Thursday, December 30, 2010

News for a New Year

Dear People of God,


There is an old, old joke about finding evidence of the existence of baseball in the Bible, in Genesis 1:1 – "In the big inning . . ." It is interesting that those words – the real ones – "In the beginning" show up a couple times in Scripture, and one place is in our Gospel lesson for this weekend. It is truly fitting, I believe, that as we read the prologue to the Gospel According to John ("In the beginning was the Word"), we will be walking through the doorway that leads us into a new year, experiencing another "beginning". But, with all of the hype placed on the start of a new year, we tend to forget that every day God blesses us with another beginning. And the questions that swirl around the start of a new year are the same questions that we should be answering as we start each day, each new beginning: How does God want me to live my life today? How can I use the gifts God has given me to make a positive difference in someone else's life? What opportunities for ministry will God place in my path this day? What can I shed from my life this day that gets in the way of my relationship with God, with my relationships? As those opening words of the Gospel According the John are read this weekend in worship, I invite you to praise God for the beginnings the Lord gives us each day, and to prayerfully consider how you will use those beginnings.


In Christ's peace,




As 23 of us did last Saturday on Christmas evening, you are invited to gather at the fireplace this Saturday at 5:30 p.m. for worship. The service will contain sung and spoken prayers for God's guidance, healing and peace for all in the new year, lessons, and the celebration of Holy Communion.



Our worship schedule for this Sunday:

            Worship – 8:15 and 10:30 a.m., with Kid's Church resuming during the late service

            Sunday School and Children's Choirs – between services



Following the 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday, you are invited to stay and help remove the Chrismons and lights from the 4 chancel trees, and dismantle the trees. The season of Epiphany begins on January 6.



You have one more day if you wish to make a year-end donation to the church. Donations will need to be at the church by 11:00 a.m. tomorrow (Friday, Dec. 31)



Many, many thanks to everyone who worked hard to make our Christmas Eve worship celebrations so joyous:

            pageant actors/actresses, costume makers, directors and coordinators, encouraging parents, worship assistants, Children/Hand Bell/Chancel Choir members, candle lighters, communion assistants, readers, ushers, musicians, and vocalists. 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Schedule

Dear People of God

If you are in town this weekend, I hope you will join us for worship, as we gather to celebrate the birth of Hope into the world. May that Hope be manifest in your lives all year long!

Friday:        4:00 p.m. - Family Service w/ Pageant (nursery care provided)
                10:00 p.m. - Traditional Candlelight Service (nursery care provided)

Saturday:    5:30 p.m. - Prayers, singing and Holy Communion at the fireplace in the Parish House foyer

Sunday:      8:15 and 10:30 a.m. - Service of Holy Communion
                 9:30 a.m. - All-grade Sunday Church School with Christmas Trivia, Wise Men Tales, and homemade Star cookies

There will be no "Kingdom Kids Children's Church" during the 10:30 a.m. service this Sunday. Families are encouraged to worship together and enjoy a message which includes Children's poems. Children's Church will resume on January 2.

If you normally make donations at the end of the year, or wish to do so, please make sure your donation is in to the church office by Friday morning, December 31. Thank you!

If you have not yet picked up your set of offering envelopes for the new year, they are on a table in the church narthex. Please pick up your set this weekend!

Please remember to sign up for altar flowers for worship in the new year. The calendar is in the narthex.

May God bless you with the joys and hopes of the Christ in your life!

In Christ's loving hope,

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chance Choir Special Rehearsal

Just a reminder that the Chancel Choir will have a special rehearsal on Saturday, December 18 at 11:00 a.m. to prepare for the Christmas Eve service.

Bell Choir Schedule

Just a reminder.  The Bell Choir will rehearse after the 10:30 a.m. service this coming Sunday, Dec. 19.  We are playing at both the late evening Christmas Eve service on at the 10:30 a.m. service on December 26.

