Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Advent Starting and Other Matters
"Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
This weekend, in worship, we enter the Season of Advent as we begin a new church year. The color of the season is blue (for hope), for it is a time in which the church looks forward to the final coming of Jesus. The Advent Wreath will be in place, as we will light the first candle.
This Sunday, at 3:00 p.m., the first Christmas Pageant rehearsal will be held at the church. If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Spry.
Next weekend, Saturday (12/09) and Sunday (12/10) there is plenty happening: Saturday and Sunday in worship will be our Consecration Services as we receive “estimates of giving” ($ and time/talent) for 2007. Watch your mail for details. Sunday, after worship, we will also hold our annual ADVENTure Awaiting Celebration, which includes a silent auction, holiday craft fair, and great food prepared by our Youth. Plan to be a part of this festive day! And on Saturday, 8:30 a.m., we will put up the Chrismon trees in the sanctuary (trees only). Anyone and everyone is welcome to help erect the 4 trees.
As we begin a new church year, let’s gather in worship this weekend. It’s a great way to kick off the new year!
In Christ,
Update on New Book of Worship
So far, we have received donations for 170 copies of the pew edition. The congregation has purchased 450 copies, so we have a way to go. If you would like donate one or more copies in honor or memory of a friend, loved one, or anyone who has been a part of your faith journey, contact the church office. The cost is $17.50 each, because we pre-ordered. (Copies ordered today are $20.00.)
Christmas Caroling
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
About Our Church
We have three worship services each weekend: 5:30 PM on Saturday and 8:15 AM and 10:30 AM on Sunday. While every weekend service is a Communion service, there are distinct differences between the three services. (Click on the following link to a description of each service: Worship Descriptions.) There are many opportunities for lay people to participate in leadership of worship - choral choirs, ushers, acolytes, readers, worship and communion assistants, etc.
To read more about our church and to find driving directions, visit www.oursaviordayton.org. Visitors are always welcome.
Thanksgiving Eve Dinner and Worship; the Festival of Christ the King
"Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
Special thanks to Harriet Uphoff for bringing the inspiring message in worship this past weekend! Our community of faith is filled with plenty of very gifted people. Thanks to all of you who so willingly share your gifts for the glory of God and the uplifting of this community!
Tomorrow night, Wednesday, November 22, 6:15 p.m., we will gather in the fellowship hall for our THANKSGIVING EVE SOUP DINNER. As I type this, part of the crew is downstairs in the newly completed kitchen getting things started. At 7:00 p.m., we will move upstairs to the parish house foyer for our ANNUAL THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP. This years’ theme is “Lift Up Your Hearts,” and our time together will include looking at what we think God is calling us to do with our time, talents and resources in 2007 as we give thanks for God’s blessings in life this year. I hope you can be with us. If you are traveling, may God richly bless your Thanksgiving celebration, and guide you safely back to us!
This weekend is the final weekend in the Church Year, celebrated as the Festival of Christ the King. We have come full circle, hearing the stories from Scripture of how God has broken into human history, and into our lives, through Jesus the Christ. Next weekend begins another new Church Year, with the season of Advent, in which we begin to retell the stories again from Scripture. If you are in town this weekend, join us for our “year-end celebration” in worship.
Let's meet in worship this weekend!
In Christ,
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Bell Choir Special Rehearsal
Thanksgiving Eve Service and Dinner
Children's Christmas Pageant
Friday, November 10, 2006
Worship Notes for November 11-12
"Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets! They devour widows' houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation."In contrast, Jesus praises the poor widow who puts two small copper coins in the offering--everything she had.
The Chancel Choir's anthem on Sunday ends with a question: "And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" ("Offertory" by John Ness Beck, based on Micah 6:6-8.) An interesting question, in light of the Gospel lesson for the day.
This Sunday's Organ Music
Christmas Adopt-a-Family Program
2007 Flower Chart
The sanctuary (eternal) candle sign up sheet for 2007 is also in the narthex. Please sign up to sponsor the candle for a month.
Christmas Eve Bulletin Covers
Thursday, November 09, 2006
A Message From Pastor Gary
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
"Calling all soup chefs" - we are seeking people to help make the soup for our Thanksgiving Eve Soup Dinner, which will be held at 6:15 p.m. prior to our 7:00 p.m. worship on Wednesday, November 22. Supplies will be purchased in advance and placed in the downstairs kitchen (along with the recipe) prior to cooking. If you are interested in helping, please respond email me or call the church office.
It is time again to order your Christmas Poinsettias! Watch the church bulletins for the insert. Once again, the cost is only $7.00 per plant (4-6 blooms), and can be picked up after the 10:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
This weekend in worship, the Foundation Board will present a brief "Temple Talk" at each service. As part of our Stewardship Emphasis, this weekend's talk will focus on the Lutheran Church of Our Savior Foundation, how it helps our ministries, and how you can help the Foundation grow.
Let's meet in worship this weekend!
In Christ,