Saturday, September 30, 2006
Our Youth Group Has a New Blog
Friday, September 29, 2006
Sonshine Children's Choir
Choral Contrasts
The Chancel Choir anthem for this coming Sunday (Sept. 1, 2006) comes from an entirely different genre: Cantate Domino by Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni (1657-1743). Pitoni was an Italian composer and choir master and is best known for settings of the mass and other music in the style of Palestrina. Cantate Domino is a setting of a traditional text that starts with the opening line of Psalm 96: "Cantate Domino, canticum novum . . . ." "O sing to the Lord a new song . . . ." It is lively and joyous, and will be sung a cappella in Latin.
A Message from Pastor Gary
Our worship theme this weekend, as lifted up in our lessons, calls us to celebrate the rich diversity among God's people and the many ways we the people of God, and let go of the fear-based notion that everyone else has to be like us. The Chancel Choir certainly championed that grace-filled message last Sunday with an anthem that included a number of musical instruments that are usually placed outside the circle of traditional Lutheran worship. [See the posting above.] It was tremendously uplifting!
Next week, on Wednesday, October 4, which is the Feast Day of Francis of Assisi, we will celebrate a Service of Blessing of the Animals in the Prayer Labyrinth at 7:00 p.m. [This is the correct time--the email message sent to the congregation yesterday had an error.] Pets of all sizes and types are welcome: please make sure dogs are on leashes, and all others are in cages/terrariums/ boxes/bowls/etc. We have had lots of fun planning this--we hope you will join us! The service will conclude around 7:30 p.m.
While we await the arrival of the new hymnals--Evangelical Lutheran Worship--you can donate one or more in honor/in memory of loved ones by using the envelope in the October VOICE that was mailed yesterday. There are also envelopes in the church office. Cost is $17.50 per hymnal.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
October 1 Prelude
8. "Gloria in Excelsis"
Orgelstucke is a set of twelve pieces for organ composed by Max Reger in 1901. Gloria in Excelsis is based on the plainsong chant used in the mass. The text of Gloria in excelsis is one of five texts used in the ordinary (used at every mass). On October 1, we will sing This is the Feast, a modern textual variation upon the Gloria text. Reger's setting begins with a grand statement of the plainsong chant tune. Typical of Reger, there is a dense fugal section in the middle of the piece.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Change in the Beginning of the 10:30 Service
Yesterday's Sermon
Blessing of Pets
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Radical Service of Others
Three Distinct Worship Services Each Weekend
A Message from Pastor Gary:
It was great to have The Rev. Ed Williams (assistant to the bishop) with us in worship last weekend. The message he brought to us was very timely as we begin to think and plan for ministry in 2007 here at LCOS. Christ's command to pick up your cross and follow me, as Pastor Williams noted, does not include inconveniences and frustrations, but those activities involving sacrifice on our parts that glorify God and share Christ with others. I invite you to think about how you currently do that, both in the context of LCOS ministry and in your lives away from the church. As you do that, I invite you to consider what that may look like for you in 2007. How can you be involved in the life of Lutheran Church of Our Savior in the new year that glorifies God and favorably impacts others?
I challenge you to consider becoming involved in one new cross-bearing ministry next year: worshiping more often and/or assisting with worship leadership, attending Sunday School, attending youth group, serving on a committee/team, participating in a ministry project in which you have not participated before . . . the possibilities are plenty if you are willing!
It was a joy to be with so many of you last weekend in worship and Sunday School! Saturday night worship is bursting at the seams; the 8:15 Sunday service is using a new worship format (Service of Word, Prayer and Communion), and has grown in size from last year; and we have more youth and adults participating in leadership roles in our 10:30 Sunday Service. It is great to have our Chancel Choir back from their summer break. I can't wait for the Sonshine and Joyful Noise Children's Choirs Choirs to share their musical gifts with us in the coming weeks! Our Sunday Church School is also growing, which means that more of you are finding ways to grow in your faith!
Worship Committee Meeting
Bell Choir
Friday, September 15, 2006
Correction on Blog Address
The Ministry Update that was sent out yesterday to congregation members erroneously said that the URL for this blog was at “” If you’re reading this, you’ve obviously found the right address (it's at "") or a link to this site, but we apologize for the confusion created by the error.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Steve Swedlund
Joyful Noise Children's Choir
The Joyful Noise Choir begins rehearsals this coming Sunday, September 17, at 9:00 AM. Questions? Contact Celeste.
Rev. Ed Williams
A message from Gary: This weekend, we are blessed to have The Rev. Ed Williams with us in worship, bringing us the message. Pastor Williams is the new Assistant to the Bishop in the Southern Ohio Synod who relates to the Dayton Conference (he replaces Wally Arnold, who retired in February), and he will be here to get to know us and our ministries. I hope you will take the time to greet Pastor Williams this weekend.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Chancel Choir Starts Strong - New Members Welcome
- Blessed be the Name of the Lord, Dale Grotenhuis (based on Psalm 13)
- Sanctus in d minor (BWV 239), J.S. Bach (sung in Latin)
- See What Love, from the oratorio St. Paul, Felix Mendelssohn
- Praise the Lord (A Processional Song), arranged by Ralph Johnson
- Open Thou Mine Eyes, John Rutter
- Cantate Domino, Guiseppe Pitoni, Ed. by Norman Greyson (sung in Latin)
- The Cross, Pamela Martin/Craig Courtney
This Weekend's Bible Readings
Sonshine Choir Rehearsals Begin
The Sonshine Choir begins rehearsals this Sunday, Sept. 13. For more information on the year's schedule, see Mrs. Beal's blog - the link is on the Links section of this page and also follows: