Wednesday, February 18, 2009

News From Our Pastor; Ash Wednesday

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


The Season of Epiphany concludes this weekend with our observance of the Transfiguration, that mountaintop event in which Jesus takes 3 disciples who witness their "changed" Lord talking with the Old Testament prophets Moses and Elijah. As we have seen through our lessons in Mark during the season of Epiphany, the disciples just don't "get it", as here, Jesus prepares to travel to Jerusalem to meet his death, and they try to stop him. Are we willing to walk with our Lord to the cross in our discipleship?


Chancel Trees Coming Down

This Sunday, following the 10:30 a.m. service, we will remove the lights and dismantle the trees, which will be stored in the parish house basement. Lunch will be provided. Plan to remain/come back after worship to help prepare our sanctuary for the season of Lent. With enough help, this should be an easy, quick job.


New Members

We are receiving new member-disciples into our fellowship this Sunday, during the 10:30 a.m. service.


JLI Annual Meeting

Jeremiah's Letter, Inc., the urban ministry arm of the Dayton Conference, will hold its annual meeting on Monday, February 23, 6:30 p.m. at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, on Wayne Ave. Our own Terry Bruns is the executive director of this organization which is one of our mission partners. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend and learn more about this important ministry in the Dayton community.


Ash Wednesday

The season of Lent begins with our observance of Ash Wednesday on February 25. We will offer two worship opportunities: one at Noon, in the chapel, followed by a simple lunch in the parish house meeting room. The evening service will be held at St. Paul (Wayne Ave.), 7:00 p.m. (NO MEAL). The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated at both services, as will the imposition of ashes. 

May God's healing peace surround you this week and lift your spirits in worship!


In Christ's peace,



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