the 9:45 a.m. worship (after the Children's Moment through the offering time). NO prep work is involved! If you would like to help out one or more Sundays this summer, please respond to this email, or contact Rachel Lammi with questions (


Vacation Bible School Supplies Needed

For the games at VBS this month (June 20-24), we need 40 plastic half-gallon milk/juice containers. Please start saving your containers and bring them to the church. PLEASE RINSE OUT THE CONTAINERS BEFORE BRINGING THEM TO CHURCH!!! Thank you.


Lutheran Disaster Relief

As tornadoes and other natural disasters continue to disrupt/destroy lives and property around our nation, Lutheran Disaster Relief is helping. You can help by making a monetary donation to LCOS, designating it for LDR; you can also designate your gift for domestic assistance if you want it to remain in this country. If you are interested in volunteering to help clean up in Joplin, please respond to this email. A group is forming from our church, and will be joined by Lutherans from area congregations. LDR will contact us when they are ready for volunteers to begin working in Joplin, and then we will start planning details.


Youth Sale

No, we're not selling youth . . . instead, our youth are participating in the Oakwood Rotary Garage Sale, hosted by LCOS this Saturday, June 4. The youth will be selling food items, and a variety of craft items, with the proceeds going to our Confirmation Camp ministry. If you have any craft/food items you would like to donate to the cause (you don't have to staff the sale table), please bring all items to the small conference room next to the church office. And, of course, you are welcome to wander through the sales tables to find that special treasure.


Mac and Cheese Weekend

The Social Ministry Committee invites all of us to bring to the church food donations of Macaroni and Cheese for the food pantry this weekend.



On Sunday, June 12, 3:00 – 5:30 p.m., LCOS will host a special event for the Dayton Conference and the Dayton community, featuring a presentation by Skip Cornett, Director of Continuing Education and Life-Long Learning at Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Skip is the Ohio-Indiana coordinator for "Churches for Middle East Peace", and the chair of the Southern Ohio Synod Middle East Task Force. Sponsored by three Lutheran congregations (North Riverdale, St. Paul, Wayne Ave., and LCOS), this event is a great opportunity to learn more about the history of the on-going Israeli-Palestinians conflict, as well as the current issues and various lobby groups that offer resolution to this conflict (or keep it alive). Please RSVP to this email if you plan to attend so that materials can be prepared.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Holy Week News

Dear People of God,


The mysteries and powerful wonders of God that we mark and celebrate over these next four days changed the world forever. We offer worship on all four days in the hopes that as you participate in worship – in the prayers, and singing, and Sacrament of Holy Communion, and in the retelling of these sacred stories – your lives may be changed forever as well. As you read over the schedule below, plan to join us!


In Christ's joy,



            Maundy Thursday (6:30 p.m., @ Our Savior)

            We celebrate God's gift of the Sacrament of Holy Communion, along with offering prayers and

            anointing for healing.


Good Friday (6:30 p.m., @ St. Paul's, Wayne Ave.)

We hear the story of Jesus' Passion – arrest, trial, torture, crucifixion and burial – as recorded in Scripture, through the "Stations of the Cross".


            Holy Saturday (5:30 p.m., @ Our Savior)

            We gather in the chapel for prayer (sung, spoken and silent), asking God to send peace and

            healing to the world. We will also celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion.


Celebration of the Resurrection! (8:15 and 10:30 a.m., @ Our Savior)

Let our "alleluias" lift to the skies as we praise God for new life! This day is why our lives have meaning; it is the source of all hope and new life in the world. Kid's Church will take a break this day so that our families can be together.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Palm Sunday and Holy Week

Dear People of God,

   This weekend the church marks the start of the holiest week in the church year with the commemoration of "Palm Sunday". And as much as history has tried to romanticize Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, Scripture reveals that it was a calculated, well-planned public demonstration designed to unveil the true King: not Caesar, not Herod, but God, the champion of justice and mercy. In his actions during the last week of his earthly life, Jesus acts and speaks out of a sense of calling – he can do no other – without obsessing over the consequences. In his writings, Paul calls us to be imitators of the one who enters Jerusalem – not to die on a cross, but to have the courage to pursue justice and mercy in the face of pain and evil, regardless of the consequences. Are you up to it? I hope and pray that you are!

   In Christ's peace,



New Members

We will receive new members into our fellowship this weekend during worship on Saturday evening and at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. A reception will follow both services for you to greet our newest members.



Palm fronds will be handed out at all three services, and a special processional will begin the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service. Children are asked to gather in the narthex immediately after Sunday School, at 10:15 a.m.


