Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Midweek Services

Dear People of God,

Tomorrow (Wednesday) we hold our second round of Wednesday Lenten services. Both are at LCOS this week, and both are centered around the theme of the 10 Commandments.



Noon, in the chapel, followed by soup and crackers in the blue room. 

6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary (Holden Evening Prayer), preceded by sandwiches  at 6:00 p.m. (in the blue room)


Hope you can make time to be with us.


In Christ's peace,


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ash Wednesday

Dear People of God,
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the start of the season of Lent. We will hold two services tomorrow:
Noon - @ LCOS chapel, with simple lunch in parish house meeting room (soup and crackers)
6:30 p.m. @ St. Paul, Wayne Ave. (no meal)
I hope you can join us.
In Christ's renewing love,
Dear People of God,
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the start of the season of Lent. We will hold two services tomorrow:
Noon - @ LCOS chapel, with simple lunch in parish house meeting room (soup and crackers)
6:30 p.m. @ St. Paul, Wayne Ave. (no meal)
I hope you can join us.
In Christ's renewing love,

Themes for Our Wednesday Lenten Services

Dear People of God,

This Wednesday, February 17, we move into a new season of the church year, the season of Lent. It is a time set aside by the church to help us "get back to the basics of our faith." Originally, Lent was that time when new believers were instructed in the faith in preparation for baptism on Easter eve. This is a wonderful time for each of us to "re-instruct" ourselves in matters of the faith. And our mid-week worship schedule is designed to help us do just that. Our Wednesday worship themes are based upon Martin Luther's Small Catechism, a teaching tool that we still use today.

Below is the schedule for the Wednesday services during the season of Lent. 
2/17 "Confession" 
2/24 "10 Commandments" 
3/3 "Creed" 
3/10 "Lord's Prayer" 
3/17 "Baptism 
3/24 "Communion"

As we move into this new season, may we follow the Spirit's leading to stronger conviction in our faith!  You can find the details of the times of our Wednesday services by clicking the link on the right to the church web site.  (Note that our Wednesday evening services are being held in conjunction with St. Paul's Lutheran Church in downtown Dayton.  The schedule indicates which services are held at which church.)

In Christ's hope and peace, 

Gary Eichhorn

Friday, February 05, 2010


Reminder - We join others throughout the country in celebrating "Souper Bowl Sunday" this weekend – bring your canned soup and other food/money donations to help feed the hungry and homeless in Dayton and beyond.

Worship This Weekend - A Message From Our Pastor

This Weekend in Worship we are challenged to prepare ourselves for the unexpected encounters with God: Isaiah was totally caught off-guard in the temple; Peter was shocked in his fishing boat; and Paul was knocked off his feet. It is tempting to "put God in a box" and then expect the Lord to act the way we think God should act. But, our lessons this weekend remind us that we need to be prepared to be "blown out of the water" in our encounters with God. What are you expecting to happen when you meet God in worship?