Wednesday, March 04, 2009

News from the Church Pews

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


It might have been 7 degrees above zero yesterday morning, but you can hear it in the air – SPRING is coming on fast!! Can I get an AMEN?


It is in this season of transition between winter and spring that we observe the season of LENT, and this weekend, our lessons continue with the theme of covenant and promise, as our Old Testament lesson recounts the second covenant God made with humanity – Abraham and Sarah called to become the parents of the chosen people of God. And in our Gospel lesson, Jesus clearly spells out what is expected of those who are called to be God's people.


Don't be late! MOVE YOUR CLOCKS ONE HOUR AHEAD THIS SATURDAY NIGHT!!!! Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday.


Council Strategic Planning Session

Saturday, March 7, 8:00 a.m., the congregation council will hold the first of many work sessions in creating a strategic plan for ministry Lutheran Church of Our Savior. We will keep you informed of the progress.


Adopt-A-College Student Program

Special thanks to everyone who took an envelope off the tree in the narthex to adopt one of our college students! We still have a few envelopes out, so please bring/mail your envelope to the church office ASAP!


Jr. High/Sr. High Discussion

Youth in the Jr. High and Sr. High are invited to gather at Graeters Ice-Cream Shoppe in Oakwood on Sunday, March 15, 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of brainstorming ideas for Sunday School. We will meet for one hour; bring your ideas of how, when, where and what as we look at how the church can best meet the spiritual needs of our youth.


Easter Lilies

It is time to reserve your Easter Lilies. Forms will be in the bulletins this weekend, as well as in the narthex "information shelves". Cost is $7/plant, and the deadline is April 3 to submit your form and money to the church office.


Lutheran Course

This month, the Lutheran Course will again be held at Lutheran Church of Our Savior on Tuesday, March 17. In keeping with St. Patrick's Day festivities, the theme of our discussion will be The Three Most Rebellious Things Jesus Did. A light dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall, and study will begin at 6:45 p.m. in the parish house meeting room.


Jeremiah's Letter FISH FRY

Saturday, March 21, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church (3315 Martel Dr., just off Patterson Rd.)

Ron Iverson and Jack Whitaker have tickets, the cost of which are: -$9.00 in advance; $10.00 at the door; $4.00 for children 10 yrs and younger.

Matching funds are provided by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.

All proceeds will benefit Jeremiah's Letter.

Those attending are asked to bring an in-kind donation of towels or hygiene products (toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc.).


No snow or ice in the forecast, so let's gather in worship this weekend!


In Christ's peace,



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