Thursday, December 30, 2010

News for a New Year

Dear People of God,


There is an old, old joke about finding evidence of the existence of baseball in the Bible, in Genesis 1:1 – "In the big inning . . ." It is interesting that those words – the real ones – "In the beginning" show up a couple times in Scripture, and one place is in our Gospel lesson for this weekend. It is truly fitting, I believe, that as we read the prologue to the Gospel According to John ("In the beginning was the Word"), we will be walking through the doorway that leads us into a new year, experiencing another "beginning". But, with all of the hype placed on the start of a new year, we tend to forget that every day God blesses us with another beginning. And the questions that swirl around the start of a new year are the same questions that we should be answering as we start each day, each new beginning: How does God want me to live my life today? How can I use the gifts God has given me to make a positive difference in someone else's life? What opportunities for ministry will God place in my path this day? What can I shed from my life this day that gets in the way of my relationship with God, with my relationships? As those opening words of the Gospel According the John are read this weekend in worship, I invite you to praise God for the beginnings the Lord gives us each day, and to prayerfully consider how you will use those beginnings.


In Christ's peace,




As 23 of us did last Saturday on Christmas evening, you are invited to gather at the fireplace this Saturday at 5:30 p.m. for worship. The service will contain sung and spoken prayers for God's guidance, healing and peace for all in the new year, lessons, and the celebration of Holy Communion.



Our worship schedule for this Sunday:

            Worship – 8:15 and 10:30 a.m., with Kid's Church resuming during the late service

            Sunday School and Children's Choirs – between services



Following the 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday, you are invited to stay and help remove the Chrismons and lights from the 4 chancel trees, and dismantle the trees. The season of Epiphany begins on January 6.



You have one more day if you wish to make a year-end donation to the church. Donations will need to be at the church by 11:00 a.m. tomorrow (Friday, Dec. 31)



Many, many thanks to everyone who worked hard to make our Christmas Eve worship celebrations so joyous:

            pageant actors/actresses, costume makers, directors and coordinators, encouraging parents, worship assistants, Children/Hand Bell/Chancel Choir members, candle lighters, communion assistants, readers, ushers, musicians, and vocalists. 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Schedule

Dear People of God

If you are in town this weekend, I hope you will join us for worship, as we gather to celebrate the birth of Hope into the world. May that Hope be manifest in your lives all year long!

Friday:        4:00 p.m. - Family Service w/ Pageant (nursery care provided)
                10:00 p.m. - Traditional Candlelight Service (nursery care provided)

Saturday:    5:30 p.m. - Prayers, singing and Holy Communion at the fireplace in the Parish House foyer

Sunday:      8:15 and 10:30 a.m. - Service of Holy Communion
                 9:30 a.m. - All-grade Sunday Church School with Christmas Trivia, Wise Men Tales, and homemade Star cookies

There will be no "Kingdom Kids Children's Church" during the 10:30 a.m. service this Sunday. Families are encouraged to worship together and enjoy a message which includes Children's poems. Children's Church will resume on January 2.

If you normally make donations at the end of the year, or wish to do so, please make sure your donation is in to the church office by Friday morning, December 31. Thank you!

If you have not yet picked up your set of offering envelopes for the new year, they are on a table in the church narthex. Please pick up your set this weekend!

Please remember to sign up for altar flowers for worship in the new year. The calendar is in the narthex.

May God bless you with the joys and hopes of the Christ in your life!

In Christ's loving hope,

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chance Choir Special Rehearsal

Just a reminder that the Chancel Choir will have a special rehearsal on Saturday, December 18 at 11:00 a.m. to prepare for the Christmas Eve service.

Bell Choir Schedule

Just a reminder.  The Bell Choir will rehearse after the 10:30 a.m. service this coming Sunday, Dec. 19.  We are playing at both the late evening Christmas Eve service on at the 10:30 a.m. service on December 26.

Church News; Christmas Schedule

Dear People of God,

"Trust me". How many times have we been sucked in with that simple, two-word phrase? It's not that we don't want to see the best in people, but after having our trust in others dropped and shattered, it's hard not to become jaded when responding to that seemingly innocent request. But, those two simple words are what God whispers to us each morning we rise to begin a new day. God knows there are plenty of things and people promising us everything under the sun everyday; God knows that "all that glitters isn't gold" as Neil Young sang in "Don't Be Denied"; and God also knows that we humans love to go chasing after quick fixes and overnight solutions. God also knows what is behind most of those fixes and solutions – T R O U B L E. Our Old Testament and Gospel lessons for this fourth and last weekend in Advent lift up two contrasting examples of trust – one man ignores God's invitation to trust in the Lord and chooses that quick fix, and the other swallows his pride and chooses to trust in God. The results are astounding, even history-altering. Choosing in whom we trust may not change the course of human history, but it certainly impacts our own history, our own lives. I know how hard it can be to wait for God to act when all of those worldly glittering promises are dancing around in my head. But I also know, often in hindsight, that God's "trust me" never disappoints, never leaves us wishing we had not risked following God!

In Christ's joyous hope,

This Sunday, during the 10:30 a.m. service, we offer prayers and anointing for healing at the altar railing during the celebration of Holy Communion.

Please remember to bring/send your monetary donations to the church for 2010. If you are traveling for the holidays, or heading for warmer climes for the winter, please continue to send in your contributions while you are away, or send them in before you leave. Not only do we want to be able to meet our ministry obligations for this year, but we also want to continue those ministries into the new year!

Rehearsal for the Christmas Pageant will be held this Friday, 6:00 p.m. Dinner will be provided. Parents are invited to stay and help assemble bulletins and prepare candles.

We will deliver gifts to the 18 families in our Adopt-A-Family project this Saturday, December 18. THANK YOU! to all who participated in this important community ministry! If you wish to be a part of delivering Christmas joy, meet at the church at 9:00 a.m.

The choral group MUSICA! will present a special Christmas concert at Lutheran Church of Our Savior this Sunday, December 19, at 3:00 p.m., in the sanctuary. Tickets will be available at the door. Our own Elyse Fenstermacher and Ginger Minneman are singing this year!

Last Sunday, December 12, the following people were elected by the congregation to serve a three year term (2011-2013) on the congregation council:
            Wes Boord (2nd term)
            Kyle Maschino
            Susie Seleem
            Jan Wallace

Christmas Eve:             4:00 p.m. – Family Service with pageant
                                   10:00 p.m. – Traditional Candlelight Service
Christmas Day:             5:30 p.m. – Carols, Prayers, Communion at the fireplace in the Parish House foyer
Sunday, 12/26               8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. worship, with large group Sunday Church School event at 9:30 a. m.

May God bless you in your serving others this week!

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Your Chance to Sing

Our Annual Christmas Caroling is this Sunday, starting with lunch at 12noon in the Church Blue Meeting Room. The Holy Terrors fellowship group is hosting the event. All Ages are welcome!