Holy Week Schedule


Tuesday, April 19, 6:00 p.m. – The Lutheran Course, at St. Paul (Wayne Ave.). Dinner is served at 6:00 p.m., followed by our discussion at 6:45 p.m.


Thursday, April 21, 6:30 p.m. – Maundy Thursday Worship, at Our Savior, featuring prayers and anointing for healing, and the celebration of Holy Communion.


Friday, April 22, 6:30 p.m. – Good Friday Worship, at St. Paul (Wayne Ave.), featuring the "stations of the cross".


Saturday, April 23, 5:30 p.m. – Prayer Service in the chapel, featuring spoken, sung and silent prayers, and the celebration of Holy Communion.


Sunday, April 24, 8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. – Celebration of the Resurrection! Let your "Alleluias" rise to the rafters!


Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, April 16, 2:00 p.m. at the church, featuring The Hunt, along with games, face painting, activities and crafts, and CANDY!!!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mid-week Lenten Opportunities

Dear People of God,


Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 13, we have more opportunities for learning and worship during this season of Lent:

            1. Bible Study – "The Psalms of Lent", 12:00 noon in the parish house meeting room. This week we will look at Psalm 31:9-16. Bring your lunch.


            2. Lenten Dinner/Worship – St. Paul Lutheran Church (Wayne Ave.):

                        5:45 p.m. – light dinner in the upstairs fellowship hall

                        6:30 p.m. – worship in the sanctuary

                We conclude our thematic discussion of the values of Jesus, drawn from Philip Gulley's book, If the Church Were Christian; this week, the discussion topic is: "paying more attention to this life than the afterlife".


I hope you can make time in your schedule to participate in one or both of these ministry opportunities.


In Christ's joy,


Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Ash Wednesday Schedule

Dear People of God,

            We begin the season of Lent tomorrow, Wednesday, March 9, with the observance of Ash Wednesday. Our schedule for the day is as follows:


            Bible Study – noon to 1:00 p.m. in the parish house meeting room (blue room).

Bring your own lunch and join in the study of "The Psalms of Lent". Tomorrow, we will look at this Sunday's psalm, which is #32, King David's song of repentance after the Bathsheba debacle; it is a companion song to #51. Coffee will be provided.


            Evening Soup and Worship – we kick-off our joint mid-week Lenten services with St. Paul Lutheran Church (Wayne Ave.), with the first service at LCOS tomorrow.

                                    Soup dinner is at 5:45 p.m. in the parish house meeting room.

                                    Worship in the sanctuary at 6:30 p.m., with imposition of ashes and the celebration of Holy Communion


I hope you will make time in your schedules to participate in one or both of these mid-week Lenten events.


In Christ's peace,


Thursday, March 03, 2011

Transfiguration, Schedule for Lent, and Other Matters

Dear People of God,


We close out the Epiphany season this weekend with the celebration of the Transfiguration of our Lord. The title is a reference to Jesus' experience on the mountaintop with his friends/disciples Peter, James and John, wherein Jesus' appearance is momentarily changed (transfigured) to dazzling white and he is joined by Moses and Elijah. More importantly, Jesus' ministry is validated by God as the disciples hear the divine voice instruct them to listen to Jesus. How easy it could have been for Peter, James and John to completely miss that God-moment, had they been joking around on the mountain, enjoying the view, taking a nap, or making a sled run. How easy it is for us to miss out on the God-moments in our lives as well, for the Lord comes to us each day in and through so many people and events. Have there been times in your life when you have been aware that God has been with you? Are you aware that God is with you as you read this? Or when you are at school, driving to work, at the grocery store, in a meeting, on the playground, in a restaurant, as you work in your yard? How might your life be different if you were more aware of God's presence? I invite you to pay attention to these questions as we enter the season of Lent next week.


I hope we can be together in worship this weekend!


In Christ's joy,




Bryan arrived in Dayton last night, much to the joy of his family! He will be with us in worship on Sunday, and a reception is being held in his honor at 11:45 a.m. in the parish house BLUE ROOM. You are invited to welcome home Bryan from his tour of duty in Afghanistan.



Following the reception for Corporal Griffin, we will move to the fellowship hall for lunch and the hilarity of our second annual Bible Bowl. Below are two examples what you can expect in the competition:


What will the two witnesses wear who prophesy?

            a. Calvin Klein

            b. Gap

            c. Sackcloth

            d. Old Navy


            What did the writer see between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders?

            a. a Lamb

            b. a Lion

            c. a Witch

            d. a Wardrobe


If you can join us for lunch, please respond to this email.



