Thursday, August 30, 2007

Bell Choir - New Members Needed

Rehearsals will begin on Sunday, September 16, after the 10:30 a.m. service.

The Bell Choir needs some new members to help bolster the ranks.

You don't have to be an accomplished musician to join us. If you've ever sung in a choir, played an instrument, or otherwise had some exerience reading music, you'll pick up bells quickly. Joe Beal has volunteered to help with a "beginner's class" that will teach you the fundamentals, and when we merge the beginner's class into the choir, we can pair you up with an experienced ringer who will help you out.

The Bell Choir is open to youth and adults. It can be a family activity - we've had several pairings of children and parents/grandparents.

If you're interested, please speak to Dick Freudenberger or Ginger Minneman.

Thanks . . .

to Wilma Meckstroth for playing the organ last Sunday while Rachel was out of town. It's always great to hear Wilma play, and it's a blessing that she is willing to come out of retirement to lead us in worship when the need arises.

Yes, the New Air Conditioning System is Working

For those of you who might not have heard, the new HVAC system is up and running. Thanks to the Church Council, Property Committee, and others for all the work that went into this project, and to everyone who has pitched in to help finance it.

From Our Pastor: Schedule Changes; God's Peace; Spiritual Journeys

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

As we quickly approach the time when summer fades into autumn, I want to remind you all of the various schedule changes that are upon us:

+ This Sunday (September 2) is the final 9:45 a.m. service for the summer.
+ Next Saturday (September 8) there will be NO WORSHIP - please join us Sunday for our fall kick off
+ Next Sunday (September 9), we will gather in our ONE worship service for the weekend at 10:30 a.m. to kick off the new school year and our "God's Peace Flowing Through Us" emphasis; in addition, an all-church Sunday School event will be held at 9:15 a.m.
+ Satureay/Sunday, September 15 & 16, we begin our fall worship schedule, with three worship services offered each weekend: 5:30 p.m. on Saturdays; 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. on Sundays, with Sunday Church Classes offered for all ages at 9:15 a.m. every Sunday.

Please mark your calendars, planners, palm pilots, blackberries, or anything else you employ to keep track of where you are supposed to be.

This weekend's Worship Theme deals with hospitality – our response to God's hospitality as extended in the Good News of Jesus Christ, and our call to share that hospitality with others in our midst.

"God's Peace Flowing Through Us" Update:

PRAYER VIGIL – to date, we have filled 27 of the 48 time slots (30 min. each); if you have not yet signed up, please do so this weekend in worship (or call the church office). A notebook of prayers will be
available for your use in the chapel.
PEACE POLE – the "punch bowl" area will be the permanent site for Peace Pole, and following worship we will hold a brief service of dedication and blessing of the Pole. We are seeking children, youth and adults to help carry the pole out of the sanctuary in the procession after worship (due to its size, the weight of the pole is significant!). If you want to help, simply come forward to the chancel during the singing of the last hymn, and we will put you to work.
COOKOUT - hot dogs, hamburgers, and veggie burgers will be grilled, and drinks will be provided. You are asked to bring a picnic dish to share with the crowd.

Spiritual Journeys

We will gather in the Memorial Prayer Labyrinth this Friday, August 31, 10:00 – 11:30 p.m. We will begin with Taize Prayer, and then view a brief video clip (on a laptop) to launch us into a discussion about how God is active in our lives. We know this is a high school football night, so if you cannot get there by 10:00 p.m., come late! And bring a friend. The fire pit will be burning, and the forecast is for the night to feel like autumn!

Enhance your holiday weekend by sharing time in worship with your sisters and brothers in Christ. If you are traveling, be safe and have fun, and we'll see you when you return.

Peace, in Christ,

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Spiritual Journeys Gathering This Friday

The next "Spiritual Journeys" gathering will be this Friday evening, August 31, at 10:00 p.m. outside in the Memorial Prayer Labrynth. Spiritual Journeys gatherings are for youth and adults who wish to deepend their relationship with God. Generated by youth who have been looking for ways to expand their spiritual journey, these late night gatherings combine ancient Christian worship rituals with Biblical interpretation and discussions of how God is present in the world today. They are open to anyone of any age who is interested growing in faith.through prayer, exploration of God's Word, and discussions of questions about faith and God's will for our lives.

This week, we will gather outside around the newly-donated fire pit. Bug spray will be availalble, and coffee and hot water for tea and hot chocolate will be "on." Invite a friend!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Thanks . . .