Church News; Christmas Schedule

Dear People of God,

"Trust me". How many times have we been sucked in with that simple, two-word phrase? It's not that we don't want to see the best in people, but after having our trust in others dropped and shattered, it's hard not to become jaded when responding to that seemingly innocent request. But, those two simple words are what God whispers to us each morning we rise to begin a new day. God knows there are plenty of things and people promising us everything under the sun everyday; God knows that "all that glitters isn't gold" as Neil Young sang in "Don't Be Denied"; and God also knows that we humans love to go chasing after quick fixes and overnight solutions. God also knows what is behind most of those fixes and solutions – T R O U B L E. Our Old Testament and Gospel lessons for this fourth and last weekend in Advent lift up two contrasting examples of trust – one man ignores God's invitation to trust in the Lord and chooses that quick fix, and the other swallows his pride and chooses to trust in God. The results are astounding, even history-altering. Choosing in whom we trust may not change the course of human history, but it certainly impacts our own history, our own lives. I know how hard it can be to wait for God to act when all of those worldly glittering promises are dancing around in my head. But I also know, often in hindsight, that God's "trust me" never disappoints, never leaves us wishing we had not risked following God!

In Christ's joyous hope,

This Sunday, during the 10:30 a.m. service, we offer prayers and anointing for healing at the altar railing during the celebration of Holy Communion.

Please remember to bring/send your monetary donations to the church for 2010. If you are traveling for the holidays, or heading for warmer climes for the winter, please continue to send in your contributions while you are away, or send them in before you leave. Not only do we want to be able to meet our ministry obligations for this year, but we also want to continue those ministries into the new year!

Rehearsal for the Christmas Pageant will be held this Friday, 6:00 p.m. Dinner will be provided. Parents are invited to stay and help assemble bulletins and prepare candles.

We will deliver gifts to the 18 families in our Adopt-A-Family project this Saturday, December 18. THANK YOU! to all who participated in this important community ministry! If you wish to be a part of delivering Christmas joy, meet at the church at 9:00 a.m.

The choral group MUSICA! will present a special Christmas concert at Lutheran Church of Our Savior this Sunday, December 19, at 3:00 p.m., in the sanctuary. Tickets will be available at the door. Our own Elyse Fenstermacher and Ginger Minneman are singing this year!

Last Sunday, December 12, the following people were elected by the congregation to serve a three year term (2011-2013) on the congregation council:
            Wes Boord (2nd term)
            Kyle Maschino
            Susie Seleem
            Jan Wallace

Christmas Eve:             4:00 p.m. – Family Service with pageant
                                   10:00 p.m. – Traditional Candlelight Service
Christmas Day:             5:30 p.m. – Carols, Prayers, Communion at the fireplace in the Parish House foyer
Sunday, 12/26               8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. worship, with large group Sunday Church School event at 9:30 a. m.

May God bless you in your serving others this week!

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Your Chance to Sing

Our Annual Christmas Caroling is this Sunday, starting with lunch at 12noon in the Church Blue Meeting Room. The Holy Terrors fellowship group is hosting the event. All Ages are welcome!

Monday, October 04, 2010

Bllessing of the Animals

Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


Just a reminder that we will hold our annual Blessing of the Animals service tonight, 7:00 p.m., in the sanctuary. Hope you and your pet(s) can be present to help us "make a joyful noise to the Lord"!

In Christ's joy,



Friday, October 01, 2010

News From Our Pastor

Dear People of God,

This weekend, I will be leading a Men's Retreat for Lutheran Outdoor Ministries in Ohio (LOMO) at Lutheran Memorial Camp, and the Rev. Terry Morgan will be leading worship at LCOS. Pastor Morgan served Good Shepherd, Kettering, before serving the Duke University Lutheran congregation in Durham, NC. His final stop was to serve on the synod staff of the Southern Ohio Synod before his recent retirement. You will enjoy Pastor Morgan as your worship leader! The boilers are on at the church – the weatherman says we'll need it Sunday. It's supposed to be 36 Sunday morning at camp! Ahhhh, sweet autumn . . .


Weekend Worship

In our Gospel lesson, Jesus instructs us about the power of faith, and calls us to adopt the attitude of servants responding to our baptismal identity. Part of that servanthood is praying for others. This weekend, we pray for all who wrestle with mental illness, as well as for the family members and friends who care for those dealing with mental illness.


