Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

It is snowing, as it is supposed to do in February . . . the church lot has been plowed and salted, as well as the walks and steps into the church. Our noon and 6:30 p.m. midweek Lenten services will go on as scheduled today.

And . . . if winter weather ever leaves you wondering if worship (or other ministry activities) are going on as scheduled or cancelled, you can call the church office, watch TV channels 2 and 7, and watch your email for any cancellations. Please know that in the event of snow or ice, our church lot is always plowed/salted in time for mid-week and weekend worship!

This weekend's worship theme is centered on the image of "living water" that Jesus offers a Samaritan woman at "Jacob's well". The ancient Biblical reference to "living water" implies water that is moving, teeming with life, and not stagnant and lifeless. In Baptism, Jesus, the source of this living water, breathes new life into us, and daily fulfills God's promise to be lead us into meaningful life. The flowing fountain in the chancel is an audible reminder of God's living water in Jesus. The series of Lenten banners that present life's contrasts (sin/grace, destruction/redemption, death/life) have been created by a member of the congregation.

Looking Ahead: Holy Week Worship
Maundy Thursday (March 20) – at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Wayne Ave., 7:00 p.m.
Good Friday (March 21) – at LCOS, 7:00 p.m.
Holy Saturday (March 22) – Taize' prayer service w/Holy Communion at LCOS, 5:30 p.m.
Easter (March 23) – one service at 10:30 a.m. celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord

May God's blessings fill your life this week with joy, hope, and the uncontrollable urge to make life better for someone else through your faith!

In Christ's peace,

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