This Sunday, from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m., the congregation is invited to stop in at the Noah's Ark Preschool Open House, at St. Paul Lutheran Church, on Wayne Ave. This is one of our joint ministry projects with St. Paul, and our own Linda Petersen is the school director.



Remember to bring your food donations to church this weekend to help stock the New Hope Food Pantry. Items on the "shopping list" are:

            1 pouch/can of meat or fish (spam, tuna, chicken, salmon, etc.)

            1 pasta or potato side dish

            1 can of veggies

            1 fruit (canned or dried)

            1 box cereal

            1 jello or pudding

            1 box of Bisquick or 1 cake mix and frosting

            1 juice, coffee, or tea



The season of Lent begins with our observance of Ash Wednesday on March 9. This year, on Wednesdays, we will offer both a noon Bible Study and an evening worship service. Below are the details:


The noon Bible Study will look at the "Psalms of Lent" will meet in the parish house Meeting Room, and will include a brown bag lunch (bring your own). We will conclude around 1:00 p.m.


The evening worship will again be a joint ministry with St. Paul Lutheran Church, Wayne Ave. A simple soup dinner will be held at 5:45 p.m., and worship will begin at 6:30 p.m. Our worship theme this year will be "Reclaiming the Values of Jesus". Special thanks to everyone who has volunteered to make soup for the three Wednesdays we are hosting dinner/worship. We are still seeking people to make one pot of soup for March 23, and one pot for April 6 (any kind). If you would like to make a pot of soup, please respond to this email, and indicate which date you are cooking for. The Ash Wednesday dinner and worship will be held at Our Savior.



Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wintry Church News

Dear People of God,


   As I write this, I am able to see the grass in my backyard for perhaps only the second or third time in over a month, and by tomorrow, my backyard is supposed to be covered with snow again. I am well aware that not everyone is giddy with delight at the prospect of more snow. In fact, after the first flakes made an appearance in early December, some of you were telling me that you couldn't wait for the arrival of Spring! A dear friend and ministry mentor from Wilmington, North Carolina, helped me to understand the importance of "being in the moment", and celebrating life as it came each day. While on my internship "at the beach", I shared with John that I could not wait to receive my first call to parish ministry (1.5 years from then), and he gently accused me of trying to wish my life away. Over the years I have come to appreciate that gift of being in the moment, because despite all my planning and hoping, the present is all I have each day. The Gospel lesson for this weekend is about following Jesus, answering our baptismal calling to become disciples of our Lord. Discipleship, living out our faith, happens in the moment, because God is in the moment. Planning for tomorrow is certainly important, but if we wish away today, we not only miss opportunities for ministry, we also miss God in our lives. I would never wish that for you.

   So, for those of you who are not giddy with delight about more snow, here's my invitation: Spring will get here soon enough, so have fun with the life God gives you NOW – this Saturday and Sunday, bring a snow ball into worship and aim for me!




In Christ's snowy joy,




The Confirmation youth, with help from youth, parents and council members, are preparing our meal this Sunday for the Stewardship Luncheon, which will be held in the fellowship hall, 11:45 a.m. Please RSVP by this Friday if you plan to attend. The event will include a discussion about our congregational stewardship, ministry plans and dreams for 2011, and an opportunity for you to prayerfully discern how you wish to participate in our 2011 ministries. Your participation will assist the council in finalizing the 2011 budget proposal.



This Sunday, 9:00 a.m., the parents of the Holy Terrors will meet in the parish house blue room to create the activity schedule for this year.                                                                                                                                                                       



Surely, there is something for you on this day:

            - It's Super Bowl Sunday, so everyone is invited to wear clothing to worship with the name or mascot of your favorite school or team – any sport - high school, college, pro

            - It's also Souper Bowl Sunday, the national food collection day to help fight hunger in our country – so bring canned soups or other canned food items to church

            - It's Lutheran Outdoor Ministry "Camp Sunday", in which we begin collecting money for scholarships to assist children and youth in our congregation to attend summer church camp

            - and it's Annual Meeting Sunday, 11:45 a.m., in the fellowship hall, with covered dish lunch; we will act on the proposed budget for 2011 and hear ministry news from various ministry teams/committees


Have you started reading The Book of Revelation in Scripture? Remember to write your name and chapter number on the little yellow angels provided in the narthex and chapel areas (one angel for every chapter you read).


We are planning to construct a game show buzzer board for the March 6 Bible Bowl. Instructions have been secured on-line, but I could use some electrical help/assistance with the wiring. If interested, please let me know. Thanks!




Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Bell Choir

The Bell Choir will resume its rehearsals this coming Sunday, January 9, after the 10:30 service.