Wednesday, June 03, 2009

News from the Pews

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

This weekend in worship, our lessons lift up the doctrine of the Holy Trinity (God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). We move to our summer worship schedule: Saturday, 5:30 p.m., and Sunday, 9:45 a.m. We are also celebrating "Music Sunday" at the Sunday service, as we praise God for the gift of music in our lives. The Punch Bowl fellowship time after Sunday worship will be hosted by the Youth Group, in honor of our High School graduates.  

Lutheran Study Bible

It's one thing to read God's Word. . . it's another to have a sense of grounding and understanding for what you are reading. Try The Lutheran Study Bible. We just gave copies to our confirmands, and it is a tremendously helpful resource to complement your daily Scripture reading. A copy is on display in the narthex, along with an order form, if you wish to order a copy for yourself. Cost is $18.75 per copy, which is a savings of $6.24. The order will be placed on Monday, June 29. 



For NCR employees – that their fears be eased as they await word on their future . . . for the many former GM (and affiliated) workers and the many former DHL/ABX employees who are still seeking employment – that doors would soon open for them . . . for parents, that they would remain strong as they strive to rear their children in the faith during such confusing times . . . for Dayton and Montgomery County leaders – that they be given vision and skills to effectively lead in these challenging times. . . for our congregation – that we would always keep God's mission foremost in our minds . . . and praise to God – because despite the junk life throws at us, God is always good all the time!


If you are traveling this weekend, may God keep you safe. If you are in town, let's gather in worship to praise God in song!


In Christ's peace,



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