Blessing of the Animals

Monday, October 4, 7:00 p.m.! Bring your pets to church for our annual blessing service. If we have enough light, we'll gather in the prayer labyrinth; otherwise, we will be in the sanctuary. You are invited to bring any and all pets. Please have dogs on leashes, and everything else on leashes, in cages, fishbowls, etc.


Thank You!

Special thanks to all of you who volunteered your time and talents for the Jeremiah's Letter Oktoberfest last Saturday night. You donated silent auction items and pies; you shared your time in setting up, cleaning up, cooking and serving; and you shared your resources by purchasing tickets, attending, and bidding on the silent auction items. Thank you very much!!


Joint Bible Study Starts This Month

This is year three in which St. Paul Lutheran Church and LCOS have met together for monthly Bible Study. Tuesday, October 19 begins a new study: How Lutherans Interpret the Bible. This month, LCOS will host the event, which begins with a light dinner at 6:00 p.m., followed by an hour discussion from 6:45 – 7:45 p.m. Everyone is welcome!


May God bless you all with a Spirit-filled weekend!


In Christ's joy,



Friday, September 17, 2010

News from the Pews

Dear People of God,


Last weekend was a fun way to kick off our Fall Ministries, leaving behind our summer worship schedule and returning to 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. format; launching the Kids' Church ministry during the 10:30 a.m. service; gathering for our SCS Rally Day festivities; and enjoying the glorious weather and great fellowship at the kick off picnic at Schafor Park! This week, our Children's Choirs and SCS classes officially begin.



One of the strangest, most outlandish stories told by Jesus is our Gospel lesson this weekend. Coupled with the Old Testament reading from the prophet Amos, our lessons can really grate on us all, dreamers or practical-minded. It can, and often does, make us both grateful and furious at the same time.



The Sunshine and Joyful Noise Children's Choirs will begin rehearsals this Sunday, at 9:00 a.m., upstairs in the parish house. The Hand Bell Choir will also resume rehearsals this Sunday, in the balcony, after the late worship service.



There are still spots left for the Men's Fishing Retreat, held October 1-3, at Lutheran Memorial Camp. This retreat is sponsored by Lutheran Outdoor Ministries in Ohio, and I was asked to lead it. The retreat topic is What are we fishing around for in life?, and the weekend will also include a pan fish derby on Saturday, ending with a fish fry at the lake. You do not have to like fishing to attend, and there will be other food choices if you do not eat fish. If you are interested, check out the LOMO website –, and click on the "retreats" link, or contact me for more details.



The New Hope Food Pantry has requested donations of dry pinto beans and rice. We will hold a drive for these items on October 9th and 10th. Two smaller packages is better than one large package, as they help more families; and if a large family has a need they can take two bags. We hope you can help; the need for assistance grows every day with more people than ever seeking help.



Received a text late last night that Athens County (southeast Ohio) has been declared a disaster area due to severe tornado damage. Please keep the people of southeastern Ohio in your prayers.



Please remember to support our ministries through your weekly/monthly $ donations.


May God bring us together in worship this weekend.


In Christ's joy,



Friday, September 10, 2010


Worship times change this Sunday from one to two services – 8:15 and 10:30 a.m., with Rally Day festivities at 9:30 a.m. Fall Kickoff Picnic at 11:45 a.m. at Schafor Park shelter. Fried chicken and drinks provided – bring a picnic dish to share, as well as lawn chairs or picnic blanket, outdoor games, and a SMILE!





Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Worship Schedule

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

 This Sunday, September 12, we move to our Fall/Winter/Spring worship schedule, which means there is no more 9:45 a.m. service. Please note the changes:

             8:15 a.m. – contemplative worship

          10:30 a.m. – liturgical worship, with chancel choir

 We will also hold Rally Day festivities to kick off our Fall Educational Ministries, and these will begin at 9:30 a.m. for all ages.

 Saturday evening worship remains at 5:30 p.m. in the Prayer Labyrinth.

