Wednesday, September 09, 2009

A Message From Our Pastor - Fall Schedule Begins

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


This weekend, we move into our Fall Worship Schedule:

            Saturday:        worship at 5:30 p.m. (no change)

            Sunday:          8:15 a.m. – worship             

                                    9:15 a.m. – Rally Day festivities

                                  10:30 a.m. – worship

During all three worship services, we will dedicate new pew Bibles, commission teachers, assistants, musicians and choirs. We will also present new SPARK Bibles to students age 2-grade 6, so parents are encouraged to make sure their children are in worship this weekend! Our Rally Day festivities will include refreshments, games, music, a skit, and an opportunity for students to meet their teachers. 


College Addresses

It's time to update our mailing lists, so if you have youth in college this year, please send their address(es) to the church office by September 25.


Camping Trip

There's still time to reserve your spot for the 2nd Annual Church Campout, sponsored by the Holy Terrors, Friday-Sunday, September 18-20. Cost is $6 per person per night (tent). Just respond to this email, and pay your camping fee to the church. If you need a tent, let me know; we have people willing to share their extra tents. If you have an RV, and wish to join us, please make your reservations directly with KOA at or 1-800-562-3317.


Mission Trip Meeting

An informational meeting for the Dayton Conference Mission Trip will be held next Tuesday, September 15, 7:00 p.m. at our church in the parish house "meeting room". Yu are invited to come and learn more about this servant event, which will be in Lafayette, Indiana, October 4-10. This trip is open to youth and adults, age 16 and older.


Blessing of the Animals

On Saturday, October 3, during the 5:30 p.m. outdoor worship, we will hold a special "Blessing of the Animals". You are invited to bring your pet(s) to worship.


Church Offices Closed

On Friday, September 25, the church offices will be closed so that the carpets can be cleaned.


There is plenty going on this weekend – I hope you can be with us in worship and for Rally Day!


In Christ's peace,