. . . to Elyse Fenstermacher for singing Bernstein's "Simple Song" last Sunday in worship. It was beautiful. Elyse is an alumni of the Chancel Choir. She attends St. Olaf College, where she'll be a junior this year. She is attending St. Olaf on a music scholarship, and is a recipient of the LCOS Foundation Willauer Scholarship Fund. Elyse is a French major and a member of the St. Olaf Choir, which tours extensively every year. We wish Elyse well as she returns to college for the year.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Although adjustments need to be completed, WE HAVE AIR CONDITIONING IN THE SANCTUARY (the bride and groom getting married on Saturday are breathing a huge sigh of relief)!!

The WORSHIP THEME this weekend deals with God's power to heal the "crippled" state of humanity – physical, mental, spiritual – so that we can worship God and serve others. Is anything keeping you from truly worshiping and serving? If so, hand it over to God, let God help you, and then celebrate God's gift in you!

As we approach our God's Peace Flowing Through Us kick off weekend (September 8/9), I invite you to consider participating in, and helping out with, any or all of the following:

+ 24-hour Prayer Vigil, from 9:00 a.m. Saturday, September 8 to 9:00 a.m. Sunday, September 9 in the chapel. We are seeking individuals, families, groups to take 30 minute shifts; a notebook of prayers for peace (global, community, home, health, economic, spiritual) will be in the chapel for your use if you wish; use the bulletin insert to sign up for one or more time slots, or contact the church office.

+ Campout on the church grounds – Saturday night; pitch your tents at 7:30 p.m.; Prayer Labyrinth fire pit will be burning throughout the night; games for all ages, plus songs, marshmallow roast, and prayers for peace.

+ All Church Sunday School – 9:15 a.m. featuring the Dayton Peace Museum Peace-Mobile.

+ One Weekend Worship Service – Sunday, 10:30 a.m., featuring Steve Fryburg, director of the Dayton Peace Museum, and concluding with a dedication service for a Peace Pole, which proclaims the message "May Peace Prevail On Earth" in 16 languages.

+ Cookout Lunch – Sunday, noon. We are seeking people to assist with grilling hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers – let the church office know if you are willing to help.

+ Fair Trade Fair – hosted by our Youth, featuring hand crafted items, coffee and chocolates, the proceeds of which will benefit people around the world.

Plan to be with us as we launch this exciting multi-year ministry emphasis!

Please keep our children, youth and school staffs in prayer as schools begin for a new year.

May God bless you this week, and lead you to worship this weekend!

In Christ,

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Chancel Choir Kick-Off Party - New Date

The date for the Chancel Choir's kick-off party and rehearsal has been changed to Thursday, September 6. The party and rehearsal are at the home of Phyl Mayne. Everyone is invited to bring a covered dish. Join us at 5:30 for appetizers, followed by dinner around 6:00. Rehearsal will begin at 7:30.

Ginger has many exciting things planned for this year - this would be a great time for anyone who has been considered being a part of the choir to join us.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Setting Nine from ELW

Last Sunday, we began using Setting Nine of the Service of Holy Communion from the ELW for the first time. This first effort went well, despite the heat (we didn't have air conditioning for one week while the new system is being put in place). Portions of this setting are familiar to the congregation because they are similar to music that appeared in the provisional setting we sampled several years ago as part of the Renewing Worship project. Also, members of the Chancel Choir gathered with Ginger prior to the service to read through the music so that they could help lead the congregation by singing confidently.

We'll be using Setting Nine for a little while so that people can learn it. In mid-autum, we'll continue our practice of seasonally rotating the settings that we know. The congregation will then be familiar with Settings Three, Four, Five and Nine from ELW, and V from WOV. The goal is to change periodically so that there is variety, but not so often that people feel unsettled. For example, we'll switch to another setting in the autum for the "festival season" which ends on the Festival of Christ the King, then use another setting during Advent.

Thanks . . .

. . . to Norma Nawroth for singing last Sunday during both the offering and communion. Norma beautifully sang In Joseph's Lovely Garden and Now the Silence. We appreciate Norma's contribution to our worship.

A Message From Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Last weekend in worship was exciting and challenging for us as a community of faith.

It was exciting because we celebrated the SACRAMENT OF HOLY BAPTISM for three young people, two on Saturday evening and one on Sunday morning.

It was also challenging because we were without air conditioning in the sanctuary, due to the installation of the new AC units for the facility. However, we managed just fine, and attendance was good. This weekend, we are anticipating the new AC to be installed and working (not guaranteed!), but the forecast is also for temperatures to be very comfortable – so dress accordingly!

I encourage you to check out the Spiritual Journeys gathering that is occurring at our church this Thursday, August 16, 10:00 p.m. Youth and adults have been assembling to experience various ancient Christian worship forms (prayers, chants, etc.), and to deepen their faith/relationship with God. This next gathering will be held outside in the Prayer Labyrinth, around a fire pit, and will include "Faith Fishbowl" in addition to prayer. This is an exercise in which questions are written on paper (anonymously) and placed in a fishbowl, drawn out one at a time, and then discussed. The questions may deal with general and/or specific issues surrounding faith. The goal is to conclude around 11:00 p.m. One of the youth is bringing cookies, and the coffee and hot water will be "on." You are invited to join us on our "journey."