 And, remember – our FALL KICKOFF PICNIC will be held this Sunday, 11:45 a.m. at the Schafor Park pavilion (Patterson Rd. and Schafor Blvd.) down the hill from the church. Fried chicken and drinks will be provided – you are asked to bring:

            - picnic dish to share

            - lawn chairs or picnic blanket

            - outdoor games

 It's time to begin our fall ministry schedule – join us in worship, Sunday School, and the Kickoff Picnic this weekend!

 In Christ's renewing joy,



Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Chancel Choir Kick-Off Party

The Chancel Choir will resume rehearsals on Thursday, September 2 with a party/rehearsal at the home of our director. We will start gathering around 6:30 for fellowship followed by a meal and an informal rehearsal. Meat and drinks will be provided, but bring a dish to share if you are able.  If you've been thinking about joining the Chancel Choir, this would be a great time to start. Hope to see all the familiar faces and many new ones as well!

Call the church office for further details. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

News from Our Pastor

Dear People of God,


 Weekend Worship

Our lessons this week continue to lift up the concept of relationship. We hear Jesus lift up the importance of prayer as a way of being in relationship with God, which is the way you and I are created – as relational beings.


On Sunday, July 25, our pastor emeritus, the Rev. Robert Willauer, will be preaching and leading worship. Pastor Willauer served Lutheran Church of Our Savior from 1966 – 1998.


Noah's Ark Lutheran Preschool

Last Sunday, our gathering at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, was quite a day! It was fun to be in worship together, communing with one another, and praising God with our many voices. The post-worship lunch, with homemade ice cream and homemade pies, was truly a blessing. But the fun really escalated when we auctioned 5 of the pies! A total of $1173.00 was raised from donations and the auction. The preschool, which will open next month at St. Paul's (in the space of the old Lutheran School) is under the direction of our own Linda Petersen, and features the following:

-          all day pre-kindergarten program

-          daily Bible instruction and weekly chapel with songs and worship

-          use of the nationally acclaimed Core Knowledge curriculum (

-          phonics based pre-reading program "Land of the Letter People"

-          math manipulatives, and introduction to: music instruction, foreign language and computer technology

-          cultural and fine arts enrichment programs

-          off-site field trips

-          on site before and after school child care

If you have a child/grandchild who would benefit from participation in the preschool, or have neighbors/friends with preschool-age children, call the office.


Theology on Tap

Next Monday, we will gather at Chappy's Tap Room and Grille (Alex Bell Road) at 6:30 p.m. for our monthly public theological discussion. This month, our discussion topic will utilize pictures from the Hubble telescope to talk about our perceptions of God's power and bigness, and how our perceptions of God impact the ways we live our lives. Everyone is welcome to join in this ever-growing discussion group.


Hard to believe that UD students will be back on campus in a few weeks, and public school starts in a month! Enjoy the rest of the summer and remember to spend time with God each day in prayer and reading of the Word.


In Christ's joy,


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Worship Time Change

Dear People of God,

Just a reminder that this Sunday we move into our summer worship schedule: one service, 9:45 a.m., with a Youth-hosted cookout after worship. The Saturday worship schedule remains the same: 5:30 p.m. in the prayer labyrinth.

In Christ's joy,


Friday, April 16, 2010

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear People of God,

 As we gather in worship this weekend, we continue in the Gospel According to John, in which the disciples are still having difficulty fully comprehending the power of the resurrection in their lives. It's a "fishing story" that begs the question: what are we fishing around for in life? Does it really give meaning to our daily lives, or does it just leave us empty and wanting something more?

 Needs for Jeremiah's Letter

Currently, the following items are needed at the Jeremiah's Letter food pantry. I invite you to take this list with you when you go grocery shopping.

