Thursday, February 26, 2009


Sent from my iPhone-pardon the typos. 

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Gary W. Eichhorn" <>
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


Yesterday we entered a new season of the church year, Lent, the name of which is derived from the Latin meaning "lengthening of days". Throughout this 40 day season (Sunday's are not part of Lent), our gospel texts help us to focus on our baptismal identity as children of God. This weekend, we have the brief account in Mark of Jesus' baptism, temptation in the wilderness, and his proclamation that the Kingdom of God has come near – a fitting way to begin our reflection on our relationship with the God who claimed us in Baptism.  Instead of following the tradition of "giving up" something for Lent, I encourage you to take advantage of the new beginnings God gives us each day: find ways as a family or individually to help someone else by using your gifts in ministry; make a difference in the life of another.


This Sunday is Bring A Friend To Sunday School Sunday. Our Christian Education team is encouraging everyone to invite a friend, classmate, coworker, neighbor, family member, to attend Sunday School. And while you are at it – invite them to worship as well!


Next Sunday, March 8, we will conclude our Summer Camp Scholarship Drive. Special thanks to everyone who has already made a donation to help send some of our children and youth to church camp this summer. If you would like to make a donation, please use on of the envelopes in the narthex and cloister tables labeled, Lutheran Outdoor Ministries in Ohio "Camperships", and place your donation in the offering plate or mail it to the church office.


Your response to the Souper Bowl Food Drive was exceptional! Thank you for all your donations. Unfortunately, the need continues to grow, so keep bringing your canned food donations to the church. On March 14/15, in worship, a representative of the New Hope Food Pantry will be with us to share more details about their work. On that weekend, the Social Ministry Committee is hosting a Fill the Grocery Bag Drive. Kroger Grocery is supplying bags, and the Social Ministry Team is creating a "shopping list". Be sure to pick up your grocery bag at the church March 14/15 to fill up. More details will follow.




Your Lenten Journey starts in worship – join me this weekend on Saturday, 5:30 p.m., or Sunday, 8:15 or 10:30 a.m.


In Christ's peace,



Monday, February 23, 2009

Chancel Choir Singing On Ash Wednesday At St. Paul's

Just a reminder to members of the Chancel Choir that we are singing
with the choir of St. Paul's Lutheran Church on Ash Wednesday at the
joint service at St. Paul's. Meet at 6:30 p.m. in the choir loft.

Sent from my iPhone-pardon the typos.

Ash Wednesday

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


We move into the season of Lent this Wednesday, February 25, with our observance of Ash Wednesday. Two worship opportunities are provided for you:

            Noon – in the LCOS chapel (with imposition of ashes and celebration of Holy Communion), followed by a simple meal in the parish house meeting room

            7:00 p.m. – at St. Paul's Lutheran Church (Wayne Ave.), also with the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion. Pastor Miller and I will present a dialogue sermon on the Old Testament lesson (Joel 2:1-2, 12-17). Please eat before coming to the evening service – there is no meal!


May the Holy Spirit lead you into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ during this season of Lent.


In Christ's peace,



Wednesday, February 18, 2009

News From Our Pastor; Ash Wednesday

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


The Season of Epiphany concludes this weekend with our observance of the Transfiguration, that mountaintop event in which Jesus takes 3 disciples who witness their "changed" Lord talking with the Old Testament prophets Moses and Elijah. As we have seen through our lessons in Mark during the season of Epiphany, the disciples just don't "get it", as here, Jesus prepares to travel to Jerusalem to meet his death, and they try to stop him. Are we willing to walk with our Lord to the cross in our discipleship?


Chancel Trees Coming Down

This Sunday, following the 10:30 a.m. service, we will remove the lights and dismantle the trees, which will be stored in the parish house basement. Lunch will be provided. Plan to remain/come back after worship to help prepare our sanctuary for the season of Lent. With enough help, this should be an easy, quick job.


New Members

We are receiving new member-disciples into our fellowship this Sunday, during the 10:30 a.m. service.


JLI Annual Meeting

Jeremiah's Letter, Inc., the urban ministry arm of the Dayton Conference, will hold its annual meeting on Monday, February 23, 6:30 p.m. at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, on Wayne Ave. Our own Terry Bruns is the executive director of this organization which is one of our mission partners. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend and learn more about this important ministry in the Dayton community.


Ash Wednesday

The season of Lent begins with our observance of Ash Wednesday on February 25. We will offer two worship opportunities: one at Noon, in the chapel, followed by a simple lunch in the parish house meeting room. The evening service will be held at St. Paul (Wayne Ave.), 7:00 p.m. (NO MEAL). The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated at both services, as will the imposition of ashes. 

May God's healing peace surround you this week and lift your spirits in worship!


In Christ's peace,



Friday, February 13, 2009

News From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


Aaahh . . . the hint of spring . . . good medicine for the soul! As we gather in worship this weekend, we hear about another kind of good medicine – our Old Testament and Gospel lessons are accounts of God healing lepers, who were excluded (literally "kicked out) from society because of their disease. Our lessons raise questions about our own lives: when and how have we been the "leper" and felt excluded? And, who are the "lepers" today – in our lives and in society? And in both cases, how does God in Christ bring about the healing of inclusion and acceptance?


On Saturday, February 14, the Health Ministry Team is hosting "FUN FOR YOUR HEART, MIND, AND SOUL" in the fellowship hall, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. for people of all ages. This "game day" features a wide variety of activities:

            HEART             corn hole, ping pong, shuffle board, charades, Wii, foosball, and more

            MIND                pictionary, scrabble, sudoke, hidden pictures, and more

            SOUL               fellowship with our sisters and brothers in Christ!

If you have them, bring your Wii Mii remotes.


Troop Supplies

We have already collected enough supplies to send our first box to Ramadi, Iraq. Thanks for your continued support.


Adopt-A-College Student

There are still envelopes on the tree in the narthex. Take one this weekend and support our students while they are in school.


Outdoor Ministry Camperships

Again, this weekend, special envelopes are in the bulletins for our campership (summer camp scholarship) fund drive. We are collecting donations to create scholarships to encourage kids from our congregation to attend summer camp this summer in one of our ELCA camps in Ohio: Lutheran Memorial Camp, Camp Mowana, or Camp Luther. Checks should be made out to Lutheran Church of Our Savior. The fund drive will conclude on March 8, and families have until March 22 to apply for scholarship funds.


Lutheran Course

The next installment of our monthly study with St. Paul's Lutheran Church is next Tuesday, February 17, 6:00 p.m., and will be held at Lutheran Church of Our Savior. A simple meal will be held in the fellowship hall at 6:00 p.m., and the class discussion will begin at 6:45 p.m. in the parish house first floor meeting room. This month's study topic is "The Sacrament of Holy Communion".


New Members

We will receive new members into our fellowship on Sunday, February 22, at the 10:30 a.m. service. If you know of someone who is interested in becoming a part of our fellowship, please let me know.


I encourage you to join your sisters and brothers in worship this weekend, and look to invite a friend to come with you!


In Christ's peace,



Monday, February 02, 2009

Souper Bowl

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


At our annual meeting this morning, I had the joy of announcing that our congregation collected 389 cans of soup, plus another 47 boxes of crackers/ramen noodles/etc. for the Souper Bowl Food Collection this weekend. Way to go! Perhaps an even more exciting number to share is that the children in our Sonshine Children's Choir came to rehearsal this morning and brought with them 55 food items for the collection!


This means that an additional 100 cans of soup will be donated to the cause since we met the challenge. Thank you for responding!


In Christ's peace,
