Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Ash Wednesday Schedule

Dear People of God,

            We begin the season of Lent tomorrow, Wednesday, March 9, with the observance of Ash Wednesday. Our schedule for the day is as follows:


            Bible Study – noon to 1:00 p.m. in the parish house meeting room (blue room).

Bring your own lunch and join in the study of "The Psalms of Lent". Tomorrow, we will look at this Sunday's psalm, which is #32, King David's song of repentance after the Bathsheba debacle; it is a companion song to #51. Coffee will be provided.


            Evening Soup and Worship – we kick-off our joint mid-week Lenten services with St. Paul Lutheran Church (Wayne Ave.), with the first service at LCOS tomorrow.

                                    Soup dinner is at 5:45 p.m. in the parish house meeting room.

                                    Worship in the sanctuary at 6:30 p.m., with imposition of ashes and the celebration of Holy Communion


I hope you will make time in your schedules to participate in one or both of these mid-week Lenten events.


In Christ's peace,


Thursday, March 03, 2011

Transfiguration, Schedule for Lent, and Other Matters

Dear People of God,


We close out the Epiphany season this weekend with the celebration of the Transfiguration of our Lord. The title is a reference to Jesus' experience on the mountaintop with his friends/disciples Peter, James and John, wherein Jesus' appearance is momentarily changed (transfigured) to dazzling white and he is joined by Moses and Elijah. More importantly, Jesus' ministry is validated by God as the disciples hear the divine voice instruct them to listen to Jesus. How easy it could have been for Peter, James and John to completely miss that God-moment, had they been joking around on the mountain, enjoying the view, taking a nap, or making a sled run. How easy it is for us to miss out on the God-moments in our lives as well, for the Lord comes to us each day in and through so many people and events. Have there been times in your life when you have been aware that God has been with you? Are you aware that God is with you as you read this? Or when you are at school, driving to work, at the grocery store, in a meeting, on the playground, in a restaurant, as you work in your yard? How might your life be different if you were more aware of God's presence? I invite you to pay attention to these questions as we enter the season of Lent next week.


I hope we can be together in worship this weekend!


In Christ's joy,




Bryan arrived in Dayton last night, much to the joy of his family! He will be with us in worship on Sunday, and a reception is being held in his honor at 11:45 a.m. in the parish house BLUE ROOM. You are invited to welcome home Bryan from his tour of duty in Afghanistan.



Following the reception for Corporal Griffin, we will move to the fellowship hall for lunch and the hilarity of our second annual Bible Bowl. Below are two examples what you can expect in the competition:


What will the two witnesses wear who prophesy?

            a. Calvin Klein

            b. Gap

            c. Sackcloth

            d. Old Navy


            What did the writer see between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders?

            a. a Lamb

            b. a Lion

            c. a Witch

            d. a Wardrobe


If you can join us for lunch, please respond to this email.



This Sunday, from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m., the congregation is invited to stop in at the Noah's Ark Preschool Open House, at St. Paul Lutheran Church, on Wayne Ave. This is one of our joint ministry projects with St. Paul, and our own Linda Petersen is the school director.



Remember to bring your food donations to church this weekend to help stock the New Hope Food Pantry. Items on the "shopping list" are:

            1 pouch/can of meat or fish (spam, tuna, chicken, salmon, etc.)

            1 pasta or potato side dish

            1 can of veggies

            1 fruit (canned or dried)

            1 box cereal

            1 jello or pudding

            1 box of Bisquick or 1 cake mix and frosting

            1 juice, coffee, or tea



The season of Lent begins with our observance of Ash Wednesday on March 9. This year, on Wednesdays, we will offer both a noon Bible Study and an evening worship service. Below are the details:


The noon Bible Study will look at the "Psalms of Lent" will meet in the parish house Meeting Room, and will include a brown bag lunch (bring your own). We will conclude around 1:00 p.m.


The evening worship will again be a joint ministry with St. Paul Lutheran Church, Wayne Ave. A simple soup dinner will be held at 5:45 p.m., and worship will begin at 6:30 p.m. Our worship theme this year will be "Reclaiming the Values of Jesus". Special thanks to everyone who has volunteered to make soup for the three Wednesdays we are hosting dinner/worship. We are still seeking people to make one pot of soup for March 23, and one pot for April 6 (any kind). If you would like to make a pot of soup, please respond to this email, and indicate which date you are cooking for. The Ash Wednesday dinner and worship will be held at Our Savior.