Canned Fruit      Canned Meat     Jelly    Broth Based Soups

Juice (regular & child size)   Spaghetti Sauce

Snacks (jello, puddings, pretzels, cookies)

Hotel Toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion)

Disposable Razors    Toothbrush    Toothpaste    Deodorant
Towels   Wash Clothes   Blankets   Laundry Soap   Dish Soap

Paper Towels   Poncho/Rain Gear   Sleeping Bags

Financial support is also welcome; donations can be mailed to:

Jeremiah's Letter, Inc.
P.O. Box 842
Dayton, OH 45401


Lutheran Course

We will hold our April class discussion on Tuesday, April 20, at St. Paul (Wayne Ave.). Dinner is offered at 6:00 p.m., and the discussion begins at 6:454 p.m. This month, our topic is: Who are our neighbors, and what does that mean for Lutherans? We hope you can join us.


In Christ's joy,


Thursday, April 01, 2010

Holy Week Worship

Dear People of God,


Below is the schedule for our worship and fellowship for the next 4 days leading up to and including Easter:


Maundy Thursday: 6:30 p.m., at St. Paul's; featuring combined choirs and the celebration of Holy Communion (there is no dinner meal).


Good Friday: 6:30 p.m. at LCOS; featuring the Tenebrae service with the drama, "I Was There" (there is no dinner meal).


Easter Eve (Saturday): 5:30 p.m. in the chapel; featuring sung/spoken/silent prayer, Scripture, and the celebration of Holy Communion.


Easter Sunday: 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. Worship Celebrations of the Resurrection;

                         9:00 a.m. – Pancake Breakfast (fellowship hall)

                         9:30 a.m. – Easter Egg Hunt for children


May God bless your Holy Week journey and bring you to a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit.


In the Risen Christ,


Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Lenten Worship

Just a reminder that our midweek Lenten services will be held tomorrow. Worship theme is "Apostles' Creed", and the times/places are as follows:


Noon – LCOS chapel, followed by soup.

6:30 p.m. – St. Paul sanctuary, preceded by chili supper at 6:00 p.m.


Hope you can make time tomorrow to attend one of the services.


In Christ,


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Midweek Services

Dear People of God,

Tomorrow (Wednesday) we hold our second round of Wednesday Lenten services. Both are at LCOS this week, and both are centered around the theme of the 10 Commandments.



Noon, in the chapel, followed by soup and crackers in the blue room. 

6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary (Holden Evening Prayer), preceded by sandwiches  at 6:00 p.m. (in the blue room)


Hope you can make time to be with us.


In Christ's peace,


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ash Wednesday

Dear People of God,
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the start of the season of Lent. We will hold two services tomorrow:
Noon - @ LCOS chapel, with simple lunch in parish house meeting room (soup and crackers)
6:30 p.m. @ St. Paul, Wayne Ave. (no meal)
I hope you can join us.
In Christ's renewing love,
Dear People of God,
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the start of the season of Lent. We will hold two services tomorrow:
Noon - @ LCOS chapel, with simple lunch in parish house meeting room (soup and crackers)
6:30 p.m. @ St. Paul, Wayne Ave. (no meal)
I hope you can join us.
In Christ's renewing love,

Themes for Our Wednesday Lenten Services

Dear People of God,

This Wednesday, February 17, we move into a new season of the church year, the season of Lent. It is a time set aside by the church to help us "get back to the basics of our faith." Originally, Lent was that time when new believers were instructed in the faith in preparation for baptism on Easter eve. This is a wonderful time for each of us to "re-instruct" ourselves in matters of the faith. And our mid-week worship schedule is designed to help us do just that. Our Wednesday worship themes are based upon Martin Luther's Small Catechism, a teaching tool that we still use today.

Below is the schedule for the Wednesday services during the season of Lent. 
2/17 "Confession" 
2/24 "10 Commandments" 
3/3 "Creed" 
3/10 "Lord's Prayer" 
3/17 "Baptism 
3/24 "Communion"

As we move into this new season, may we follow the Spirit's leading to stronger conviction in our faith!  You can find the details of the times of our Wednesday services by clicking the link on the right to the church web site.  (Note that our Wednesday evening services are being held in conjunction with St. Paul's Lutheran Church in downtown Dayton.  The schedule indicates which services are held at which church.)

In Christ's hope and peace, 

Gary Eichhorn