Monday, October 04, 2010

Bllessing of the Animals

Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


Just a reminder that we will hold our annual Blessing of the Animals service tonight, 7:00 p.m., in the sanctuary. Hope you and your pet(s) can be present to help us "make a joyful noise to the Lord"!

In Christ's joy,



Friday, October 01, 2010

News From Our Pastor

Dear People of God,

This weekend, I will be leading a Men's Retreat for Lutheran Outdoor Ministries in Ohio (LOMO) at Lutheran Memorial Camp, and the Rev. Terry Morgan will be leading worship at LCOS. Pastor Morgan served Good Shepherd, Kettering, before serving the Duke University Lutheran congregation in Durham, NC. His final stop was to serve on the synod staff of the Southern Ohio Synod before his recent retirement. You will enjoy Pastor Morgan as your worship leader! The boilers are on at the church – the weatherman says we'll need it Sunday. It's supposed to be 36 Sunday morning at camp! Ahhhh, sweet autumn . . .


Weekend Worship

In our Gospel lesson, Jesus instructs us about the power of faith, and calls us to adopt the attitude of servants responding to our baptismal identity. Part of that servanthood is praying for others. This weekend, we pray for all who wrestle with mental illness, as well as for the family members and friends who care for those dealing with mental illness.


Blessing of the Animals

Monday, October 4, 7:00 p.m.! Bring your pets to church for our annual blessing service. If we have enough light, we'll gather in the prayer labyrinth; otherwise, we will be in the sanctuary. You are invited to bring any and all pets. Please have dogs on leashes, and everything else on leashes, in cages, fishbowls, etc.


Thank You!

Special thanks to all of you who volunteered your time and talents for the Jeremiah's Letter Oktoberfest last Saturday night. You donated silent auction items and pies; you shared your time in setting up, cleaning up, cooking and serving; and you shared your resources by purchasing tickets, attending, and bidding on the silent auction items. Thank you very much!!


Joint Bible Study Starts This Month

This is year three in which St. Paul Lutheran Church and LCOS have met together for monthly Bible Study. Tuesday, October 19 begins a new study: How Lutherans Interpret the Bible. This month, LCOS will host the event, which begins with a light dinner at 6:00 p.m., followed by an hour discussion from 6:45 – 7:45 p.m. Everyone is welcome!


May God bless you all with a Spirit-filled weekend!


In Christ's joy,
