Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Weekly News

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


And, so it begins all over again! God has led us through the doorway from one church year to another, and this weekend we mark that new beginning in worship as The First Sunday in Advent. Historically, Advent has very little to do with Christmas; it is a season designed to help us remember our mortality and God's promise of coming to make all things right in the world. Remembering our mortality is a very apt way to begin a new church year, for it helps to set the tone for the year: God is God, and we are God's people, but we aren't God (it's good to be reminded of that from time to time!). The liturgical color of this first season is BLUE, a symbol of hope, both for now and the age to come. The wreath with four candles is a visual aid to help us mark the time in this four week season. Our worship lessons for this weekend call us to stay alert and watch – watch for the daily and final coming of Christ, all the while remaining alert to the needs of those around us.


In Christ's hope-filled joy,




This Sunday, November 27 – 9:30 a.m. in the parish house blue room: watch clips from the movie Luther, and play a game of "Lutheran Jeopardy". No previous Sunday School experience necessary!



Join us this Sunday for our annual "Adventure Awaiting" celebration! Food, music, holiday craft activities, and our Silent Auction. The auction is a major fundraiser for our year-long Adopt-A-Family program. This year, we have adopted 19 families. Come and enjoy the start of a new year!



Our public faith discussion at Chappy's Tap Room and Grille will be held on Monday, November 28, 6:30 p.m. This month, our discussion topic is the theology of St. Paul's "for the common good" and partisan politics.



"I'm a lumberjack, and I'm OK . . ." With apologies to Monty Python, we are out of firewood, and we will be harvesting some of the dead trees on the north hillside on Saturday, December 3. Arrive at 8:30 a.m. (or whenever you can), and bring chainsaws, woodsplitters, gloves, goggles. If you don't want to cut wood, we can still use people to haul wood. And, if you burn wood at home, you are welcome to take some home.



Come make a gingerbread house and join in reindeer games on Sunday, December 4, 2:00 p.m. at the church. Parents can share in a cookie exchange (bring 60 of one type of cookie). Please RSVP to Rachel Lammi by December 1 (293-1147 or



The St. Olaf University Choir Christmas Fest simulcast is playing at the Hollywood 20 Cinemas at the Fairfield Commons on Sunday, December 4, at 3:00 p.m. Our own Kira Fenstermacher is a member of the choir. This event features 5 choirs and the St. Olaf Orchestra.



It's time! Order forms for Christmas Eve poinsettias can be picked up in the narthex, cloister hallway, and by the chapel. Cost is still $7/plant. This year we have ordered the marbled variety (red and white). Deadline is Monday December 12 for your completed form and $7 to be in the church office.



We are seeking 4 members to serve on the congregation council, term running 2012-2014. If you are interested in serving with an energetic, faithfully committed and fun-loving group of church leaders, contact Wendy Halverson or Jim Worley. The congregational meeting to elect new council members will be held on Sunday, December 18, 11:45 a.m.





Thursday, November 03, 2011

Weekly News - Festival of All Saints

Dear People of God,


This weekend, we have two different themes to our worship. On Saturday night, and the two Sunday morning services, our focus will be on the need to pay attention to staying connected with God, as we hear Jesus' parable of the 5 wise and 5 foolish maidens. Every one of us needs to have our spiritual tanks refilled from time to time, because they do run dry. A healthy relationship with God is the only way to replenish our wearied souls.


And then, at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, we will hold our annual Service of Hope and Remembrance, as we gather to celebrate the Festival of All Saints, remembering loved ones who died, and praising God for their presence in our lives. Following the service, everyone is invited to the fellowship hall for dinner and sharing of memories of those who have died.  I hope you will be able to join us for this important annual event for the congregation and community.


In Christ's hope,




It is time to collect Thanksgiving meal items for the New Hope Food Pantry. Pick up your grocery bag at church this weekend, and return it to the church on November 5/6 with the following items:

            + 2 boxes stuffing mix

            + 2 pkgs/boxes mashed potatoes

            + 1 can sweet potatoes

            + 1 box cornbread mix

            + 1 can green beans

            + 1 pkg noodles

            + 1 can/pkg gravy

            + 1 cake mix and frosting

NO turkey or cranberries are needed

Thank you for your generosity!!



Veterans' Day is Friday, November 11, and we are inviting the community to join us for a special service on Sunday, November 13, at 10:30 a.m. The morning will be dedicated, in part, to honoring service people of all branches of the military. Our Fellowship/Evangelsim Team, which is sponsoring this event, invites everyone to bring items for a care package to be sent to those who are currently serving.  Items for the care package include:  Chapstick, small tubes of sunscreen, baby wipes, nail clippers, word or number puzzles, decks of cards, envelopes, paper, pens, stamps, bandannas, small footballs, small travel sized board games, packages of USDA beef jerky, and hard candy. Coffee will be available prior to 10:30AM and a reception will follow the service. 


Service men, women and their families give so much and we believe it important to show our appreciation and gratitude.  We are inviting veterans, and the families and friends of those who are currently serving, to join us for the morning 


On Sunday, November 13, 4:00 p.m., we will host a special "care of creation" program for the community. Mr. Peter Rushton, of Confirmation Camp fame, will be with us, bringing his "family" of reptiles, including snakes. His program is designed to help us learn to care for those parts of God's creation we usually don't like. Invite your friends!



It is our turn to host the annual Thanksgiving Eve service with St. Paul Lutheran (Wayne Ave.) on Wednesday, November 23. Prior to the 7:00 p.m. service, we will have a soup dinner, and we invite any and all soup makers to share a pot of homemade soup with us. Please respond to this email if you wish to make soup.



It is time to begin signing up to place flowers on the altar during worship next year, as well as underwriting the eternal candle each month. Both "sign up" calendars are in the narthex. Cost of a vase of altar flowers is $30; cost for the eternal candle each month is $15. Sign up this weekend. 

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

All Saints Sunday - Service of Remembrance

Dear People of God,


In observance of the Festival of All Saints, the Chancel Choir of the Lutheran Church of Our Savior will present Home, A Service of Hope and Remembrance on Sunday, November 6 at 4:00 pm. The service will incorporate music and inspiring readings, as well as a time to remember family members and friends who have died over the years. This year, we will also remember the 13 LCOS members who died since last year's All Saint's service. This year's music will include classics such as Selig sind die Toten  by  Heinrich SchΓΌtz, the Virgil Thomson arrangement of the  beloved southern hymn, My Shepherd Will Supply My Need, along with some wonderful contemporary pieces by composers such as Gyneth Walker and Stephen Paulus. At this time of year when nature reminds us of the eventuality of death, we hope that this service will serve as a reminder of the hope that is ours in Christ. We invite you to join us for this special event. Immediately following the service, dinner will be served in the fellowship hall, during which time we will share memories of those who are no longer living. We hope you can join us.


In Christ's peace,