This weekend, our worship theme deals with faith mentors in our lives whose life examples have helped us on our spiritual journeys. In worship, you will have the time to reflect upon those people in your lives who have been important faith models for you. We will also be offering prayers and anointing for healing during our communion celebration on Sunday morning.

We are also seeking prayer participants for our "GOD'S PEACE FLOWING THROUGH US" Prayer Vigil, which will begin 24 hours prior to our kick-off event on Sunday, September 9. A sign-up poster is in the narthex, and volunteers are sought for pray for peace (world, community, spiritual) in 30 minute time slots. The vigil will be held in the chapel, and a book of prayers will be available to use. On Saturday night, a group of members will be camping on the church grounds, and taking turns participating in the prayer vigil. I hope you will consider participating in this important ministry!

Jeremiah's Letter, the Lutheran urban ministry organization, is launching a new outreach program, and you are invited to participate. On August 24 and 25 (Friday and Saturday), Miami Valley Lutherans will be gathering in the Old North Dayton community to share God's love with a young man whose home is in great need of help: inside clean up and repair, outside clean up, painting. Many hands are needed to help, and volunteers are also needed to help provide lunch for workers. Due to the nature of this project, all volunteers must be at least 16 years of age. If you are interested in sharing some time to help, please contact Jeremiah's Letter director Terry Bruns.

Please remember, as St. Paul encourages us, to keep each other in prayer to remain strong in the faith! Let's gather for worship this weekend!

In Christ,

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Songs from Vacation Bible School

The children who attended Vacation Bible School sang during worship last Sunday. Surrounded by decorations from "The Great Bible Reef," they enthusiastically sang a number of songs that they learned during the previous week. Thanks to Elizabeth Beal for working with the children during Vacation Bible School and leading them in worship! We look forward to the children joining us again this fall in the Sonshine and Joyful Noise choirs.

Music for August 12

Service of Holy Communion, Setting Nine from Evangelical Lutheran Worship

Prelude - How Great Thou Art, by Wilbur Held
Processional Hymn - O God, Our help in Ages Past, ELW 632
Hymn of the Day - Faith of Our Fathers, ELW 813
Music at the Offering - Norma Nawroth, soprano - In Joseph's Lovely Garden
Music During Communion - Norma Nawroth, soprano - Now the Silence, by Vajda/Schalk
Hymns During Communion - Great is Thy Faithfulness, ELW 733; Give Thanks for Saints, ELW 428
Post Communion Canticle - Now, Lord, ELW 201
Sending Hymn - Lead On, O King Eternal, ELW 805
Postlude - Sonata V, Allegro maestoso, by Felix Mendelssohn

Friday, August 03, 2007

A Message from Our Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

We conclude Vacation Bible School tonight with a cookout dinner (hamburgers, brats and metts), followed by an evening of activities, sharing, and ice cream. Dinner is served in the fellowship hall at 5:30 p.m., activities run from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., and then we assemble in the sanctuary for a music sharing program. The evening concludes with ICE CREAM! I hope you can share in the activities this evening.

Special thanks to all the VBS VOLUNTEERS who helped with planning, decorating, and leading the various activities, including working in the kitchen! It has been a monumental effort that required the shared gifts of many. We have one more request for assistance. Immediately following worship this Sunday (August 5), we need to dismantle the decorations in the sanctuary and throughout the building. If you can share any amount of time, we will begin around 11:00 a.m. Most of the decorations were created through a collaborative effort between three Lutheran congregations: Our Savior, First (Xenia) and Good Shepherd (Kettering) – a great pooling of God's gifts!

During worship this Sunday, VBS Children will present a collection of special music they learned this week, praising God with their voices!

This weekend, our worship theme deals with our priorities in life and what we value most. Something for all of us to ponder: are we always aware that we are at the top of God's list of priorities? As we think on that, may we be open to the Spirit's prodding to place more value on our relationship with God.

Hope you are having a great summer. See you in worship this weekend!

In Christ,


Thursday, August 02, 2007

VBS Kids Sing in Worship August 5

Our Vacation Bible School participants are presenting their praises to God during our 9:45am service of worship this Sunday, August 5. After service, everyone is invited to help with our decoration deconstruction, as we celebrate the end of a wonderful week of faith, friends, fun, and fellowship in The Great Bible Reef, Vacation Bible School. Be sure to come join us in worship this Sunday!