Saturday, March 31, 2007

Palm/Passion Sunday 10 :30 A.M. Service

If you are looking for a church to attend on Palm/Passion Sunday in the Dayton area and would like take part in a service with a traditional liturgy and fine music, please join us at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior. The following lists the music we will include in this service.

The congregation will gather outside (weather permitting) for the reading of Luke 19:28-40, the story of Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Following the blessing of the palms, we will then process into the sanctuary while singing All Glory, Laud and Honor.

The Gospel reading for the day will be the Passion Narrative, telling the story of Holy Week through the death of Christ on the cross. The Chancel Choir ends the service with Pablo Casal's O Vos Omnes. The text of this piece is taken from Lamentations 1:12: "All you who pass along this way, behold and see if there is any sorrow like unto my sorrow." The service will end in silence; there will be no final hymn or postlude.

We will have services during Holy Week on Maunday Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday . All of the services will use traditional liturgies from Evangelical Lutheran Worship. Details of the times are in a posting below and on the church's web site Please join us for all of these services. The Easter Service will include a festival version of ELW Setting Four (including pipe organ and brass), and the Chancel Choir, Sonshine and Joyful Noise Children's Choirs, and Bell Choir will all participate. More details of the Easter service will be posted in the next couple of days.

Palm/Passion Sunday -

Lutheran Book of Worship Setting Five

Prelude - March, by R. Spry
Processional Hymn - All Glory, Laud and Honor
Chancel Choir - No Rocks A'Cryin, by Rillo Dillworth (based on Psalm 47)
Hymn of the Day - There in God's Garden, ELW 342
Offertory - O Lamb Gottes, Unshuldig, J.S. Bach
Music During Gommunion - Chancel Choir - Ave Verum Corpus, by William Byrd (in Latin)
Hymns During Communion - Beneath the Cross of Jesus, ELW 338; Were You There, ELW 353
Chancel Choir - O Vos Omnes, by Pablo Casals

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