Saturday, May 31, 2008

Music for Music Sunday

The music that you will hear this Sunday if you come for the 9:45 a.m. service:
  • Prelude - All Glory Be to God on High,  J.S. Bach
  • Entrance Hymn - When in Our Music God is Glorified,  ELW 851
  • Hymn of Praise - Chancel Choir - Great and Glorious, Franz Joseph Hayden
  • Joyful Noise Choir with Chelsie Cooper, Soprano - Harmony
  • Music at the Offering - Chancel Choir - Praise His Holy Name, Keith Hampton
  • Hymn of the Day - Praise and Thanksgiving, ELW 689
  • Music During Communion - Handbell Choir - Righteous Man of Galilee
  • Music During Communion - Chancel Choir - Christus factus est, Anton Bruckner (in Latin); How Blest Are They, Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky
  • Closing Prayer - Chancel Choir - Crossing the Bar, Alfred, Lord Tennyson/Gwyneth Walker
  • Sending Hymn - Let Us Talents Employ, ELW 674
  • Postlude - All Creatures of Our God and King, arranged by Michele Murray, in the style of Hayden on piano.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bell Choir Rehearsal on Sunday, June 1

As discussed last week, the Bell Choir will rehearse at 8:40 on this coming Sunday.

Only One Service This Weekend

This weekend begins our summer schedule. There will be only on service on Sunday, beginning at 9:45 a.m. In order to bring the entire congregation together to kick off the summer, this will be the only service this weekend--there is no Saturday evening service this week only.

Two major events will take place at the 9:45 a.m. service. First, it is "Music Sunday," and the choirs will be taking part to cap off the 2007-2008 choir season. Second, we will be kicking off a new program that is being kept as a surprise. See the church web site for the details that are being revealed at this point.

Friday, May 09, 2008

No Bell Choir Rehearsal This Sunday

Two of our Bell Choir members are being confirmed this Sunday. Because of the reception for them after the service, the Bell Choir will not rehearse. Rehearsals will resume on Sunday, May 18. We will play at the 9:45 a.m. (summer schedule) service on June 1.

Congratulations Alexandra and Kristin!

A Message From Our Pastor: Pentecost, Food Pantry, and Other Matters

Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord,
This weekend, we celebrate the third great festival in the church year: The Festival of Pentecost – commemorating the gift of the Holy Spirit breathed upon, and into, the world. It is the Holy Spirit who reminds us of all that Jesus taught and did in his earthly ministry, and who empowers us with gifts to faithfully participate in our calling to be disciples of Jesus. Wear your RED in worship this weekend in honor of our Pentecost Celebration!!
Saturday, 5:30 p.m.
The Sonshine Children's Choir will be with us to help lead us in our singing and praise of God.
Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
We will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Baptism for Sophia Haley Gardner, daughter of Bill and Kelly Gardner, and granddaughter of Helen and John Gardner.
We will also celebrate the Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation) of our four confirmands:
Alexandra Coon, Daniel Ehler, Gabrielle Kronbergs, and Tristin Smith
These two services are being creatively combined into one celebration, with a special post-worship reception held in our confirmands' honor in the Parish House "Blue Room".
The Joyful Noise Children's Choir will also help us celebrate the day with special music in worship.
Youth Brunch Update
Thanks to the generosity of all who attended after worship last week, the youth cleared over $700.00 toward their summer mission trip to the Dominican Republic. The Youth still have Fair Trade products from throughout the world that will be available for purchase this weekend. Check out the table in the narthex.
Food Pantry Donations
Remember to bring your food donations to worship this weekend for the Food Pantry. Let's do our part to restock those empty shelves and provide food for those who are hungry!
LOOKING AHEAD . . . . . . .
"Music Sunday" and "A Time to Receive"
On Sunday, June 1, we will hold one worship service for the weekend, at 9:45 a.m. We will celebrate the many and varied gifts with which God blesses us, especially through the gift of music. This will also be a time for us to reflect upon how God wants us to grow and share the blessings we receive, and everyone present will receive a special tangible gift to "grow for the Lord" (not a plant!). Mark your calendars now, and do not miss this exciting worship opportunity!
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." (Ephesians 6:10-11) And what better way to arm yourselves than to gather in worship this weekend!
In Christ's peace,

Thursday, May 01, 2008

News from Our Pastor: Ascension, Spiritual Journey, and Other Matters

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
The Holy Terrors gathered in the Fellowship Hall last Saturday evening after worship for a raucous night of fun, food, and fellowship. It was "Game Night", hosted by the Auditore and Stowe families, and it was thrilling to see everyone in the large crowd enjoying themselves in such simple, but creative, ways!
This weekend in worship, we will celebrate the 2nd major festival in the church year, The Ascension of Our Lord. Our lessons remind us that even though the Risen Christ has been lifted into heaven, we find his presence among us as we proclaim the Word and share the Easter feast.
Spiritual Journey
We will gather at the church this Friday, May 2, 10:00 p.m. This is a great way to explore ways to deepen your relationship with God.
Eagle Project Donations Surpass Goal!
Way to go! Thanks to your generosity, we raised more than the $500 goal for Tyler Maschino's Eagle Project. This Saturday, May 3, Tyler will lead volunteers from his Scout troop and the congregation in building the shed that will house the plastic chairs used in our outdoor worship on Saturdays. If you are interested in helping, or just want to see how things are progressing, stop by the church this Saturday.
Mother's Day Brunch
The Youth will host their annual "Mother's Day Brunch" this Sunday, May 4, 11:45 a.m. in the fellowship hall. This event is a great way to celebrate God's gift of mothers to the family, as well as raise funds for the mission trip to the Dominican Republic. The Youth will also have "Fair Trade" items available for purchase. Make plans to be here this Sunday!
Confirmation Picnic
Sunday afternoon, the Dayton Confirmation cluster will hold it final event, a wrap-up picnic at St. John's Lutheran Church, in Ingomar (West Alexandria) on Enterprise Road. Staff from Lutheran Memorial Camp will be on hand to help lead the event. Families are invited to participate in the day as well. The event will run from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
That Day In May Parade
The Holy Terrors invite the congregation to join them in representing Lutheran Church of Our Savior in the 2008 That Day In May Parade, held on Saturday, May 17. Walkers and riders are welcome. Meet at the church garage at 10:45 a.m. or at the staging area on Far Hills between Peach Orchard and Dorothy Lane at 11:30 a.m. That's right – this year the parade is going down Far Hills Ave. as part of Oakwood's Centennial Celebration. Release forms for minors are available in the narthex. Please RSVP to Rachel Spry at the church by May 15.
Yesterday, when volunteers from LCOS delivered to the New Hope Food Pantry the 677 food items that you had donated over the last several weeks, they found the shelves virtually bare. I am hearing similar stories from colleagues about other pantries throughout the Miami Valley. Many people in Dayton are desperately hungry. When you do your grocery shopping, please remember to toss a few extra items into your grocery cart and bring them to the church. Also, the New Hope Food Pantry was just relocated to a new space in New Hope Lutheran Church, and a request is being made for donations of "pull-behind" rolling grocery carts. If you wish to donate one, bring it to the church, and we will include it in our next food delivery. Thank you!!
May God bless you this weekend with the joy of being with others in worship!
In Christ's peace,